Chapter One: Tale of the Bystander, Age 15

The lion's mane was starting to becoming noticeable. He was 15 now, so that was a sign of him growing up.

"Hey, finally it's starting to show!" A fellow worker at the Bao Gu Orphanage noticed as they saw each other in the hallway.

"Thanks! This is just the beginning, just wait and see!" The lion replied with a huge and friendly grin, giving him a thumb up.

"Hey, you sound more confident!" They both stopped to talk as they met.

"Yeah, this time I'm getting that job as teacher! I'm ready this time!" The lion replied, slapping his paw playfully with his friend's.

"You'd better! The kids won't shut up about you! Do you know how disappointed they'll be when you'll fail the exam AGAIN?" He reminded the lion of the first time he tried and the expectations of the children.

"Hey, don't remind me!" The lion grinned, shaking his head.

"Heh, it seems like only yesterday that little cub came by and stayed… Now he's almost all grown up!"

"Yeah, it will be ten years tomorrow. I remember it as clear as the night… Hey!" The lion remembered his past from when he first entered that door from the Valley of Peace.

"M…my name is Shu… Ai… May… I st…stay here…" Shu was standing out in the rain outside the orphanage. He finally decided to stay there and was quickly accepted by open arms and friendly voices. Growing up there he got along with many of the kids and grown-ups. He had tried to learn Martial Arts during his growing up but couldn't grasp it. As he reached the age of ten he applied for the janitorial position and, despite many protests, got accepted. At 12, he applied for a job as part-time teacher but failed due to his lack of intelligence. He soon began to study each and every night and when he was free from being a janitor and playing with the kids. He soon came upon the Three Kingdoms Era during his studies and was fascinated. He soon idolized figures such as Zhang Liao, Lu Bu, Guan Yu, and Zhuge Liang. He soon wanted to see if he could be as much as a genius as Zhuge Liang and as strong as Guan Yu.

"Ten years ago that cub did a lot! See you, friend. I'm going over to the Jade Palace after the application," Shu said, patting his friend on the shoulder.

"The Jade Palace? What are you going to do there?" His friend asked curiously.

"I'm going to have a look around the Jade Palace. Plus, I want to see the legendary Tai Lung everyone is talking about!" The lion laughed as he and his friend parted.

Shu went into the application room with great confidence and left it with even greater confidence. He felt that he passed the exams. The results would be posted at the bulletin boards in a week and Shu had a lot of free time.

"Father Shu! Where are you going?" Ping, a young leopard male who idolizes Shu, ran up to him as he walked to the gates that led to the Valley.

"Ping! Stop calling me father, it makes me sound old!" Shu laughed as he rubbed his paw on Ping's head, making him giggle.

"Sorry, Shu." Ping apologized.

"Aw, no need to apologize. Anyway, remember that promise you and I made? I'm going to check out Tai Lung for you!" Shu had promised Ping that he would go to the Jade Palace.

"Really? Can I come?" Shu saw the sparkle in Ping's eyes but knew he couldn't take him.

"Sorry little one, I can't take you out today," Shu felt bad as Ping's ears lowered in disappointment. Out of all the kids Shu got along with, he had a strong bond with Ping. They were rarely apart. Ping hung out with Shu when he wasn't in class, even when Shu was working.

"I'll make it up to you by telling you all about Tai Lung, alright?" Shu told Ping whose ears shot up in excitement. Ping nodded and shared a hug with Shu.

"Hurry back, alright Shu?" Ping already missed Shu as they parted from their hug.

"Of course, only for you!" Shu said, kissing him on his forehead as he always does before leaving. He smiled at Ping who smiled back before leaving the orphanage to go to the Jade Palace.

"Alright, Tai Lung, here I come!" Shu grinned as he walked towards his destination.