A/N: I'm in the process of working my way through a 30 prompt challenge for the 30_kisses community on Livejournal. :D I chose to do this challenge with Carly/Sam, because I wanted a good excuse to write obsessively about them!. Originally, I was going to hold off until I completed the whole prompt list, but that'll probably take a while. Probably two more months (since I am writing other stuff on the side) until I complete all thirty. Although, I've written five in the last two and a half weeks. Anyway, I figured I'll just go ahead and start posting what I complete as I go along.

Pairing: Carly/Sam

Prompt: #26 - if only I could make you mine

Progress: 1/30 of 30_kisses challenge

Word count: 264 (not including title or 'end')


Silent Words

Sam watched Carly as she slept beside her. Unable to sleep, Sam could do nothing else. Long time friends, innocently sharing a bed. The feeling of cotton, satin, and warmth touched Sam's skin with every move she made as she shifted to see her friend better. Once settled, her hand carefully reached out to play with loose strands of her friend's dark hair. The blonde bit her lip as she studied Carly's sleeping face, tracing every contour of her face with eyes that wished they could see more. Pouty lips caught her eyes, making her pause and lick her own lips hungrily. Unaware of doing so, Sam spoke softly aloud.

"If only I could make you mine, Shay."

The words ended in no more then a whisper as Sam dared to move closer to her friend. Brushing away hair from the brunette's sleeping face, she languished in the accidental touch of her skin against Carly's. Leaning closer still to her friend's face, Sam could not stop herself from kissing those tantalizing pouty lips. A soft kiss, quick but long enough to enjoy. Moving away, ashamed of what she'd done, Sam turned away from Carly and forced herself to go to sleep. After several very long moments, she finally succeeds, despite her heart still racing. After several more moments, Carly opens her eyes and looks sadly at her friend's turned sleeping form. She wished she could gather the same courage Sam had just showed and reciprocate her own feelings of desire.

"I want to be yours, Puckett." Her pouty lips quietly said in the dark.
