This is my first upload. A little nervous. Hoping I don't mess up. Please note there's a lot of language here, so block those freakin' ears. This whole thing was inspired by my next door neighbour asking me to turn down my music, as well as some old Andrews Sisters records I found a while back. After this introduction chapter most of the chapters will be in journal format, followed by a chapter of non journal stuff and so on.

This chapter contains lines from the Andrews Sisters song 'Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen.' I added the lines because while I was writing this scene I could literally hear the song in my head as I pictured it. Seriously, it's a great song and really sets the mood for the scene, especially if you liked the opening fight scene from the Watchmen movie. If you can, look it up on youtube or whatever and listen to it as you read. You should. It's good. Will make me smile.

Anyway! I have babbled enough! Carry on! And most of all, let me know what you think.

It's 2.30am, May 17th. He lifts open the window. She still hasn't locked it. Stupid woman. Music's still on, loud as ever. If memory serves him right, it's an Andrews Sisters record.

Of all the boys I've known and I've known some, until I first met you I was lonesome…

He can't help but feel a little nostalgia, 'Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen', hasn't heard it in years.

And when you first came in sight dear, my heart grew light…

He already knows no one's there, but he scopes the area in case. Nothing stirs as he lowers himself through the window, carefully adding his bodyweight to the floorboards.

And this old world seemed so new to me…

Feeling a little less cautious, although still on guard, he makes his way to her kitchen, searching through draws for any drugs. Nothing suspicious.

You're really swell I have to admit, you…

He heads over to the freezer.

Deserve expressions that really fit you…

Opens the door, opens container labelled 'ice cream'. Sure enough, in a zip lock bag, a wad of cash and some bullets. Jackpot.
And then, a voice.

"What the fuck?"

So I've wracked my brain, hoping to explain
All the things that you do to me…

She stands there, in her doorway. He freezes. Music was so loud he didn't hear her approaching, or the door opening. Idiot didn't wait long enough to see if she'd definitely gone. She's in a blue bathrobe with a cup of milk in her hand. It looked like a blue coat when he watched her walk out through her curtains. Her manner of dress shoots panic into him. Does he give her a chance to co-operate, run or interrogate her like he usually would?

Bei mir bist du shoen, please let me explain…

Doesn't matter. She's obviously made up her mind before him. She drops the milk and grabs a baking tray off the bench and bashes it against his face with lightning speed.

Bei mir bist du shoen means that you're grand…

No time for moral dilemmas now. While crouched down from the impact he's quick to send a right hook from underneath and impact the bottom of her jaw, sending her backwards with a grunt.

Bei mir bist du shoen, again I'll explain…

She clutches her jaw and cracks it back into place, using her free hand to feel along the counter until… bingo. A fruit knife but a knife nonetheless. Her fist grips around the handle and just as he comes as her she swipes.

It means that you're the fairest in the land…

He's too quick, leaning back and just narrowly avoiding he swipes. He can't not notice that she knows what she's doing. Threat level rises.

I could say 'Bella, Bella,' even 'Wunderbar,'

He quickly rips a microwave out of the electrical port and hurls it at her, the force of the object as it hits her in her stomach throwing her backwards and into another room with a crash. She's landed on a dresser.

Each language only helps me tell you how grand you are,

She's on the floor, on top of the collapsed rubble of what was her cheap dresser, the things that sat there gathered around her as she clutched her ribs, in double the pain thanks to the existing damage. She can taste blood. He's entering the room and heading for her.

I've tried to explain 'Bei mir bist du shoen,'

She quickly lifts herself up a little and kicks him square in the sternum, causing him to stumble back and trip over the same microwave. She uses this opportunity to launch herself up and straddle him, before laying down as many punches as her weakened self could manage.

So kiss me and say you understand…

He, however, is not as weakened as she is, and grabs a now obsolete lamp, striking her in the skull as hard as he could. She topples off and to the side of him, breathing heavily and struggling to keep moving, clutching her head and using her legs to try and push herself away. It's his turn to do the same to her as a moment ago, except as she turns her head to face him, he notices something.

A single black-pearl earring in her left ear. He glances to the right ear. A giant split in it that's already started to heal, a sign that it's not recent.

The music continues to blare in the background as he gets off her, keeping a hand firmly on her neck. He raises her up so she's in a sitting position, ready to interrogate her. But it's too late. She's unconscious.

It's okay. He's got all night.