"I found it!" Sophie happily declared, pulling a dusty green book off the shelf. Faded gold lettering, forming the words: "Sumerian Cuneiform" could be seen on the spine. She turned to Lok. "Now let's check it out and…" CRASH! Lok pushed Sophie behind the bookshelf, as several windows shattered.

Several Suits flew through the broken windows. Screams echoed through the library as innocent bystanders cowered beneath tables and behind bookshelves or tried to flee from the building. "Suits! How? What? The Professor's gone, the Organization should have disappeared!" Lok whispered to Sophie in supreme confusion.

Sophie frowned, considering the puzzle for a second, before she pushed it out of her mind to deal with more immediate, practical problems. "We need to lead them out of the library." Sophie ran out from their hiding place, shouting "Hey, over here!" The small army of goons looked up from what was obviously a search as Lok followed Sophie out reluctantly.

"Look," one of them said, "It's them!" The entire group moved towards Sophie and Lok, who turned and ran. Behind them, they could hear the thugs shouting out attack spells.

Sophie turned, and called out "Honor Guard!" catching the blasts at the last second. "Keep going!" She said to Lok, who had turned as if to fight back. "We can fight them when we get outside, away from other people."

They were nearly at the closest door, when one of the Suits cried "Hyper stride!" and landed in front of them, in the stance for Touch Ram. As she was about to say the spell, Lok dove forward, knocking her off her feet and out of the way. Sophie threw the door open, and the two Seekers ran out into the alley outside.

"Now we can fight," Sophie exclaimed, holding up an amulet. "Icarus! Come out!"

"Freelancer!" Lok shouted. The two titans leapt forward to confront the approaching group of suits. The suits quickly sent out their own titans, a mixture of Red Caps and Mind Drones. Icarus and Freelancer managed to take out two each before they were over whelmed.

The suits were moving closer, fanning out in a semi-circle around Lok and Sophie, who had their backs to the building next to the library, while Sophie held the suits off with a shield spell. "Lindorm!" Lok reached for his strongest Titan in a last-ditch attempt to blow back some of the enemy Titans and suits, and create an escape route.

Sophie saw what he was doing, and let go of her spell with one hand to reach for her strongest, "Sab…" Her fingers hit air where the amulet should have been. She was only thrown off balance for split second, but that second was just long enough for one of the suits to break through her weakened spell and hit her with a particularly nasty Ray Pulse. Sophie was immediately blown back into the wall.

Lok let out a terrified yell as she slid to the ground and lay still. He spun to face the six remaining suits. He sent a Bolt Flare at the suit who had hit Sophie, taking him by surprise. The Red Caps and Mind Drones had been taken out by Lindorm, but the sheer number of minor Titans had led to a mutual canceling out. For the next minute or so, Lok did his best to fight off the last five suits while protecting Sophie, but five against one are not good odds (even for the main character of a cartoon). He was soon overpowered and knocked out.

"Does he have the book?" A female Suit with short auburn hair asked the large, black-haired, male Suit who had just swung Lok over his shoulder.

"It's probably in his backpack," the Suit grunted. "Let's go." The other four healthy Suits woke up their fallen comrades with various minor healing spells, and the group left, leaving Sophie lying motionless in the alley.