Finally I got a chapter in.

It has been a long time since I've updated and please believe me when I say I'm sorry. I had been caught up in applying to colleges and writing essay for my applications that my story had to move lower on my priority list. However applications are over and graduation is coming up so hopefully more time will be available to me.

I hope you enjoy this

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters just the plot

Miranda Rights and April Fights- Chapter Six

Hear me now God- I swear that on all that is scared: my shoes, ice cream, vodka shots- I will never miss church again- I will never roll my eyes again if you just make this whole thing just disappear.

"Babe- it's not gonna work"

"A little divine intervention never hurt anyone."

"That's debatable"

I took a little sneak peak at the man standing next to me, but before I could say anything more he signaled for me to look up front.

Matthew Marino is just one of the many Marinos that have been in the burg for generations. He and my dad go way back, but so do he and Morelli's dad. Wouldn't matter either way though from one I heard he was one of the few honest men in law.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? The 'Bounty Hunter from hell' and a Morelli. I don't know whether to be shocked that you're both here or question why it took so long."

On any other day I would have been insulted (and rightly so may I say), but even I had to agree that he had a point there.

The judged turned over to Morelli and studied him for a moment "Officer Morelli, the last time I had you in my court you were testifying in the Gilman case. I must say I was quite surprised to hear under what circumstances you would be in my court again."

"Well what can I say, life works in mysterious ways."

Keep that smirk on your face and my foot is gonna work itself up your ass.

Now it is my turn to face the almighty glare.

"And you Miss Plum, while I never had the pleasure of having you in my court Judge Wilson told me you were quite the hellion during your divorce case."

Great, instead of remembering me as the woman who brought in all the criminals to court he remembers me as the woman who threatened to castrate her ex-husband and use his member as a door stopper.

"My sincerest apologizes your honor. Next time I'm wrongly accused of a crime I'll make sure your preceding the trial."

"Your honor she-"

"Now now Morelli this trial has just begun. I'm not going to base my decision on just one comment."

Well there goes my plan to scream 'It's not my fight and Morelli is an asshole'

"Let's begin. How does the defendant plea in regards to the charge of assault against an officer?"

"Not guilty."

"Good. Prosecution you may begin with your opening statement."

The other attorney (I can proudly say that he was in no way as handsome as mine) stood up and walked to the center of the courtroom.

Maybe if I glare hard enough at him his head will catch on fire.

"Babe, it might be a good idea if you look innocent."

Fine I'll smile. There see, I'm smiling.

"I said innocent Babe not insane pull it back a little."

"Hey your my attorney, shouldn't you be paying attention to what he is saying rather than what my face looks like?"

"What can I say I'm a man with priorities."

"-and that brings me to by final point. Your honor, with absolutely no incentive whats so ever the defendant Miss Plum assaulted my client both physically and verbally. She has shown no remorse for her actions and her guilt cannot be denied as seen by the bruise on my client's face. There is no doubt that the defendant should be found guilty of the charges against her."

No incentive? Did that man just say that there was no incentive? So what calling me a joke and insulting my job, friends, and family is now slang for 'I love you'.

"Ranger you better have a plan or I'm telling grandma where you live."

"Wouldn't matter the place is secure. Big blue couldn't even survive getting through there."

"Wouldn't matter you gave me a key. Remember."

Oh my, is that fear. Is the big bad bounty hunter afraid of the little ol' lady? Don't worry let me comfort you by holding your head against my bosom-

Must not go there.

"Bet you reject giving me your key now."


"Mr. Manoso, are you prepared to give your opening statement?"

"Yes Your Honor"

Sexy stood up and walked, while I remained seated and stared. Oh, what and ass, what an ass, what a mighty fine ass.

It is such a shame that they don't allow cameras in here because let me tell you I am looking right at a piece of art. Mental note: create a petition to get that man out of his pants 24/7. I mean are pants really necessary for him.

He pays me to be a distraction, but damn he got a good distraction right there, safely cushioned under those flattering pants.

Oy I need to get laid- and properly this time.

Yo, your on trial here pay attention.

I am paying attention, just not on the trial.

"Your honor despite the prosecution's claim Ms. Plum's actions were warranted when you consider Morelli's treatment of her. For years Ms. Plum has dealt with insistent mistreatment from him and has been insulted by him on numerous occasions. The witnesses we present to you will validate the mistreatment. We can conclude that whatever comes from this trial it will be proven that Ms. Plum had acted in self defense against Morelli and therefore not guilty of the charges set against her."

He walked back and while I should have been disappointed that I lost such a great view my mind was on other things.

"Self-defense?" I whispered "No one will buy that Carlos. That just screams no other option."

"Don't worry, I got a plan."

"Well can you elaborate a little more theses past couple of weeks I've been kept in the dark about my own goddamned trial. And let me tell you this, I'm am getting sick of it."

"Just trust me."

"I do, you know that."




"Well, can you tell me anything else?"


Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

"Can you at least answer one question?"

Raised eyebrow- the Ranger version of 'you may speak'

"You said there will be no witnesses in this trial, so..."

"There will be no witnesses to testify as to what really happened. There will, however, be witnesses to testify to both your and Morelli's character."



Shit this can't be good.

"Is the Prosecution ready to call their first witness?"

"Yes, the prosecution will like to call Elle Plum to the stand."

Dear God, now would be a good time for that divine intervention I asked for.

Please no flames.

I based the trial on mock trial cause that's all I know. I'm pretty sure you may have noted how I mainly focus on the character's dialogue- it is mainly because I have some difficulty transitioning from words to actions. I'm still learning so please excuse any uneasiness you find, and if you have any constructive criticism I'd love to hear it.

Also know that I'm half asleep at the moment.

Anyway here's my update and I'll try to update this story and my other story soon.

Agony Born From Bliss