I WISH I owned FMA….unfortunatly, I do not. Same with LOTR.

The thought came to her midway through the final book in the trilogy—as brilliant thoughts often do, you know.

So stunning was the possibility and so sudden the occurrence that her head came up in shock, her eyes staring blankly ahead as the thick paperback slipped from her fingers, instantly losing her page. Though to the reasonable mind the idea was absolutely absurd—after all, the book was pure fantasy…or was it?


She left the book on the couch where she'd been reading and ran into the kitchen, where, sure enough, he was wolfing down a pile of food that was twice his size…not that that was hard, (and if what she suspected was true, it wouldn't be all that surprising) but….

Ed looked up from the bowl of rice he was working on, meeting her determined look with confusion.

"Hey Winry, what's up?"

She marched over to him, glaring. "Take your boots off. Now."

Ed stared at her in shock and fright. Wha….?

Deciding he wasn't moving fast enough, she went to do it herself.


Back in the living room, Alfonse picked up the paperback Winry had abandoned. Not knowing who it belonged to, he called out, "Winry! Brother! Who's been reading Lord of the Rings?"

Almost simultaneously, Winry's voice resounded victoriously from the kitchen. "I KNEW IT!"