Disclaimer: I don't own any part of Narnia. Rating K+ (just to be safe) for some intense imagery. Several lines (particularly in Lucy's chapter) are very similar to some found in the book The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

A/N: *waves* Hey everyone! This is the first story I've posted! I'd appreciate it if you took the time to review to let me know what you thought! Thanks, and happy reading!



When I first heard His name, I felt things I had never felt before. The air around me seemed to swirl with mystery and wonder, and a glance at my siblings showed them to be similarly captivated. Despite all that had been happening—finding ourselves in a strange place with no hope of leaving anytime soon, Lucy's friend getting captured by the Witch, and Edmund acting so beastly—the mere sound of His name was enough to calm my worries for that moment. And though I felt a thrill of fear when the Beavers told us He was a lion, I realized that it seemed to fit with His name. It was so beautiful, yet powerful. I was terrified when I learned we were to meet Him, and yet I had never wanted anything with such desperate longing in my entire life.

When we discovered that Edmund had gone to the Witch, I thought everything was hopeless. How on earth were we to get him back? "Aslan," the Beavers whispered, and my heart seemed to soar and tremble all at once.

On our way to the Stone Table, I was so afraid of the Witch and her pursuing wolves. I was so afraid she would kill Edmund. But then I would whisper His name to myself, and feel that mysterious combination of hope and fear rise within me.

When at last we reached the camp, I was astonished at the variety of creatures there to greet us. But all the while, my eyes and my heart were searching for the One we had come to see. And yet, strangely, despite my longing, my fear was so great I wanted to hide behind Peter.

We stopped in front of a grand pavilion at the head of the camp. The entire assembly sank into a bow, and I waited alongside my siblings with bated breath.

My heart seemed to stop when He finally emerged. I saw His terrible paws flatten the grass, and watched His powerful muscles flexing as He approached. Trembling, I was hardly aware of sinking to my knees and bowing my head. I was in the presence of One so omnipotent, I was too frightened to look into His face. I don't know what gave me the courage to finally do so.

I lifted my head, and His eyes held mine for several heartbeats. The love I saw in their depths was enough to leave me breathless.

And I realized—He is Gentle.