A/N: I know it has been done before, but this is my own little take on it. Plus, my friend and I have the agreement that we will pretend to be the other's lover if creepy guys hit on one of us at the bar. A/O, as always. Cheers!!

A/N 2: I will be chaptering this one. I'm thinking a two or three parter.

Disclaimer: The characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC. If NBC knows what is good for it, it will renew Mariska's and Christopher's contracts.

Warning: Once again, two women crushing on one another. If it isn't your thing, turn away. There is also a tiny bit of bad language.

Anything, Chapter 1:

Who Are You Kidding?

By Melissa

Alexandra Cabot sat at the bar of what many would refer to as a 'lawyer establishment.' There were gorgeous people and power suits as far as the eye could see.

She really just wanted to drink her scotch and be left alone. The day hadn't exactly gone swimmingly. She only won about half of the motions, well below her average. She had had her fill of defense lawyers as well.

But, as always, Fate seemed to have other plans.

Richard St. Malet could not have been more perfectly named; because he often acted like a certain nickname for Richard, and he always thought of himself as a saint. This particular defense lawyer was a constant thorn in the side of the People.

Upon setting eyes upon the blonde ADA, he took up residence on the seat next to her.


"Rich," she replied, forcing herself not to roll her eyes.

"Rough day?" he asked, nodding towards the rather large tumbler in front of her.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Like you don't know. I lost that motion to you."

Rich chuckled softly. "C'mon, Alex. I've lost some to you too…just not today."

The ADA was annoyed. "What is your point, Rich?"

"Why don't you come and join my firm? Everyone knows you are a fantastic lawyer. I think that your skills would be better put to better use on the defense side of things. Plus," he took a sip of his drink, "you'd never lose to me again."

If Alexandra's look could kill, the defense lawyer would be lying dead on the floor. Or possibly he would have burst into flame.

"I tell you the same thing I constantly tell Trevor." She turned to fully face him, "No. Way. In. Hell."

"Trevor is an idiot. I can offer you way more power and money."

"I don't need either."

He laughed again. "That is very true," his eyes took a trip over her body as he said it. He decided to change tactics. "Why don't we have dinner to discus it further?"

Alex's right eyebrow went up on surprise. "What part of 'No way in hell' was unclear?"

"How about just dinner then?"

Her other eyebrow joined the first. 'Oh God. Please help me,' she thought.


The phone rang at the desk of the blonde ADA's assistant.

"ADA Alexandra Cabot's office, how can I help you?"

"Hey Megan, it's Olivia. I tried calling Alex's office and cell, but she didn't pick up. Is she around?"

"No, you just missed her. Her cell phone died, so that is why she didn't pick up."

"Ah. Do you know where she is?"

"Alex had a rough day. She mentioned something about going out for a drink. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"It's nothing urgent. But if you have an idea where she went, that would be great."

Olivia pulled out a pen and began to jot down the names Megan rattled off. Most of them were close. Olivia thanked Megan and hung up. Grabbing her coat she set out to go and find her friend.

The first name on the list was a bust. It was just like running down leads for a case. The second one would prove to be more fruitful.

Olivia stepped through the ornate door and was instantly in another world. This definitely wasn't like the cop bars she frequented.

She felt amazingly underdressed and out of place. She was wearing a light blue pair or jeans and a black turtleneck, accompanied by her famous leather jacket.

Scanning the place, she prayed she would see Alex. And she was rewarded, spotting her ADA sitting at the bar; garnering the attention of a man. She had her hair pulled back, accompanied by wearing charcoal grey suit. Olivia found it very hard not to stare at her friend's lovely, long legs.

The tight smile on the counselor's face was a sign she was not exactly enjoying the attention. The NYPD detective knew the ADA could take care of herself. She hung back, but ready to intervene in a fraction of a second if need be.

The man looked away for a few moments and Alex looked up at the ceiling. Her lips moved slightly, like she was begging for help.

If her friend was praying for help, then Olivia certainly wouldn't deny it. It was just the way she could rescue her that was up to debate. Sure, she could simply ask Alex to accompany her, saying something had come up in a case. That would be certainly plausible.

But where would be the fun in that?

Something then occurred to Olivia. She shook her head while grinning.

She couldn't do it.

She wouldn't.

Her feet began to carry her in the direction of her friend, scheme in hand.

Too late.

"Hello, darling! I am so sorry it took me forever to get here." Olivia slid her arm around Alex's trim waist, while placing a chaste kiss on her cheek.

The detective wasn't sure whose expression was more priceless; the man's or Alexandra Cabot's.

Olivia continued to play. "Aw, don't give the silent treatment…you know I would never purposely let you down."

The blonde eventually found her voice. She had been too busy thanking every deity there was that her tall, dark and gorgeous best friend had somehow heard her mental pleas.

"Hey beautiful," Alex managed to say around her shock. "I thought you were standing me up."

"No fucking way!"

Two sets of beautiful eyes turned towards the outburst. Rich, who had unsuccessfully been trying to hit on Alex, had his mouth open in disbelief.

The older woman tightened her grip slightly on the prosecutor. "Who's this?" She put a certain emphasis on the last word. Olivia knew perfectly well who the defense lawyer was.

"Alex…you're…you're seeing her?"

'It appears so,' she thought. Turning her head towards Olivia, she brought her hand up to stroke her cheek. For a fleeting moment, she wanted to kiss those lovely lips. Alexandra then blinked rapidly, wondering where that had come from.

His eyes caught the glint of the badge on Olivia's belt. The smarmy lawyer snorted. "I didn't figure you for the slumming type."

The blonde's head snapped back around with such force that Olivia feared for her vertebrae.

"Shut up, Dick." Alex knew he hated that knick name. Plus he was certainly acting like one. "The only way I would be slumming is if I had agreed to go out with you."

The man went from confused to smiling in a few moments. He then began to laugh. "Oh, I get it!! This is a friend of yours! You set this up so she would come up and 'rescue you,'" he used air quotes. "Usually it's just an 'emergency' phone call."

Olivia willed her eyebrows not to climb up her forehead. This guy just couldn't take a hint. True, she was her friend and was there to rescue her, but he didn't need to know that.

"C'mon, Alex. Let's find a booth."

As they made their way away from the bar, Rich called out. "You can pretend all you want. But I still don't believe it!!"

After finding a seat in a corner, the detective sat very near the ADA, grinning like an idiot.

Alex leaned in close to Olivia to whisper. "Can I borrow your gun?"

The older woman laughed, full and throaty. She hadn't expected her prim and proper friend to ask to use her firearm, even in a joking manner.

With pure adoration, Alex continued. "How did you know I would be here?"

"If I cocked my head just right, I could swear I heard your mind screaming…or I called your assistant," Olivia replied with a grin. "She said you were planning on going out after work. This is the second bar I tried from the bunch she thought you may choose."

The ADA reached up and tucked some stray hairs behind Olivia's ear. "So you were tracking me down like a perp?"

"This is perhaps the only assignment I've actually enjoyed. Feel free to let me chase you more often counselor."

Alex cursed her fair complexion, because she was positive a blush was forming.

"You know he is still staring at us, right?"

"Yeah. I guess he still doesn't believe I am your girlfriend."

Blue eyes twinkled. "But you aren't my girlfriend."

Brown eyes winked back. "Tonight I am."

Inside, the counselor was doing a happy dance.

Raising their entwined hands, Alex lightly kissed the back of Olivia's while smiling like a fool.

"Then let the games begin."

To Be Continued….

A/N: Let me know how I am doing?