~Chapter 6:

High school Or Hell School??~

Created and Written by: Tragic Panda

Co-Writer: Tamahi-san

Anime: Gakuen Alice

Rating: M (Not suitable for young children)

Tamahi: Alrighty!! We haven't up-date in such a long time....^^''' ehehehe lol.....*scratches head nervously* Anywa-

Natsume: The two idiots lost the note-book, where they probably had half the chapter in it. -.-

Tamahi:....gee thanks Hyuuga-san...._''

Natsume: Not my fault you two are complete idiots who lose things....-.-

Mikan: Natsume...I don't think that's such a great idea.....*sweatdrop*

Natsume: And why is that...?? -.-

Hotaru: Because your fate is in the hands of them and the note-book....*munches on pocky*

Natsume: "..." *walks away*

Tamahi: He'll come back eventually....*sighs* Anyways...Yome-san...the disclaimer onegai??

Koko:Sure Yu-I mean Tamahi-sempai...^^"' *holds up sign*

~*Yumi-sempai Does NOT OWN GAKUEN ALICE, or it's characters

Tachibana Higuichi-san owns Gakuen Alice*~

Tamahi: Arigato Yome-san...Now let's begin the chapter story shall we ;3 (BTW) There were a few things she took out...=/

Mikan: And remember no flames please!! ^w^ Enjoy!~

Review(s): For Chapter 5

oO-aLonE-Oo: xD Lol yeah, basically. Everyone is. X3

xXdarkness-angelxX: yepyep. Lol yeah xD Although probably not the best idea. But oh well xD

Shiriru004: I know :c Iz sorry! I hope this chapter makes up for it! ^^;

thundra18: thankies! Yeah...^^;; I'm working on that. hehe thankies!! =D

Mikiramen: *nodnod* Yeah, i guess that's sorta a good thing that were small ;;

Miyaxbaybeexx: XD Thank you!~ I think xD

marvic31: Dankies ^^

cheskiXchanXsempai: XDDD hehe thankies!!! Uh...it will appear...eventually ehehe...^^;;; If you get a random cake, it's from me xD

cutebib: Yeah O= I'll make a chapter of that soon.

kmc27: X3 thank you~

aoi9: Aw, thank youuu~ That's good. :3 I like to know if you guys think if it's to heavy or lose. Welcomes~ ^-^

Landoflala: Lol, so do I xD D: aw meanies!! hehe thankies =D

YinYang Equinox: Hehehe...you find out in this chapter :D

Angelic Silences: Arigato!! ^^ Really?? I thought it was kinda crappy xD Lol, yeah i'm a begginer, it's okay ^^

crazyanimelover326: Arigatoooo~ ^^ xD Lol, I can understand. X3 My family already knows I am xD

katsuyawhiteside: Yeah, I know X3 I either put him as Yuu, Iinchou and sometimes Tobita( In my other story) But I think i've been using Iinchou in this story alot. =/ lol thankies! ^^

mangagirl224: I'll try!! X3

arataz: =D thankies!!

Yumi: Thank you for reviewing/favorite/author alert =D I appreciate them all!! And remember! If you have any questions! Please ask!! =DD Thank you all once again!!!! =DDD You guys kick-ass!!!! 8D

Chapter 6:

It was around lunch time and everybody was busy eating, talking, etc. They thought they knew all the secrets of everyone. Except for one specific secret. The secret relationship between Mikan Sakura, the new girl, and Natsume Hyuuga the school's heathrob. Quite surprising isn't it? She thought she hated his guts, but now there going out and other 'stuff'. If you catch my drift.

They acted like before, at school. Natsume trying to hit on Mikan, Mikan rejecting and yelling at him. And at night they would go out, or to each others house and fuck each other.

Nobody knew about them. Well except for one person.

Imai Hotaru.


Oh hell she knew it from beginning. She knew it the day Natsume dragged her best friend away. And she could also tell by Mikan's eye's. No more loathing or irritation. Just love and lust. Yep Hotaru knew all. Nothing and I'm mean NOTHING could get past her.

Hotaru was sitting down at a lunch table munching on some sushi. Or more like crab. When her best friend sat down by her. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich, with milk; an apple and a cookie. Mikan started eating her lunch. Hotaru wiped her mouth and looked at the girl beside her.

"So you and Hyuuga, huh??" Mikan's eye's and almost choked on her. She took a sip of her milk, and looked at Hotaru. "Um..w-what??" she said as she fidgeted, and looked over towards Natsume's table.

Natsume could feel somebody staring at him. He looked over and grinned. His dear beloved 'girlfriend. He winked at her. Mikan could feel her cheeks heating up. She quickly turned away. Natsume just chuckled. 'Cute'

Mikan laughed nervously. "Hahaha...very funny Hotaru. Me and Hyuuga?Pfft. Not in a million years!!" Mikan replied nervously. Hotaru just rolled her eyes. "Mikan your a very bad liar....you know that..."

Mikan bit her lip. She knew she couldn't really lie well. Everybody knows that. Even the friends she made just this year could tell she was bad at lieing. Also. Mikan could never hide anything from the black-mail queen, best friend; a.k.a Hotaru Imai.

Before Mikan could speak. Anna, Nonoko and Sumire came back. They were laughing and talking. Sumire grinned. "What's up girly??" Mikan grinned back. "Nothing much."

The girls were chatting happily, you know normal girl talk. When the guys got up from their table and sat down at the girls table.

Natsume sat by Mikan, Ruka by Hotaru, and you know the rest...

The only weird and creepy about this. Is that the girls weren't saying or arguing their usual 'get the hell away'. Which surprised Mikan. '


What the hell??? I thought...don't tell me it's like me and Natsume??' She looked back and forth at her friends and Natsume's friends. They were all chatting happily away with each other....somethings fishy here. And it's not the cafeteria food.

Mikan glanced over at Natsume, who seemed equally surprised. She started fiddling with her food, casting glances towards her friends and Natsume. Sighing for the hundredth time. Natsume tore his attention away from the group towards his 'girl-friend' and raised an eye-brow.

Mikan's POV

O-kay. I've had enough of this. I want to know what's going on now. I slammed my fork on the table. Everyone stopped talking and eating, and turned their attention to me. Finally.

Taking one final sip from my soda I began. "O-kay...I want to know what the hell is going on...I thought you guys hated each-other??" I saw Hotaru roll her eyes at me. "Look who's talking...what about you and Hyuuga??" My body stiffened. Everybody else nodded in agreement. Natsume just coughed and looked away.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. I guess I shouldn't be the one talking. Closing my eyes for a moment. A moment in thought.

Re-opening them, I looked at them all and lastly at Natsume. "I guess we all have some explaining to do......." All nodded in agreement.

We spent most of lunch, to talk about a lot things. It actually felt nice, getting all of this out of me. Finally able to tell them some things I was keeping secret from them. After a while, the bell rang. I gave a quick glance at Anna. She was oddly quiet at lunch....

The rest of the girls and me left to go to P.E. While the guys went to their classes. We dressed down and tied up of hair, and waited for the the teacher to come and give instructions.

"Hey Anna, is something wrong??? You were oddly quiet at lunch. Barely spoke a word about Koko or you." This caught the attention of Nonoko, Hotaru and Sumire.

She shifted a bit, before glancing at us. Sighing she looked out to the gym.

"Well...mine and Koko's relation-ship is based off sex. What if he get's tired of me and dumps me? And then he finds a new chick to fuck for awhile..??" I hugged Anna. "I'm sure Koko's not THAT type of guy Anna" 'Or not...' Hotaru just rolled her eyes.

"Coming from the girl who had sex with Natsume, who she supposedly 'hated' him." I felt my cheeks heat up, I quickly looked away. Hoping none of them caught my blush. Sumire saw me and grinned.

"Come on you guys. Let's just forget it about for now." Nodding in agreement. The teacher finally came in, took role and finally started class.


P.E seem to have taken forever. I swear. And UGH! She made us ran laps in the frickin' cold. Not fun. Grouchily opening my locker and grabbing my books for my next class. I felt a pair of strong arms grab my waist. Shrieking a bit. I hit whoever it was. The person grabbed my hands.

"Heyhey, is that how you treat your 'boy-friend?" Wait a minute I know that voice! I turned around and came face to face with Natsume. Sighing I closed my locker and turned back to him. He was grinning??

"Soo..." He started while putting an arm around my waist. I couldn't help but giggling. "Were having a party at my place this weekend. You know...just my gang and your friends; so how 'bout it babe??" I rolled my eyes and punched him playfully.

"I'll ask them about it." 'Relation-ship based on sex' I froze. Natsume gave me a worried look. Could it really true? Am I only Natsume's little sex toy. And that he doesn't like/love me?? I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Natsume shaking my shoulder.

"Hey? You okay?? You spaced out there for a moment..." I looked at him. Gripping on to my books, I bit my lip and looked Natsume in the eye.

"Ne, Natsume...I have a question. And please answer it truthfully." He nodded.

"Natsume...is our...is our relationship based on sex and sex only???" I saw his stiffen. His grip on my shoulder loosened. 'Is it...?? Please tell me no..'

I back up a bit, trying to hold back the tears. "Natsume, I think it's best if we stop seeing each-other." Looking down at the floor. Natsume's eye's widen and he grabbed my hand.

"What?! No! Bab- I mean Mikan! I'm mean...No! We've been doing great! W-we can fix this! I promise!!" I forcefully pulled my hand away from him and glared at him through my tears. Great, I'm already crying; just what I needed. "Listen! I don't want this! I don't want a relationship on sex!! I want to actually go out! Like on REAL date! I'm sorry Natsume...it's just...not going to work anymore. I'm sorry." He took a step forward, I took one back.

"What the hell do you think your doing Hyuuga" An icy harsh voice from behind us. Turning around I saw Hotaru and the girls standing there. Arms crossed over their chest and glaring at him. Hotaru walked up and pushed me gently behind her. The others came up to comfort me. Hotaru took one step forward.

"Listen Hyuuga, I don't know what the fuck you just said to her. But you better stay the hell away from her! And I mean it! Or you'll be meeting your grave, sooner then expected. Natsume gulped, while slowly backing off. Hotaru turned back at us, eyes softening. "Alright let's go." We began to walk when Anna stopped and turned around. She walked up to Natsume and slapped him hard across the face. He stumbled back again.

We were quite suprised. We've never seen Anna do this type of thing before. Smiling triumphantly, she turned her heel and linked arms with us. With that done, we all walked out of the building linked together smiling. Natsume stood there shocked and stunned.

'What the hell just happened??'


Tamahi: Well there ya have it! Finally! After a month or so. We were finally able to finish it!! And were quite proud of it to!! ^^ Sorry for the up-dating late again. Writers block and school started up again. Already slammed with projects. Fun...

Natsume: "..."

Ruka: Usually Natsume has some sort of comment for that. Is something wrong Natsume??

Mikan: um...Yumi-sempai and Tamahi-sempai told him if he said anything rude, they would burn his manga's....

Natsume: "..."

Yuu: O.O;; seriously?? Isn't that kinda dangerous.

Tamahi: Nope, hey it's keeping him quite. *shrugs*

Yuu: *sweat drop*

Ruka: So...basically threatening him??

Tamahi: Basically, yeah...anyways! See you all next chapter!! ^-^;;

Everyone: Ja-ne!! (waves)

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