Disclaimer: Part of this is Stephenie Meyer's work. I am doing this from my view on Ian's point of view.

"She's moving," Jamie said as we saw her moving. She did move, which was a good thing. It means that she's going to wake up soon, but what I didn't get was why she hadn't woken up yet.

"Wanda? Can you hear me, Wanda," Jared questioned her. I was nervous, and I needed to see that she would wake up.

Jamie whispered in her ear, "Wanda. Come back. We aren't letting you go."

"Use the Awake," Kyle suggested. We watched as she breathed deeply. Her hands started to move from where mine were.

"Wanderer? We're all waiting for you, honey. Open your eyes," I commanded her. She her breath stopped, and her fingers started to tremble. I couldn't help but to smile a little bit.

"She's waking up," Jamie crowed excitedly. She soon opened her eyes, but she took a minute before she looked around.

"Wanderer," I asked. She turned her head to look at me then. My heart filled with joy when she looked at me.

"Ian? Ian, where am I," she questioned me. She seemed a little scared also. "Who am I?"

"You're you," I answered her, "And you're right where you belong." She touched her face with her hand and froze. She didn't know that it was her yet. She seemed scared of it for some reason. I almost told her that it was her hand, but decided to keep quiet.

"Where is she," Wanda asked, "Where is Pet." She seemed scared for Pet. I wanted to comfort her, but Doc beat me to the chase.

"She's right here," Doc assured her, "Tanked and ready to go. We thought you could tell up the best place to send her."

Wanda looked over to him then. She looked quickly at the tank, but then she seemed truly mad. "Doc! Doc, you promised! You gave me your oath, Eustace! Why? Why did you break your word?" She seemed truly hurt then, and it pained me so much to see her hurt.

"Even an honest man sometimes cave to duress, Wanda." He was lying a little bit, but he did hand her over freely, so I let it pass.

"What," Wanda questioned.

"Shh, it's all okay," Ian murmured while I blew some of her golden hair into her face. "Did you really think you could leave us that way? Wanda!" I sighed.

"I told you I didn't want to be a parasite," Wanda whispered to me.

"Let me through," I heard Melanie order. She walked right up to the bed and said, "Listen up, Wanda. I know exactly what you don't want to be. But we're human, and we're selfish, and we don't always do the right thing. We aren't going to let you go. Deal with it." She was right, and everyone agreed totally with her.

"Mel," questioned Wanda, "Mel, you're okay!" Melanie leaned over to hug her shoulders.

"Of course I am," replied Melanie, "Wasn't that the point of all the drama? And you're going to be fine, too. WE weren't stupid about it. We didn't just grab the first body we saw." That was a complete lie, but I didn't want to tell her that.

"Let me tell her, let me," Jamie stated as he shoved in beside Melanie. Jamie took her other hand and squeezed it.

"Jamie," Wanda rejoiced.

"Hey, Wanda! This is cool, isn't it? You're smaller than me now!" Jamie had a triumphant grin for emphasis.

"But I'm still older. I'm almost—my birthday is in two weeks," Wanda stated. Was it the body's birthday or her own birthday? I couldn't tell. "I'll be eighteen." I stiffen in surprise. Was this body really that old? It was young, but I thought that it would be a little younger still.

"They let me go on the raid to get you," Jamie informed her.

"I know," Wanda muttered, "I remember…Well, Pet remembers seeing you there." She then glared at Melanie who just shrugged.

"We tried not to scare her," Jamie started, "She's so… kind of fragile-looking, you know? And nice, too. We picker her out together, but I got to decide. See, Mel said we had to get someone young—someone who had a bigger percentage of life as a soul or something. But not too young, because she knew you wouldn't want to be a child. And then Jared liked this face, because he said no one could ever dis…distrust it. You don't' look dangerous at all. You look the opposite of dangerous. Jared said anyone who sees you would just naturally want to protect you, right, Jared? But then I go the final say, because I was looking for someone who looked like you. And I thought this looked like you. Because she sort of looks like an angel, and you're good like that. And real pretty. I knew you would be pretty." Jamie smiled then. "Ian didn't come. He just sat here with you—he said he didn't care what you looked like. He wouldn't let anyone else put a finger on your tank at all. But Doc let me watch this time. It was way cool, Wanda. I don't know why you wouldn't' let me watch before. They wouldn't let me help, though. Ian wouldn't let anyone touch you but him."

I squeezed her hand gently and leaned in to whisper, "I held you in my hand, Wanderer. And you were so beautiful." She looked like she was going to cry.

"You like it, don't you," Jamie questioned. He seemed kind of worried. "You're not mad? There's nobody in there with you, is there?" That was our main concern. It would mean that we would have to start all over, and I didn't want to do that. She looked so beautiful in this body.

"I'm not mad, exactly," she whispered. "And I—I can't find anybody else. Just Pet's memories. Pet's been here since… I can't remember when she wasn't here. I can't remember any other name."

"You're not a parasite," Melanie stated firmly, then she touched her hair. "This body didn't belong to Pet, but there's nobody else to claim it. We waited to make sure, Wanda. We tried to wake her up almost as long as we tried with Jodi."

"Jodi? What happened to Jodi," she questioned us.

"Jodi didn't respond. We kept trying as long as we could."

Doc explained, "We were able to keep her hydrated, but we had no way to feed her. We were worried about atrophy—her muscles, her brain…"

"Sunny," Wanda yelled when she spotted her connected to Kyle.

"I got to stay," Sunny said, "Just like you." She glanced up at Kyle and her voice turned sad, "I'm trying, though. I am looking for her. I will keep looking."

Kyle had us put Sunny back when it looked like we would lose Jodi," Doc continued quietly. Wanda soon turned her attention to me. It made my heart soar when she did.

"You okay in there," I asked.

"I…I don't know," she admitted. "This feels very…weird. Every bit as weird as switching species. So much weirder than I would have thought. I…I don't know."

"You don't mind staying here too much, do you, Wanda? Do you think that maybe you could tolerate it," I murmured once I heard her reply. I didn't want her to leave me, but I didn't want her to be unhappy either. People started touching Wanda to show that they wanted her to stay silently.

She looked around once more. "I suppose I could do that," she whispered, "If it makes you happy."

"That's not good enough, actually," I disagreed, "It has to make you happy, too." She looked at me for a second before looking away and blushing.

"I…think it might," she agreed, "I think it might make me very, very happy."

I made her look at me even though she wouldn't look into my eyes. When she finally did, she blushed some more. "Then you will stay." I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I kissed her, and I felt so incredible when I did.

"I will stay," she agreed when we pulled apart, and I soared.