DISCLAIMER: Nope I still don't own Twilight or the Cinderella stories that this story is based on. I do however own a feisty puppy named Lee-Lee. :]

CAUTION NOTICE: Be careful of who you talk to online. Just a little warning because not everyone you meet online will be as sweet as Jasper is in this story. So Please be careful when chatting with people on the internet. This is a safety note for everyone out there. (Yes I found this necessary because this is a story revolving around meeting online so I found it appropriate)

RATED: T+ for Language.

PIXIE'S NOTE: Hey guys! So here is the deal. Don't kill me!

I have not posted a thing for a few reasons and I am superbly sorry for that.

I started work, and things got mad between balancing work and school.

Not only that, My laptop crashed and I lost 5 chapters of the story. When I had time I sat down and tried my best to write the chapters but nothing came to mind. Until, I was inspired. So I am back and ready to write once again. Again, sorry for the delay and I hope you enjoy this chapter. I suggest reading back the last chapter or so just so you guys can refresh your memory. :]

DEDICATED TO: All my readers and friends. :] I want to thank all of my readers for sticking with me, and I hope you like it! –Hands Jasper and Jacob Cookies to everyone- Sorry I don't bake Edward cookies…though he might need the tan :P

Author's Song Choice : I'll Run by The Cab

A Cinderwolf Story

Chapter 13 : I'll Run

Jasper's POV

I stood frozen, my heart screamed at me to run after her but my mind was telling me something else. My feet were glued to the ground, my eyes watched her retreating figure. I had to make a choice, would I regret my choice is solely up to me.

My legs began to move, I sprinted with human speed. As much as I wanted to catch her, stop her, take her somewhere we could be alone, I thought against it.

It felt somewhat forbidden for me to reveal myself to her, yet I felt like I knew her. Her scent intoxicated me, it was like nothing I have smelled before. She wasn't my bloodsinger, I had no intentions of draining her life. My intentions however were to live in her arms, feel the warmth of her skin against my icy touch.

I watched as she moved swiftly to the crowd, her shoes in her hands as she pushed her way forcefully.

"Wait!"I called after her. I wanted- no, I needed her. Even a name would suffice, it would be enough for me to find her for another meeting. I knew she stood out of the crowd from the way she carried herself, she was not like other humans I've encountered. She was a creature of her own. Magnificent, elegant, beautiful and will make any man fall to their knees.

She turned to look at me, her hair blowing with the wind. Her eyes locked with mine, her lips parted as if she was going to tell me to catch her. But no words escaped her lips. Instead she turned back to face the direction she was heading, and then she disappeared.

I reached the middle of the dance floor, no sight of her. I was frantic, panicked almost. My eyes scanned the room, hastily looking at each face in the crowd for my princess.

I felt everyones excitement, happiness but my emotions overruled theirs.

I ran a hand through my locks, my lips pressed tight as I continued my search. It wasn't until I felt a hand on my shoulder that I tuned back in with reality.

"Jasper, Calm down. You're making everyone rather paranoid." I heard Edward state, his eyes were filled with concern and I simply nodded. I took a step back from him, my head hung low as I admit defeat with myself.

"I lost her."I whispered softly, my eyes stayed glued to the floor for a moment before I brought them to look at my companion.

I saw him look at a direction instantly,"She's still here." He said nonchalantly.

I followed his eyes, and there I saw her. Talking to the mutt Peter Pan and another in a Zorro costume.

I watched them closely, tuning into her emotions alone. She felt content, worried, rushed. Though I couldn't hear them I knew she was in a hurry to escape the dance and she was asking her companions to go with her before it was late.

"Go after her."I heard Edward whisper softly and I nodded.

"Thank you." I said, patting Edward before I began to walk up the grand stairs to her. She saw me, her eyes locking with mine reflected fear, hurt, and love.

"It's time for us to announce the winners of the costume contest!"A pixie voice echoed down the entire hall but my attention was not on Alice it was on her. She was no longer speaking to the boys beside her. Her eyes were on me as I climbed the final steps. Watching my every move as if she was in shock.

Her company turned to face me. Jacob Black had a grin on his face as if he knew something all along. The other boy scowled as if he was ready to tackle me to the ground.

There were but a few steps that separated me from them, I stood frozen as did she and her company. All waiting for someone to make a move. I took one step, waiting for her to do the same but instead she took a step back. She was hiding behind the larger males for protection. Not because she was afraid I would hurt her physically, but because she was afraid to be with me. At least, that is what I have concluded during the past two minutes.

"And the winners are, Oh my! Prince Charming and Cinderella!"Alice's voice rang and before I could take another step towards her, a crowd formed around me pushing me back and away from her. They lead me back down the stairs against my will. I fought against my instincts, I couldn't let the monster inside of me fight.

"Uh oh! Looks like Cinderella's playing hard to get!"Alice sing song. My eyes locked with Alice, in confusion but with a simple nod of the head I turned to look at the sight she meant.

The trio were running up the final flight of stairs to the lobby. She only stopped once to look at me. Something about the look she gave me spoke like a cold winter night, it felt like a goodbye. One that promised no more tomorrows. Her companions stopped as well, looking at me before urging her to hurry.

I knew I had to go after her. I couldn't let her go. I wasn't about to lose her.

"Let go."I spoke sternly to the few who escorted me. I appreciated the thanks and congratulations but I would rather live through one lifetime with my Princess than live through my entire existence knowing I had let love slip right through my fingers all for the title of Prince of the dance.

As I felt their hold on me released, I ran the other way, climbing up the stairs and pushing through those who got in my way. I was not in any way using my inhuman abilities, how I wish I could in a situation like this.

She was disappearing quickly through the lobby. I had one last flight of stairs. I fought hard against using my ability and stop her. I would rather not give her more of a reason to fear being with me.

Then she disappeared to the hall. I ran up the last staircase but something caught my eye. On the middle step, was her cell phone and one of her shoes.

The irony of the moment felt much like the fairytale in those books, but just like that Prince I knew I had to go after her. I picked up the items and ran to the entrance. I looked left; I looked right but no sign. Just a few students who were walking back to the dance and a few leaving the venue.

"She's gone."A womans voice called out to me. She stepped from the shadows, and I sighed in defeat.

I felt her sympathy, but my own emotions washed over me. I felt loneliness, despair, pain, fear, loss and so much more. If I still had a heart in me, it would feel as if it had been ripped from my body and thrown to the sharks.

"She hangs around Jacob Black and a kid with a cape and a mask. How hard would it be to find her?"I heard Rosalie offer. I looked up at her, never once did I see Rosalie offer such compassion for anyone. I suppose playing the part of siblings brought us closer than most could imagine. "Besides, you have her cell phone and one of her shoes. Play the part of Sherlock Holmes, investigate then be Prince Charming and see if the shoe fits. If all else fails, ask the mutt. I'm sure he knows who she is. He just gave her a ride to where ever she's going."

I listened to her intently, she had a point. But somehow I was waiting for someone to tell me to go after her, break the rules and run. Track her scent and find her. Confess how I felt, talk to her, stay with her.

"Why are you not telling me to go after her now?"I finally questioned her.

She shrugged crossing her arms across her chest. "If you wanted to you would've." She responded. "Jasper, we love you. I know I don't show I love this family but I do. I care for everyone not as much as I care about Emmett but I care for them even Bella and Nessie. I care a lot, especially for you. You're like a brother to me. Not just because we play the part but because I feel like we are. Look, I would tell you to go after her but what good would that be when you aren't sure yourself? "

Rosalie took a step closer to me, her hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner. "I think you should take a day or two. Think about what you want to do. Know we all support you no matter what. I'll even put the mutt in a skewer just to get him to talk about who she is and where we can find her if I have to." She laughed. I imagined she pictured the thought in her head. Surely, Edward would help her put the wet dog on a skewer.

"You know what is the right thing to do. In the end, you will be Prince Charming and she will be the Princess. At least, I hope so. It's about time you found someone. I can't stand feeling the empty feeling you feel."She joked.

"Thank you Rosalie."I spoke up. I understood her, she understood me. But never once did Rosalie and I speak like this. Perhaps once when she offered her sympathy when Alice left me but nothing quite like this. "I hope you aren't going soft now."

"Me? Never." She huffed, " I still think you're endangering us but you're entitled to your own love affair like the rest of us, Jasper. Just don't expect me to agree to change her when the time comes. If that time does come." Rosalie finished, taking her hand from my shoulder.

"I know, I'm against it too."I answered sheepishly but honestly. I couldn't fathom the thought of having her innocent life taken away and condemned into monstrosity.

Rosalie chuckled, "Oh please, don't pull an Edward. We all know how you boys are. Hopeless Romantics. You are in love with her. You'll want to spend your entire existence with her because you don't want to part ways with them. So don't tell me this 'I won't turn her, I'm against it. She can grow old and die and I will be with her until then' Bull crap. You'll change her. If not, you'll commit suicide. I would rather you change her than suffer the pain of losing her for all eternity."

"So you will say she should be changed?"I questioned. I wondered if she is giving it a chance, Rosalie was after all against Bella's change. And to this day brings it up when Bella complains about the life she is living.

"No. I will say she shouldn't. She doesn't deserve eternal damnation but you don't deserve to live with the pain. And neither does she."Rosalie answered truthfully. She offered a faint smile before shrugging casually. "I should head back inside. Emmett should be done trying to make a fool of himself by now."

"What's he doing?" I asked, curiously. She began to walk back inside, I took a few steps to follow her but stayed a fairly good distant away from here. The loud music echoed through the hall. Techno I presumed. Something I never expected Renesmee to play.

"Playing the role of a DJ while Nessie enjoys herself."She answered. It answered my question but I stayed quiet. Silence elapsed before she began to speak again, "You should head back inside too. I'm afraid you'll run."

I shook my head, "I would, but I have to think this through. You are right, I have things I have to straighten out with myself before I am ready to go after her. I will be in time. Just not, tonight. Not yet."

I sat down on a nearby bench, placing the shoe next to me and the cell phone on my lap. My head against the wall with my eyes closed. My mind pondered, millions of questions racing through my head. Through the questions I felt deep inside a definite answer- I refused to lose. I would find a way to find her, to be with her.

Was I ready to love? To risk it all for her? Would I be ready to make a decision for her life if time comes?

Tonight was beyond incredible. A night I would cherish for all eternity. But I felt unsatisfied with one night. Would I be selfish if I wanted to have many more of these nights? I wanted her, To love her, to wash away her fears. I wanted to be with her.

I chuckled to myself, I answered all my own questions. I didn't have to think twice about my decision. Rosalie was right, I was not like Edward. I would give her the choice when time comes, regardless of my own thoughts I would do as she pleased.

But that time is far from now, I had to find her. Not tonight, but tomorrow.

I opened my eyes and glanced down at the cell phone in my hand. My thumb graced over the screen as a smile came on my face. The wallpaper on the phone was a beautiful sunset but I couldn't help but notice the small box that indicated she had text messages.

Two from a person nicknamed 'Idiotic Brat', One from 'Annoying prat' and another from 'Airhead boss'.

I looked at it in confusion before shaking my head. The cellphone was not a clue, not yet. Maybe in time it could be but for now it was useless. I slipped it into my pocket before turning my head to glance at the shoe beside me.

The moment I shared with her at our secret place, the way her eyes looked and the way her smile formed. Even through her tan skin I could see I made her blush.

That was it, I had small pieces of who she was, all I needed to do was fit what I remember to those in the student body. My search begins tomorrow.

I swore to myself I would find her. "Have a little faith in me Princess." I whispered before rising from the bench and exiting to my car. And for me the night ended with bliss and promises to her and myself, I will fight to keep.

PIXIE'S NOTE: Ok so it isn't the best chapter. I tried! Like I said, I had an idea I got sort of inspired and I went with it. It's shorter than the last few chapters and definitely not as detailed. It feels like I rushed it and I'm not sure if I executed it well enough for you guys. :/

I wanted to get in Jaspers mind, have it fast paced just like he wouldn't really be thinking straight and just everythings fast because of panic. Then I wanted a little Edward and Jasper moment and A little Jasper and Rosalie moment to show the bond they do have as a family.

But still I think it was quite the fail of a chapter. grrrawr!

In the next chapter you'll see everything back in Leah's POV. Where she's going and how everything is going to go for her. Lot's of drama and finally some MAJOR Sam and Leah action!

This is Jasper's thoughts on the night, Next chapter is all Leah's so it's good. You get to see her mixed reaction and how ------ flips! ;) I won't spoil the next chapter. I gotta leave ya hanging remember?

Hopefully this chapter wasn't a complete disaster. I hope it's tolerable. I'm probably going to go back to this later and do another set of edits and changes. Hehe.

But! I will make up for this epic fail of a chapter in the next Chapter I swear!! And It won't take months to update either. Pinky promise.


PS. I'm developing another story somewhat like Cinderwolf. It's called Avatar: Pandora's Twilight. It's another Leah/Jasper fic so be sure to go and read that and tell me what you think. :] You can find it in my profile.