A/N: Sorry it took so long to get inspired to write this. Thanks to all my reviewers/readers. I'm working on the next part as I post this. Thanks again to my new inspiration/beta: Pirate Kit.

Nate stepped out of the elevator with the two cups of coffee. He walked back down to Eliot's room and entered quietly. Seeing Sophie sitting in the chair, he crossed over to her and handed her the cup.

"How's he doing?" He asked, sitting on the opposite chair.

"No change. He's still sleeping." Sophie said, sighing .

Nate nodded, watching the hitter carefully.

"Anything from Hardison?" Sophie broke the silence after a few minutes.

Nate shook his head and Sophie sighed again.

"I….I need some air." She said, standing up and walking out of the room.


Hardison reached into the fridge for a bottle of the orange soda he usually preferred. He was just closing the door when he heard the chime. Dropping the soda, he ran back into the conference room. Punching the site up on the TV monitors, he saw that there had been a new link added by Conway. He reached out with a shaky hand, his stomach in his throat and hit the underlined link. A new page popped up. Hardison swallowed hard as he saw a picture of Parker on the screen, her eyes closed. He reluctantly hit the next button. Parker tied up. Parker looking at something off camera, a hint of fear on her face. Hardison saw the video link at the bottom of the screen under the pictures. He stood up from his chair and started to pace. He debated on whether he wanted to hit the play button. He knew that he needed to for the sake of finding Parker. He closed his eyes as he pushed play. He kept his eyes screwed shut as he heard a man's voice talking to someone on screen. His heart stopped as he heard Parker's whimper. Eyes flying open, he saw Conway's back to the camera, straddling Parker. He slammed his hand down on the pause button. Hardison wasn't sure he could watch what he knew deep down was coming next. He left the screen on pause in fear of losing the connection and picked up the phone laying on the desk. Dialing, he averted his eyes from the monitor.

"Hardison." Nate answered the phone, his voice tired and weary.

"I…uh….I found Parker." Hardison told the man.

"You did?"

Hardison cringed as he noted the switch in the man's voice. "Yeah. Conway just posted a link on his site."

"I see…."

There was a slight pause on the line as each man contemplated what that meant.

"How bad?" Nate asked, his voice low and dangerous.

"Bad. Badder than bad." Hardison replied, closing his eyes again.

"Can you trace it?"

Hardison sighed, sitting back down in the chair. "He's running the signal off of several routers. It'll take some time."

"Do it." Nate replied.

"Already started." Hardison informed the man. "How's Eliot?"

"The same." Nate sighed. "Keep working on it."

Hardison hung up, turning back to the monitor. He hit play, the knot in his stomach growing as he saw the man remove her jeans. His jaw clenched as Parker kicked out at the man.

"You are so dead." Hardison hissed as he watched Conway slap Parker.

He turned his chair around to face the wall as he let the video play out. Hardison's fingers dug into the arm of the chair as heard the sound of fabric ripping and Parker's scream. His stomach threatening to revolt, he stumbled to his feet. He made his way down the hall to the bathroom and threw up. The sounds of Parker's cries played in the background. Hardison sunk to the floor, head resting on his knee and knew that that wouldn't be a sound he soon forgot.