A/N: I'm sorry this took so long. And it may not be very good. Right now this is unbetaed until I can find my beta again.

Disclaimer: Nothing but the plot and the ocs' are mine.

September 16, 2018: Professor Neville's office

"I know why you called me in here, so why don't we just get right to it." The angry mass of red hair that was Rose stormed into Neville's office. Her performance might have thrown off or angered any other teacher but Neville had known the girl her entire life. He was used to her. He just raised his eyebrows at her as she ranted on. "I'm not joining the Quidditch team! Neither you nor anyone else can make me. So will you stop pestering me about it already?"

"I haven't even said anything." Neville pointed out.

"But you were going to tell me to join the team, weren't you?"

"Maybe not."

Rose just rolled your eyes. "I don't want to join the team."

"But why not?" Neville questioned. "You've always loved Quidditch and you're great at it! There's a spot open for a Chaser, your favorite position. Why won't you even try out?"

"Because I don't want to!" Rose stamped her foot. "Uncle Neville, get that through your head!"

"This is because of those spawn, isn't it?" Neville muttered. Why did such a wonderful girl like Rose hang out with terrible people like them?

"NO!" Rose protested. "This has nothing to do with them!"

Neville ignored her. "So they're mad that they can't play so they force you to not play…"

"That's not it!" Rose's face was turning red with anger. "They don't even want me to do this!"

"Then why?" Neville ignored the last part of her statement.

"Because it's not fair!"

Whatever Neville had thought Rose would say, that was not it. "Huh?"

"People should be accepted or not accepted because of their athletic ability, of their skill. Not because of any prejudice against them. It's not fair and I won't support an unjust system."

"What are you talking about?"

"My friends!"

Aha! "I thought this wasn't about them?" Neville felt triumphant. Rose groaned with annoyance.

"Do you even listen?" She focused her eyes on the ceiling as if asking for divine help. "My friends are discriminated against for no reason other than their ancestry. They aren't allowed to try out. I won't try out either."

"So we should just give the spawn spots on the team?" Neville growled.

"No." Rose shook her head. "I just think everyone should get a chance to try out."

"Like any of them are any good." Neville muttered.

"Yes, Eric is actually amazing. Better than anyone, I've ever seen. And they won't even give them a chance."

Neville snorted. "If he's that good then you should be glad that spawn isn't on the team. Show some Gryffindor support."

"Ugh! You are impossible." Rose stormed out of the room.

You are an idiot. Why can't you ever believe her? One of his inner voices said.

Later on September 16, 2018: Greenhouse

"What are you doing here?" Neville's voice made the girl drop her tweezers in surprise.

"N-nothing, sir." Lisa's voice trembled as she turned to face him. "I was just plucking the withered spikes from the Creeping Pine. If you don't pluck the withered spikes regularly, it develops a rash."

"I know that. I'm the professor of Herbology." Neville said gruffly. On the inside, he was impressed that she cared enough about a plant she wasn't even required to take care of. Of course, he soon reminded himself about who she was.

"I'm almost done, sir. I'll leave as soon as the Pine's okay."

Neville turned, intending to ignore her until she left. Instead, he said, "So you're the one who's gotten Rose to quit Quidditch."

Lisa blushed and started trembling. She didn't look him in the eyes as she replied, "I-I never t-told her to d-do that."

"You weren't jealous of her?"

"N-no. I w-wouldn't have tried a-anyway, sir. I am h-horrid on a broom."

"She mentioned one of you was good on a broom. Did he tell her not to try?"

"Eric is f-fantastic but h-he wouldn't have t-told her to do t-that."

"You expect me to believe she decided to quit on her own?"

Lisa swallowed nervously but met Neville's eyes this time. She laid down the tweezers and spoke without a tremble. "Sir, if you knew Rose at all, you'd know no one can make her do anything. You'd also know that she cares very much about equality." She seemed to loose her nerve and her eyes once again focused on her shoes.

"I've known Rose her entire life!"

Lisa met his eyes again. He saw fear in them but also the desire to defend her friend. It was unnerving. How can you fake that look? There was no tremble in Lisa's voice as she forced herself to say, despite her fear, "Then you should know her better, sir." Her eyes flew to the floor again as she backed up toward the door. "The Pine's okay now. I'll be going."

As the door closed, Neville watched the frightened girl run back to the castle, looking over her shoulder several times as if she were afraid that he would chase after her. He considered it, actually. But his inner voice was annoying him to much for him to do anything but glare.

She's right, you know. About a lot of things. Plus did you see how happy that Pine is?

Neville sighed and buried his face in his hands. Why was everyone so confusing? Why did everything contradict his beliefs?