AN: I bought my sister "the one with all ten seasons", the friends box set, for Christmas and we just finished watching it. now we're back to One Tree Hill. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago Ross and Rachel went on "a break" a few days afterward, this was written.

This was the greatest day of his life.
Gunther finally had the information that would get his beloved Rachel away from Ross.
Today he had woken up, feeling pretty mediocre, but then while he was opening up at Central Perk, he'd gotten a call from his roommate.
And then his mediocre day became the best ever.
Rachel and Ross had a huge fight the night before and Ross then went and slept with Gunther's roommate's brother's best friend.
This was big news.
From what he'd heard around the coffeehouse, Ross had been in love with Rachel for almost a decade. and he just slept with someone else.
On their one-year anniversary!
He knew it was bad. He wanted to hit Ross over the hed for being such an idiot. it was Rachel for god's sake!
But then, he also wanted to be the one to comfort her when she found out.
And there was only one way to gaurentee he could do that.
"Hey gunther, can I get a regular coffee?" Rachel requested as she came inside.
"Ross slept with the girl from the copy place." he blurted out by way of a reply.
Rachel froze. she was about to remove her coat but at his words her hands limply dropped to her sides and she blinked at him.
"...He... What?... He what?"
Gunther explained the situation to the best of his knowledge as she stood a few feet from the door, the only customer at the time.
"You sit down. I'll bring your coffee right away."
Rachel nodded. As he watched her, Gunther noticed she almost looked dead inside.
He wanted to be there in her time of need, but he now realised this wasn't his best idea.
Being the one that hurt rachel with this news was almost as bad as being the one who did the thing that hurt her.
"If you wanna talk..."
"No. I just need... No. just the coffee. thanks." she replied and he handed her the beverage before returning to the counter.
Rachel sat holding her coffee, just staring into it as Gunther attempted to go about his business.
"Gunther! Please tell me you didn't say anything to Rachel about me and the girl from the copy place!" Ross cried out frantically as he flew through the door.
"iIm sorry, was I not supposed to?"
Ross turned so slowly towards the window, and then Rachel was out of her seat in a shot. she raced out the door, followed by Ross repeatedly calling her name and Gunther stood still.
This wasn't the time. Not now. He would have his moment just not today.

AN2: that's it. that's what I thought of in that awful time that they were yelling at each other while their friends were trapped in monica's bedroom eating wax. Hope you enjoyed, drop a reveiw, let me know what you thought.