An: I like to thank my beta reader for help me with this.

Chapter 2

Bruce stared at the old grandfather clock. Could he do this again? With his heart? With his family? Could he really go through this, put them through this? Like he had Alfred? Like he had before?

After everything he'd been through, every death, every criminal put away, and now this maniac hunting his family, was that question even needed?

He moved the hands to the time of his parent's death, watching with an almost nostalgic feel as the clock swung aside, revealing a dark passage down into the depths beneath the mansion. His family's greatest secret.

The home base of one of the most feared and revered costumed hero in the world.

He flipped the switch at the top of the stairs, lights flickering on, the massive computer whirring to life. He made his way down the stairs, memories invading his thoughts as the bats screeched and flew overhead. As he reached the bottom, he stopped in front of the glass cases, looking at the costumes ones worn by Dick and Barbara, a pain filling his heart.

This should never off happened. Their identities shouldn't have been discovered. The whole situation stunk. How had he known? Who had told him?

"What are you doing down here?" He asked. Selena stepped out of the shadows, moving over to him.

"I know what you're thinking, Bruce," she whispered. "I know how you feel, but..."

"This shouldn't have happened," he whispered. "Blockbuster doesn't have the intelligence or the know-how to have found them. Someone told him."

"We should tell the League," Selena began. "Or Tim. Maybe..."

"No," Bruce said. "This is my fault. I left too many trails, too many people knew. And I got them into this."

"You hardly held a gun to their heads," Selena reminded him. True enough, but if he hadn't encouraged it... "They would have gone out there anyway, just with less training and equipment," Bruce smiled.

"You know me well."

"I should, after all we've been through," Selena said with a smirk, before sighing. "So, what do you need me to do?" Bruce turned to her, eyebrow raised. "You can't do this on your own, not in your conditiont, so don't even try it. I'm not losing you too."

"Fine," he said. Selena's eyes looked back at the row of cases, a small smirk spreading across her face.

"Ya know, I still think my old costume looks out of place there," she remarked.

"It belong there, Selena," Bruce told her as he moved to the computer. "Just like you do," Selena followed him.

"I presume you have a plan, oh master tactician," Bruce smiked as his hands moved over the computer's keyboard.

"I'm bringing up Blockbusters file and transferring the information to the Prototype," he explained. "I never did get a chance to try the technology. The system will keep me up to speed and allow you to monitor my heart from here. The on-board computer system will help me track down Blockbuster; all his information will be at my fingertips."

"Quite the upgrade," Bruce just nodded as he entered a command on the computer. The vault where his costumes and equipment were held opened and the lights surrounding the prototype Exo-Suit turned on.

"Time to find out what Blockbuster knows. And how he knows it."

Nightclub, Lower Gotham

Two hours later

"Bull shit," came the cry from one end of the table. "After all this time, you expect use to believe you killed Nightwing and Batgirl? How'd you even find them?" At the head of the table, Blockbuster just grinned.

"Ah, that's my little secret," he said, chugging down at glass of beer. "But believe me, it was sweet. Watching the 'great' Nightwing cry like a baby while I crushed his woman like a grape. Ah, how the mighty have fallen."

"What about the Bat? He ain't going to take this lying down."

"All in good time. Let's let him stew over his little failure for now. It's not like he's going to come after me, he's way past hi..."

Galss rained down on them as the skylight shattered, the figure feared by Gotham's undergroind leaping down on them.

"Game's over, Blockbuster," Batman said, drawing himself to his full height Blockbuster smiled sadistically as the rest of the clubs patrons ran for the exits. "I have questions. You're gonna start answering."

"Yeah, in you're dreams, Batsy. Tell me, how's Selena?" Batman didn't answer as he leapt at the mad man. Blockbuster deflected the lunge, sending Btman across the room. The Dark Knight landed with all his vaunted agility, eyes glaring at the man who had taken his 'children' from him.

"Where did you get you're information?"

"Shouldn't you be more worried about your heart, Bruce?" Batman leapt at him again, punching at him. The monster man moved, grabbing his arm and bending it back. "Y'see, Brucey boy, you just don't have it anymore. I could kill you right here, but that wouldn't be any fun. Now, watching you like I did Dick while I kill that wife of yours... THAT will be fun," Blockbuster looked around as he heard sirens coming towards them. "Seeya round, Batsy," Batman managed to turn just in time to see Blackbuster crash through the back wall as a familiar figure entered, gun drawn.


"Selena said you were in trouble," the former Robin and current Commisioner said. Bruce grunter, placing a hand on his chest. Damn... "You alright?"

"No," was the reply. "Tim..."

"Don't worry," he said, "I knew you'd pull something like this. I've already called in some help."


"Heh, stupid old man," Blockbuster said. "Shoulda known better."

"I must admit I'm surprised by his actions."

"Huh?" Blockbuster looked up, his eyes spotting an odd figure floating above him, red eyes blazing. The shadow had a pointed head with a cape flowing behind him. All else was hidden by the night.

"He is usually far more controlled," the figure continued, floating to the ground, revealing green skin and a blue jump suit. "But then again, you did murder his family, or a part there of."

"The Manhunter..." Blockbuster growled. J'onn J'onz, the Martian Manhunter, stepped forward, arms hanging loosely at his sides.

"Now, you will give me the answers he seeks," the Manhunter said as he got closer.

"Or what?"

"You misunderstand," J'onn said. "I'm not giving you a choice," with not even a gesture, the Martian lashed out with his telepathic ability, tearing the information from Blockbusters mind, rendering him unconscious as Batman and Tim came after him.


"Hello, Bruce. It's been a while," Bruce looked down at Blockbusters prone form.

"A little more brutal than usual," he commented.

"He is a brutal man," J'onn said. "And the world has become a brutal place," Bruce nodded in understanding. "I have removed the name of the contact that gave him the information, as well as the identities he had. When he awakens, he will remember killing dick and Barbara for a paid job, nothing more."

"Thank you," Bruce said.

"We should go somewhere quiet. There is much to dicuss.


Later that night

"So it was just a contact?" Bruce asked, scowling. J'onn nodded.

"Yes. I will give you the information, but might I suggest letting Tim track them down."


"I understand," J'onn cut him off. "But you are in no shape to go after him. You condition is worsening; you are not a young man anymore. Let the police do there job. And, if necessary, the League," Bruce sighed.

"Fine," he growled out, looking at the roof. "I'm going to get him ready."

"Terry?" Bruce nodded.

"Don't tell Selena, but...I saw it. The look on his face. I've seen that before. On Tim. On Dick."

"On your own face?" J'onn offered. Bruce nodded.

"He'll be trained," Bruce said. "Ready. Equipped. What happened with Blockbuster just made me realise. Batman is still needed. The work isn't over."

"You think he will accept?" Bruce just looked J'onn in the eye before nodding. "I see. I will help him where I can."

"Thank you," Bruce said, turning on the Bat-computer. "You know you're way out, I presume?"

"Of course," J'onn said. "Pass my condolences to the boy," the Martian left, leaving Bruce to his thoughts.

"Computer, boot up the designs for the Exo-Suit and begin a new design program. File name.... Beyond."