A/N: I know this is another new story and i still haven't finished any of my works in progress, but it wouldn't leave my head. I've written a lot of it so far and I really want a good beta reader so tell me if you want the job. Please! Review and tell me if you like it. And this story will replace Becoming Mrs. Malfoy. I had originally intended for it to be a prequel/prolougue to it, but it got out of hand. So Equality will replace it.

Disclaimer: I don't ownharry potter or any characters but my OCs: Celia, Eric, and Lisa. And any others I come up with. Everything else is J.K. Rowlings.

Rose Weasley never quite did as was expected. Friends with Scorpius Malfoy, Celia Nott, Lisa Goyle, and Eric Avery, she was a supporter of equal rights- for everyone. Even the families of former death eaters. Even though it meant going against her family to do it. She wanted equality- and she was going to get it.

Equality – Chapter 1

September 1st, 2017: Hogwarts Express

An 11-year-old Rose Weasley stumbled into a compartment, tripped over some bags, and landed flat on her face. Not the best way to start my first year at Hogwarts, she thought. She blushed even harder when she heard the giggles. She just wanted to curl up and die. She might have even done it, if it had not been for the hand someone offered.

"Do you need some help?" The young blond boy asked.

Still blushing, Rose took the hand. When she got to her feet, she said, "Thanks. I'll just be going now…" But as she turned to leave, a girl spoke up, "You don't have to leave, you know." The girl glanced at the others in the compartment, who nodded in confirmation. "We still have room in here, and it isn't likely you'll find another compartment that isn't full."

"All right," Rose knew that the girl was right. Ever since she had decided not to sit with her annoying cousins, she had searched all over the train. She decided that these were nice enough people and sat down in one of the remaining seats.

"Do you want to play exploding snap?" The blond boy who had helped her up asked.

"Of course! I'm the best at exploding snap in my family." Rose bragged.

"Really?" The boy smiled. "So am I."

The game that followed surely went down in history as one of the best Exploding Snap games ever. Neither one of the players wanted to give up so the game only ended when all of the cards were destroyed and everyone's eyebrows had been burned off.

"You're really good." Rose admitted. "Unfortunately, we all look like eyebrow-less freaks."

"I can fix that." A tall boy with dark brown hair said. "I've played against Scorpius here enough times that I know the charm." He drew out his wand and tapped it on Rose's forehead. "You're eyebrows are now back to normal. I'm Eric Avery." He then went around the compartment, restoring everyone else's eyebrows.

"I'm Lisa Goyle," The girl who had invited her to stay introduced herself. Lisa had long dark hair, with bangs that cut across her forehead. She was a chubby girl, but not fat.

"I'm Celia Nott." A girl with a platinum blond hair said.

"And I'm Scorpius Malfoy." The blond boy smiled at her.

Rose was shocked. Goyle, Avery, Nott, Malfoy. The names kept repeating in her head. She could hear the words of her father, 'Rosie, there are going to be some people at Hogwarts that I don't ever want you to be friends with or even talk to,' he had said, making sure Hermione couldn't hear him. 'The Goyle kid, the Nott kid, the Avery kid, and especially the Malfoy kid. Do you understand?' She tried to reconcile all of the things she had heard about their families, about how they were all horrible people, with the friendly faces that lay before her. It made no sense.

At the moment, those friendly faces were looking at her funny. I wonder why, she thought before realizing that, duh, they wanted her to introduce herself.

"I'm Rose Weasley." She said, trying not to let the shock show through. With that simple introduction, their confusion was quickly replaced with shock of their own. No doubt, they were also trying to figure out how the nice girl they had met was a Weasley, a family they had probably heard terrible things about all their lives.

"Well that explains it." Eric Avery said.

"What? What does it explain?" Rose asked, confused.

"It explains why you were staring into space for five minutes after we introduced ourselves." Celia Nott giggled a bit. So that's who laughed when I fell, Rose thought.

"Was I? Sorry about that." She shrugged. "It was a bit surprising, you know. My dad has been telling horror stories about your families to me for years."

"And how do we compare?" Eric asked, "I'd hate not to live up to these expectations."

"You're not at all like he said you'd be. I was expecting heartless bullies who stole candy from babies and kicked at puppies." Rose laughed.

"Well, I don't think we do any of those things, but I could always steal your candy…" Scorpius laughed, reaching for her chocolate frogs.

"No way!" She laughed grabbing the candy away from him. "So how do I compare with your stories about the Weasley family?"

"I was expecting a bunch of selfish, fame seeking, red heads." Eric shrugged. "My mom was always mad at your dad for arresting my dad eight years after he ran away when he lost the war. I had just been born then so I don't even remember him. I don't want too."

"My dad said that you were a bunch of harpies in disguise." Celia said. "And he said to watch out for bats. He's crazy though so I really don't care at all what he thinks. I'm going all the way to the top and when I get old enough, I'll be Minister of Magic. I need to get along with everyone, so I've always ignored his prejudices."

"My dad told me that you were all insane, stupid, and that you always stuck together. Wrong on all accounts as always." Lisa smiled at Rose.

"My dad didn't say anything about your family." Scorpius said. Rose stared at him in disbelief. How could the Malfoys not have anything bad to say about the Weasleys?

"Honestly!" Scorpius protested, as the others also stared. "All he ever said was that I shouldn't take it to heart if any of the Weasleys was mean to me."

"Really? My dad said that the Malfoys and the Weasleys hated each other." Rose was still confused.

"Guess it's a one-sided feud now." Scorpius shrugged and left it at that.

"So now that you know who we are, are you going to leave?" Celia asked the question that was on all of their minds.

"Do you want me too?" Rose was pretty sure they didn't but she had to be sure.

"No." Lisa looked to make sure everyone else agreed. "We think you're perfectly nice."

"Well then, I guess I'll stay." Rose answered smiling. She looked around at the others, knowing that this was the start of a wonderful friendship.

September 1st, 2017: Sorting Ceremony

Rose looked around the great hall, trying to catch her new friends' eyes. They had been lined up in alphabetical order, which meant that Eric was at the front and she was at the end. She hated having a last name that began with W, although she probably wouldn't want to have it start with A as she would always have to go first. She'd prefer to have a last name that started with a letter in the middle, like M…

That line of thought was immediately cut off as the sorting hat finished its song and started sorting. It wasn't long until "Avery, Eric!" was called. She gave Eric a faint reassuring smile before the hat slipped over his head.

Ah, an Avery, the hat said, I never thought I'd see another one. I guess you're the first then.

'The first what?' Eric asked silently.

The first child of a former death eater to come to Hogwarts, of course. I hope you're ready for it.

'I maybe the first,' Eric told the hat, 'but I'm not the only one.'

But the Nott and Goyle girls are only the granddaughters of Death Eaters.

'What about Scorpius?'

Draco Malfoy was forced to serve. It won't matter to most, but truly you are the only child of a willingly serving Death Eater.

"What does any of this matter in my sorting?' Eric demanded, getting fed up with the questions. 'I never even knew my father and I don't want too!'

I know. I was just making sure you knew. I see many things in you Avery, but none of it is like your father. I see ambition and cunning, but you truly care about others. Slytherin is not the place for you.

Eric visibly relaxed.

But I see that you already knew that. You are not the bold type, so Gryffindor is out. And your sarcastic manner and impatience would never fit in with the Hufflepuffs. As I know you already thought you are a…

"RAVENCLAW!" The hat shouted. Rose smiled at her friend as he pulled the hat off, not even caring about the lack of enthusiasm the Ravenclaws were showing.

It was not long before another one of Rose's friends was called – Lisa Goyle. Rose watched the friendly girl as the hat dropped over her head.

I never thought I'd see a Goyle who could remember her name. You are much smarter than you're father.

'I'm not that smart.' Lisa blushed.

You are a timid little thing. And friendly too. Amazing. What made you this different from your family of brutish thugs?

'You don't want to know.' Lisa muttered. Intrigued, the hat searched through her memories to find the answer.

Oh. My dear. You will need all the support and love there is in…


Rose wasn't even surprised at this. Hufflepuff was obviously where shy but friendly Lisa belonged.

Soon enough, "Malfoy, Scorpius!" was called out. There was an instant hush over the Hall. The Malfoys was one of the most well known death eater families and their feud with the Weasleys was common knowledge. With every Weasley in the Hall except Rose glaring at him, Scorpius gulped. Then the world went black as the hat covered his eyes.

Welcome to Hogwarts, young Malfoy. You do know that if you get your wish, it will get even worse.

'I know.'

And you still want to do it? Boy, you could be a Gryffindor!

'I don't think I'd quite fit.' Scorpius thought of the glares the Gryffindors were no doubt still giving him.

I suppose you're right about that. You actually think before you act. So I guess you'll get your wish and be in…


Silence. No one clapped no one. He saw Rose start to, but then he shook his head. Didn't want her family to kill her or anything.

Once he was seated next to Eric, the ceremony started again. After a few minutes, "Nott, Celia!" was called up.

You're an easy one to sort. It's all there, ambition, cunning, everything. And you want it too.


I will warn you though; being in Slytherin will not help you reach your goal. In fact, in recent times, it might hinder you.

'I know. But I do love a challenge.'

All right. You are a…


The students looked relieved that finally, someone was put where they were expected. Rose smiled, knowing that Slytherin was actually, where Celia wanted to go.

Before she knew it, "Weasley, Rose!" was called and the hat slipped over her eyes.

You have a choice to make.

'Do I?'

Yes. You have four very unlikely friends in three different houses. Your family, where you are expected to go is in Gryffindor. Where will you choose?

'Does it matter? You'll put me where you see fit.'

Ah, but I can't. You have qualities of all four houses. It comes down to you.

'I think it's very irresponsible of you to leave a choice like this to an 11-year-old.'

Well, that get's rid of Slytherin. A Slytherin would have exploited that. Tell me, Rose Weasley, what do you think of they way the world treats your friends?


Just answer!

'I think it's horribly unfair. They judge them before they even meet them.'

You are so like your mother. I've narrowed it down to Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Which do you want?

'I don't know!'

What would you do if someone was insulting one of your friends?

'Confront them, of course!'

Ah, now the choice is clear. E prepared for a lot of insults about your friends in…
