A/N: Hey guys! I'm back! I promised myself I wouldn't start another multi-chapter because I already have lots to do but the plot bunnies wouldn't leave me alone so I said: "oh what the hell..." :D

EDIT: Thanks to love-ipod for pointing out some mistakes! All taken care of now :D

I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. The plot's mine though! :D

thoughts are in italic

Chapter 1: A new year

Hermione Granger had been through a lot in her life. A few years ago she had discovered she was a witch and with that discovery the doors of a whole new world opened before her. However that was not the only challenge she was forced to face. It seemed that with the start of every school year, a lethal menace put at risk not only her life but the lives of everyone she loved. This menace was, of course Lord Voldemort.

With the help and support of her friends, she had managed to survive throughout six years at Hogwarts and finally, last year, with the common effort and courage of the Order of the Phoenix, Lord Voldemort had been defeated. Many lives had been lost in the process and even if it wouldn't be the same as before, life must go on.

The war had changed people. Many Deatheaters, watching the Dark Lord's power weaken turned on him and helped the Order. When all was over, they were free to go unpunished, although they did lose some of the power and respect they had. That is how families like the Malfoys, Zabinis, Goyles and Notts, although keeping their high position in their jobs, were left to regain the trust of the magical society.

The prejudices about muggleborns were not completely eradicated but were diminished to the point that former "mudblood-haters" and muggleborns could socialize courteously and in some cases, even form bonds of friendship.

For Hermione, the new year ahead promised the normal, clam and even boring school experience she had been denied over the years. And for that she was grateful. She couldn't imagine another year of worrying about her loved ones and fighting against their enemies. She dreamed of afternoons spent doing homework with her friends in the warmness of the Gryffindor common room or amongst old, heavy books in the library.

That's why, as she got into the Heads compartment in the train she couldn't help but smile at the prospect of the year to come. She felt like a first year experiencing everything for the first time.

Nothing could dampen her mood. She sat quietly in her compartment and pulled out a heavy book from her bag, settling it on her lap to read while her friends arrived. She had come early as usual and there were only a couple of students she didn't know, probably first years, waiting outside the train with their trunks, looking excited but terrified at the same time.

After about fifteen minutes she decided to go out and look for her two best friends. She opened the door, looking out the hall to see familiar faces rushing in and out of compartments with their heavy trunks. She waived to a couple of them and struggled her way out.

A mass of students and their families conglomerated outside the train. How different was this scene from the one a year before, when people were so scared of separating their families, that they wouldn't allow their children to go to Hogwarts. Hermione sighed at the thought, remembering the almost empty halls of the school.

"Hermione!" She turned her head around at the sound of her name. She could recognize those voices anywhere.

"Harry! Ron!" She hurried towards her two best friends, embracing them in a tight hug, "Good to be back, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to get there. I've missed the Hogwarts meals!" Harry and Hermione laughed at their always hungry friend and headed back inside the train. They found Ginny and Luna in a compartment in the front of the train, near Hermione's and sat with them.

"Is too bad you can't sit with us in the train, Mione," said Harry, playing lazily with a golden snitch, just like his father used to.

"Yeah, I know. Head duties," She shrugged not really minding. She had a full year ahead to be with her friends. No evils threatening them.

"A year back you would be throwing a fit over having to spend the train ride with Draco Malfoy. Merlin forbid sharing a common with him!" commented Ginny dramatically, stealing Harry's snitch while he was playing.

To everyone's surprise, Draco Malfoy had been chosen as Head Boy. It wasn't that he didn't have good grades; but after the war many thought Dumbledore would give the job to Harry.

Hermione chuckled imagining the scene she would have made, " Well luckily Malfoy's not the same person he used to be. Since he helped the Order during the war he's been rather... polite. I mean, it's not like we're friends all of a sudden but he doesn't insult me anymore or makes fun of me. I think it will be tolerable having to spend so much time with him."

The others nodded. That is except Ron who was looking at her like she had a hinkypunk dancing on her head. Hermione laughed at his expression, slapping him lightly in the arm.

"Well I still don't trust him," said Ron, stubbornly. He turned to Hermione, pointing her with his finger, sternly, "Mione, you tell me if that ferret face git does something to you and I'll break his face!" He slammed his fist against his other hand, his ears suddenly turning red.

The others laughed at their friend while Hermione blushed and glanced back at Ginny, who winked at her.

A loud whistle sounded, announcing that the train was soon leaving. First years escaped their mothers embrace to sit nervously in the compartments, afraid to be left behind. Others rushed back out to pick up something they'd forgotten. Parents waived at their children from the outside, yelling recommendations and warnings. The last trunks and cages were loaded.

Hermione stood up from her seat, flattening the wrinkles of her gray skirt and opened the door of the compartment. "I have to go now. McGonagall wants to give us the instructions for the train ride before meeting the prefects. See you there Ginny?"

"Yeah, see you there!" beamed the redhead, jokingly pointing at the badge on her chest.

Hermione laughed, closing the door behind her and headed back to her compartment. She stepped inside to find Draco Malfoy sitting in the far end, looking out the window. His arms were crossed over his chest, his legs stretched before him, crossed at the ankles. His platinum blond hair fell carelessly over his gray eyes. Hermione stood at the door for a second, staring at him. Malfoy could be an arrogant prick, but one of the things he was great at was looking hot. Of course she would rather stick a quill in her eye before admitting it.

Finally Malfoy noticed her presence and she quickly moved from the door, hoping he didn't notice her staring.

"Hello Malfoy" she smiled politely, sitting opposite to him.

"Granger" he nodded. She laughed inwardly. Not the warmest greeting but at least he didn't hex her. She opened her mouth to continue with their small talk when the compartment doors opened and Professor McGonagall entered.

"Ms Granger, Mr Malfoy, good morning and congratulations for being elected Heads."

"Thank you. Professor," both chorused.

"This year, as you both know, you will be sharing a common room on the sixth floor."

Hermione was a little nervous at the though of sharing a room alone with Malfoy, but she wasn't sure why. It's not like he's going to do something to me.

"As Heads you are mostly in charge of coordinating the Prefects and helping the Professors organize certain activities. Also you are now allowed to take and give points and asign detentions to the other students. Of course you will be supervised by the teachers and if one of us considers your decisions to be unfair, we can ban them. Other than that you have the same duties as any other Prefect. Remember that you were both chosen for this positions not only due to your good grades but because the professors and the Headmaster have agreed that you both are mature and responsible enough to be entrusted with this assignment."

Hermione couldn't help to be surprised, as she received the letter, at Malfoy being chosen as Head Boy. After everything that had happened most would have never chosen a former almost Deatheater. Then again she knew this was an attempt of their Headmaster to bring not only the different Houses closer but to bring unity after the war. Well that and the fact that Malfoy was the second best student in their class.

"Further instructions will be given as the situation demands it. Now please join me in the Prefects meeting."Without waiting for them McGonagall turned around and hurried to the heads compartment.

They both stood up and Malfoy gestured for Hermione to go out first. Hmm Hermione thought a gentleman too.

When the train finally arrived at Hogsmeade Hermione was glad to be able to finally stand up. The train ride with Malfoy had been passed in silence, except for a few comments about their new responsibilities. As Heads they were to ride in the first carriages with the Prefects. Hermione reached for her trunk but Malfoy beat her to it, carrying it outside and setting it on an empty carriage along with his.

Hermione raised her eyebrows in surprise but followed him, "Thank you, Malfoy."

"You're welcome," he said plainly and joined Blaise Zabini, who was already seatting in the carriage.

Hermione kept looking at him in disbelief but suddenly was distracted by an arm snaking around hers. She turned to see Ginny raise an eyebrow, "What was that?"

Hermione shook her head slightly, turning back to Malfoy once again, "I was just asking myself the same thing," she turned back to Ginny, " He was all polite during the ride and acted like a gentleman. It's so... weird."

"Hmm" replied the redhead thoughtfully, but said all of a sudden, "You are so lucky!"

Hermione frowned, confused by her friend's reaction, "What are you talking about?"

"Malfoy's HOT! And you get to share a room with him! I mean, he was a prick before so it wasn't such a big deal but now that he's being nice..." Ginny winked at her insinuatingly.

Hermione laughed, "Yeah right, like something could happen between me and Malfoy..."

"You never know." replied the redhead, half singing.

Hermione looked around, making sure her other two friends weren't anywhere near, "Besides, you know I already like someone."

"Yeah, I know," answered Ginny, patting her hand reassuringly, "I'm just saying you have some serous eye candy!"

"Candy?" asked Ron, appearing next to the two girls all of a sudden, followed by Harry. He looked down at their hands looking for some kind of sweet but hunched disappointed, not finding any. The others laughed at the redhead.

"How was the ride with Malfoy, Hermione?" asked Harry as they headed for the carriages.

"Surprisingly quiet. We barely spoke and when we did he was perfectly civil." Hermione admitted, receiving disbelieving stares from the two guys.

"Well, I guess Malfoy has changed..." Harry said, absentmindedly kicking a little stone.

Ron grunted, "I don't know, I still don't trust him," he slipped an arm around Hermione's shoulder, "Just promise you'll be careful, Mione," he said looking at her directly in the eyes, raising goosebumps on her arms.

"I promise," the brunette answered him, half whispering.

They kept walking like that until they reached Hermione's and Ginny's carriage. Ginny got on first and Ron helped Hermione up, causing her cheeks to flush a little.

Harry turned towards Malfoy and nodded in acknowledgment, "Malfoy"

Draco returned the nod, "Potter. Weasley."

"Malfoy," Ron replied, but with a harsher tone, causing Malfoy to smirk.

What's with boys and that greeting? Don't they know words like `Hi´ or `Hello´? Is it too hard?

"Everyone please get on their carriages!" McGonagall's amplified voice said from behind them.

"See you two inside," said Harry as he headed back to his carriage.

"See you!" said Ron, looking only at Hermione.

Ginny nudged Hermione in the ribs, making her blush. "Stop it, Ginny!" she giggled.

The two Slytherin boys in front of them didn't miss their exchange. Zabini turned to Malfoy and rolled his eyes, whispering, "Girls..."

Draco chuckled as the carriage started moving towards the castle.

A/N: Ok, I know there's not much Dramione here but we'll get there, don't worry. Be patient!

What do you think so far? :D I still haven't really figured out how the dynamic between Draco and Hermione will be... so suggestions are welcomed. Do you want them to go slow? Or become "almost friends" from the beginning?

Thank you for taking the time for reading this!

Sharly xx