This Twilight and Harry Potter crossover fan fiction is based upon the books/movies of the same name. All characters and situations other than my own are sole property of the franchises respective owners.

If there was one thing Edward Anthony Mason Cullen was absolutely sure of, besides DNA Structure, it was that the new girl at school was out of her mind.

Luna Lovegood was an odd one. Perhaps the oddest of the odd.

From the moment she stepped out of that beat-up old Volkswagen Beetle, Edward knew. Maybe it was the clothes, the purple tights and burgundy skirt with a blue sweater. It was like a rainbow had vomited all over her. Not to mention the fork earrings she had worn. Although Alice had had a good laugh.

And she had skipped to class. Skipped, as in hippity hoppity gait children are known to enjoy. And she was always reaching over her ear as if the grab something.

Nevertheless, there was something thrilling about her. Something almost inhuman. Ethereal. Her bouncy blond hair caught what little sun peaked through the clouds in rainy Forks and her silver eyes blinked rarely. When she looked at him, it was like she was staring through him. He didn't like it.

And, of course, she sat next to him in Biology. She just walked into the room, handed the teacher a yellow slip of paper, and floated down into the only available seat, next to his. Which brings us back to DNA Structure.

He understood DNA Structure, having been through the subject more times than he would like to count. But the Lovegood girl, she was driving him crazy. She kept muttering about "pasiliods" and how they dictated whether a person would or would not receive a specific trait. Sure, it had been pleasantly distracting in the beginning, but now she was doodling these creatures on the desk, etching them into the surface of the wood.

It was a little unsettling.

And every time he took a look-see into her mind, all he could see were the "pasiliods" and random facts about them. He now knew that the Pasiliod stood at 1 1/2 foot from it's six feet to it's haunches and that it would lay on the stomach of pregnant women while they slept. It's 'dream waves' would pass to the unborn child and affect it's traits and, apparently, the more contact a unborn child had with a Pasiliod, the more it looked like it's mother. All would be great things to know if they weren't complete and utter nonsense.

He was curious though. So completely curious about this petite little thing that he was almost willing to drop the mysterious, silent type attitude to ask her some questions. Like:

"Why did you lock your car door with a padlock? It doesn't work that way."


"How come you have two different shoes on?"

or maybe even,

"What is wrong with you?"

But, he didn't. No, he'd wait until class was over and then get out of there and away from her as soon as possible.

When the bell finally rang, he was out of his seat and out the door before you could say Pasiliod.

"Goodbye Edward Cullen," he heard her say dreamily as he slip through the door.

He didn't tell her his name, and neither did anyone else.

There's a ton of Harry/Twilight love out there, but I much rather have Luna! Right now, it's a little one shot. Should it keep going?

Please R+R!