Chapter 1


XxXxXSummaryXxXxX: It's the start of a new semester for the Seniors at Gakuen High. Which mean a few things...prom, party's, drugs,projects and raging hormones. Meet Mikan Sakura a new student. Who caught the eyes and hearts of the male population. Along the way she meets new friends and a total asshole. We'll she make it through Senior year with out heartbreak? When she caught the eye of the most popular guy. Natsume Hyuuga.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Gakuen Alice, it's character(s) or any of the song(s) used. All right(s) and credit(s) go to their respective owner(s).


Senior boys: 19

Senior girls: 18

Tsubasa and other college guys: 22

Misaki and other college girls: 21

Aoi and Youichi: 12&13

Enjoy the story! And no flames please!! ^^'

Rated T: For mild sexual theme...colorful langauge, might change later on tho! :] Depends on what though...

A/N: I'm gonna kinda take a break from 'Welcome To My Life'. Gomen minna! Dx I know you all or most wanted to read the next chapter and that I promised that I was gonna upload after finals...but I kinda came up with this story during my studying time :]. Please...don't be mad at me! ^^' So if you could wait a little bit longer. That be great! :] I'm really really really sorry again! -bows- But I hope you enjoy this story as well! And if you have any questions or concerns lemme know! ^^

-Sincerely yours,

~Tragic Panda~

First Day

(The song is "High School Never Ends by Bowling For Soup")


Oh! Oh! Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh


Oh! Oh! Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh


A guy with sandy hair sighed. "I can't believe summer went by so fast!" Another guy who almost looks like him sighed as well. "I know..dude...the party's...beach...girls in bikini's..." Next a guy who was almost was bald raised a brow at his two idiot of a friends. "Are you guys idiots? We can still do all of those! Were fucking seniors for crying a loud!" They grinned at each other and high-fived.

Four years you think for sure
That's all you've got to endure
All the total dicks
All the stuck up chicks
So superficial, so immature
Then when you graduate
You take a look around and you say HEY WAIT
This is the same as where I just came from
I thought it was over
Aw that's just great

Then one of friends who wears glasses sweat-dropped. " guys...shouldn't you also be thinking of school and what kind of college...?" The three gave him a disgusted look. Shall we introduce them now?

The Sandy hair guy is Yome Kokoro, he's sorta of playboy. But not a big one though. Hair Color: Kinda sandy color. Eyes: Darkish brown. Height: 6'2

The one who could possible be Koko's twin but not is Kitsuneme He's a bit goof-ball. Hair color: Almost like Koko's but a little lighter. .Height: 6'2

Next almost-baldy. Is Mochiage. Not much of play-boy. He just usually flirts with any girl. Even the most sluttiest of them. Height: 6'2 Hair color: He has some hair...but mostly kinda on top..and it's kinda purplish. Eyes: Kinda light and dark Grey. (correct me if i'm wrong)

The guy with glasses is Yuu Tobita. Not at all play-boy, he's a kind caring fella. And does not like to play with the hearts of girls. Height: 6'2 Hair color: Blonde but slightly dark. Eye color: Kinda like Mikan's but a little lighter.

Even thought I haven't mentioned him yet. The next one in the group is Ruka Nogi. Like Yuu he isn't a play-boy. But he does get annoyed of his fan-girls. He loves animals and always carries a bunny with him. Which make the ladies love him more. Height: 6'2 Eye color:Blue, cerulean.

The next guy is the leader mysterious, cool and only talks to his friends. He only plays with girls hearts for entertainment, but can still be easily pissed off by them. Name? Natsume Hyuuga. The most hottest guy at Gakuen High. Height: 6'2 Eye Color: Crimson, Hair: Raven colored.

Koko lightly bonked Yuu on the heads. " DUDE! Don't even say that kinda stuff." He shakes his head. Kitsuneme put an arm on Yuu's shoulder. "All I care about this year is at least to fuck one chick man!" Mochu and Koko exchanged high-fives.

Natsume just rolled his eyes at his friends, while Ruka shook his head and spoke. "Do you guys ever think about anything else then sex and women??" The two just shrugged. Kitsuneme rolled his eyes. "Come on Ruka! Haven't you ever thought about fucking Imai??" At that Ruka turned red as a tomato. Natsume snorted and got up. "All senior year is about the prom, drugs and....fucking a chick." The group all grinned and got up to go to class.

The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who's the best dressed and who's having sex,
Who's got the money, who gets the honeys,
Who's kinda cute and who's just a mess
And you still don't have the right look
And you don't have the right friends
Nothing changes but the faces, the names, and the trends
High school never ends

On the other side of the campus our young brunette was searching for her class. Name you may ask? Mikan. Mikan Sakura, cheeful young beautiful girl. She has long brown hair that goes down to her waist. Hazel eyes, that you could get lost in and be mesmerized by. Curves in all the right places. And a body any guy would drool over and want to fuck it. But being the good and innocent girl she is. She's going to save her 'innocence' until after she's married. Her height is 5'6.

She looked down at her schedule and map. "Where is H-3??" She sighed and wasn't paying attention to as where she was going and accidentally bumped into someone. "Itai..." She scratched her head and looked over. A girl with pink hair was gathering her books up. Mikan gasped slightly. "Gomenasai!" (I'm sorry!) Mikan helped the girl pick up her items. The girl with pink hair giggled slightly. "It's alright!" She smiled.

She gasped lightly. "We haven't met before...have we??" Mikan shook her head. "No." The girl smiled. "Watashi no namae wa Anna desu. Anata wa?" (Translation: My name is Anna, and you?") Mikan smiled back. " Watashi no namae wa Mikan desu, Yoroshiku onegaishmasu!" (Translation: Yoroshiku onegaishmasu= Pleased to meet you.)

Anna Umenomiya: A sweet, kind and helpful person. She loves to bake/cook. And always cares for her friends. Height: 5'7, Eye color: Kinda in between dark and light blue.

Anna sensed something wrong. "Douka shimashita ka?"(Translation: Is something wrong?) Mikan blinked and frowned slightly. "Hai..I can't seem to find my first class..or any of my classes for that matter. Anna smiled slightly. "So desu ne?"(Let me see). Mikan handed her schedule over and Anna scanned it. Then she smiled. "We have all classes together but one..but my friend Hotaru can show you! Since she has Social Studys to!" "Domo arigato gozaimus!" (Translation: Thank you very much!") "Do itashi mashite!" (Your welcome!")

Mikan's Schedule:

A Days:

Block 1 = 8:45-9:55/English/Serina-sensei

5 Minute Passing

Block 3 = 10:00-11:12/P.E/ Kurenai-sensei

Lunch = 11:12-12:00

2 Minute Passing

Block 4 = 12:02-1:12/Math/Jinno-sensei

5 Minute Passing

Block 6 = 1:17-2:29/Music/Reo-sensei

5 Minute Passing

Block 7 = 2:34-3:46/Homeroom/Narumi-sensei


B Days

Block 2 = 8:45-9:55/Science/Misaki-sensei

5 Minute Passing

Block 3 = 10:00-11:12/ P.E/ Kurenai-sensei

Lunch = 11:12-12:00

2 Minute Passing

Block 5 =12:02-1:12/Social Study's/Noda-sensei

5 Minute Passing

Block 6 = 1:17- 2:29/Music/Reo-sensei

5 Minute Passing

Block 7 = 2:34-3:46/Homeroom/Narumi-sensei


C Days

Block 1 = 9:00-9:55/English/Serina-sensei

5 Minute Passing

Block 2 = 10:00-10:55/Science/Misaki-sensei

Lunch = 11:00- 11:45

15 Minute Passing

Block 4 = 12:00-12:55

5 Minute Passing Period

Block 5 = 1:00-1:55

10 Minute Passing

Assembly = 2:00-2:55

5 Minute Passing

Block 7 = 3:00-3:46

Anna handed Mikan back her schedule. "Arigato Anna-chan!" Anna smiled. "It's no problem at all! Come on! I got to do the morning announcements! You can come with! Izumi-san will you excuse your tardy!" Mikan pondered for a moment, then smiled. "All right! By the way who is Izumi-san??" The two girls started walking while Anna explained. "Izumi-san is the school's attendance, and Yukiomo-san is our principal!" Mikan nodded. Anna beamed a smile. "I'll introduce you to my friends later! I'm sure they'll like you!"

"Arigato Anna-chan! For everything!" The two girls smiled and walked to the office together. Mikan looked up and smiled. ' This is turning out to be a great day! I've already made a new friend! I can't wait to see what comes along this school year! My senior year..."

A/N: So how did ya like it? Yes I know it's a short chapter...and i plan to make the chapters short..but not to short :] I hope you enjoyed it! Remember the rating may or may not change..but I have a feeling it i suggest if your younger then...let's go with...12 and younger, you might not want to read it w/o a parent(s) or guardian(s) consent. If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Or if you noticed any mistakes! Please lemme know!

Please review and no flames! Hopefully for this story i'll be able to update everyday! ^^ But it depends on if i'm busy or not :]


With love,

Tragic Panda!