Private H. J. P. Gibbs strolled casually down a London street. He was on his first leave, from his first assignment in the United States Marine Corp. The eighteen year old marine was tall, maybe 6', 6' 1". His black hair was cut short in a military style, but it still managed to exude an aura of messiness. His emerald-green eyes were piercing, highly observant, and constantly moving to take in his surroundings. One might attribute this level of awareness to his military training, but much of his observational skills were acquired from his adoptive father. Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs had rescued one Harry James Potter from his abusive uncle, and subsequently adopted him. Harry kept his birth name, but added Gibbs to the end and went by his initials. Most of Harry's marine buddies only knew him as J. P. Gibbs.

J. P. glanced around, hoping to find a pub or restaurant where he could get a bite to eat. It was nearing one o'clock, and he hadn't eaten since breakfast at 0600 hours that morning. This first day of leave J. P. had decided to spend by himself just wandering around the city. He knew that he had been born in England, and wanted a chance to look around without having to act all upbeat and cheerful for his buddies.

Just as he was about to give up on finding an eating establishment, J. P. spotted a small pub with a sign in front that read The Leaky Cauldron. Shrugging, he decided to check it out. He could always go somewhere else if it turned out to be a dud.

Author's Note:

What do you think? Should I continue? This is a sequel to my other story, "Coffee Shop Special."


I do not own anything! I'm just borrowing the characters and worlds from J.K. Rowling and the creators of NCIS.