Naruhina43: Hola, Howdy, Hello, and whatever else you can think of! I'm back with a new story. It will only be a few chapters long, but it's still something that I really like so far. This chapter takes place just after Kagam's little "scene" at Kyoto with that creepy doll dude. Please enjoy.

Kagami walked silently into the hotel. There was a thick atmosphere hanging over her, like murky gray rain clouds fogging up her mind. Kagami couldn't believe what happened. That stupid idiot.

She couldn't believe she had been so naïve. She had really believed that some mysterious guy was going to admit his love. She felt so foolish. Had she really been stupid enough, no, hopeful enough, to think that something romantic would happen? That a secret admire would boldly approach her admit his love. That kind of stuff only happened in romance movies, and other stupid made-up events. She cursed the romance novels she had taken to reading, and mentally scolded herself for being so gullible. The word gullible in her mind instantly reminded her of Konata.

"Damn it, she's right. I really do fall for everything." Kagami muttered angrily. She walked through the lobby, her sullen face attracting many glances, some sympathetic, others curious. She glared at all of them. She stared out of the elevator glass with a set face. The door pinged open, and she stepped out slowly. She withdrew her key in front of the plaque that said "Room 403" and opened the door.

"Hey! Kagamin, where were you?! Misao and Ayano stopped by earlier, but you weren't here so I-"

Kagami ignored Konata's rant and walked into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her. She ran hot water into the bathtub, and splashed cold water from the sink onto her face. As she stared at herself in the mirror, she saw that her eyes were red and puffy. Had she really cried without being aware of it? She shook her head, and began undressing. She stopped the water after a few minutes, and slowly dipped herself in, with an involuntary sigh of relief.

She let herself soak in the water, not really bothering with washing herself. She was still mentally cursing everything that was annoying her.

"Stupid boy. Stupid optimism. Stupid romance. Stupid Konata." It took Kagami a moment to realize that Konata had once again somehow creeped her way into her thoughts at one of the most random and unneeded times.

"Damn, this guy really screwed me up." Kagami muttered angrily. She closed her eyes, trying to rid herself of the vision of what she must have looked like to although those people who looked at her. She gently hit the edge of the tub with her fist, as a small tear leaked out of the corner of her eye.


"What was that about?" Konata asked confusedly to Miyuki and Tsukasa. The two shrugged.

"I've never seen Onee-chan like that. She seems really upset." Tsukasa said quietly.

"Way to point out the obvious Tsukasa." Konata said sarcastically. Tsukasa blushed.

"Sorry, Kona-chan." Tsukasa said apologetically.

"So does anyone have any ideas on how she might have gotten this way?" Konata asked. The others shook their heads.

"Right. Well I guess it's up to one of us to find out. Any volunteers?" Konata asked. Tsukasa and Miyuki just stayed silent. Konata sighed.

"Fine. I'll try. But I'm waiting until she gets out. Kagami's scary when she's pissed." Konata told them.


Kagami finally stopped crying. She knew it was just her imagination, but the water level seemed to be a bit higher than before she started. She decided to get out. She searched for the plug and let the water drain out. As it did, she stepped out and reached for a towel. Kagami attempted to clear her head and let go of the night's memory, but her red, tear-stained, haunted face staring back at her in the mirror didn't help it at all. Kagami gathered up her strength in one long breath.

"Alright. Alright. Pull yourself together girl. It's just a boy. You can't let him do this to you. I am strong, I am happy. I am strong, I am happy, I am… being totally stupid." Kagami sighed. She hit her head.

"I just need to stop thinking about it. I need something to take my mind off of this. And I know just the person to do it." Kagami exclaimed softly. She toweled herself dry and thought of what conversation she could start to take her mind off of what had happened. She stepped into the pajamas that she had brought in, and opened the door, with the steam that she hadn't even realized was there spilling out. She let out a sigh of relief. That bath and steam really did help clear her mind.

"Hey guys." She said casually. She sat down an noticed the way her friends were staring at her.

"Damn, they noticed."

"Uh, hey Kagami. Did you enjoy your bath?" Konata asked hesitantly.

"Yeah. It really helped take off all the stress of the day." Kagami said happily. Konata, Tsukasa, and Miyuki exchanged looks.

"What's up?" Kagami asked in an innocently curious voice.

"It's nothing. You just seemed a little bummed earlier. We were wondering if you were okay." Konata said nervously.

"Thanks, but I'm fine." Kagami said, dismissing it with a wave of her hand. Konata let the subject drop.

"Alright, if you're fine. So is anyone else really excited for tomorrow? The last day?" Konata asked excitedly.

"Oh yeah! I forgot that tomorrow was the last day!" Tsukasa said innocently.

"That's our Tsukasa! Always that airhead." Konata said with a grin, petting Tsukasa's head.

"Well I have to agree on the airhead part, but could you not tease her like that? I could tease Yutaka. How would you feel if I did that?" Kagami asked.

"Well I tease Yutaka too. So it wouldn't matter too much." Konata stated matter-of-factly. Kagami couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"That's not the kind of thing you admit Konata!" Kagami yelled angrily.

"Why not, you tease Tsukasa all the time." Konata pointed out.

"Uh, well, that's different!" Kagami stuttered out angrily.

"Sure…" Konata said smugly.

"Shut up!"

Yep, Konata was definitely the person to go to if you wanted to forget all your old troubles. The only draw back: She gives you new ones.

Naruhina43: Well, that was the first chapter. Please review!