Antivirus XP 2009

Above you is the virus that has cause me many, many problems. I'm sorry, guys, but I'm not gonna be able to write anything at all for awhile because the computer was so bad that we had to completely reset it backto the factory version. I lost all of my Word documents; heck, I even lost Word! Microsoft Office is gone. So is Powerpoint and a ton of other hard work of mine. I lost three, not one, but THREE novels I was writing for publication. Now I'm gonna have to start all over at page one. I hope the creator of this virus is happy. I've lost months of work in one day because of this. I looked it up online and saw that Malware was supposed to get rid of it; well, surprise surprise, it didn't. I urge you all to watch out for this and not to download it. It's one of the worst things you could possibly do to yourself. Everything I've downloaded to this computer has vanished. Poof. Gone. So once again, if you made this virus (I read it was made by some Russian men or something) and you're reading this, I really do hope you're laughing. Sure, it may only be a computer. But you've erased so many things that I've worked on for so long. Go on and enjoy your laugh now. You may as well have shortened my lifespan, because all the time I spent on my writing has been a complete waste.