A/N: I originally wanted this story to be called 'It's Not A Side Effect Of The Cocaine, I'm Thinking It Must Be Love,' but it was too long D:

Sorry it took so long. Fate… is my top priority right now though so I didn't want to work on this until chapter six was out. Seven is half way done ^O^

A couple of things: I don't want to make Lavi seem like one of those clichéd characters where when he loses Allen he just wants to kill himself. The suicidal thoughts in this story stem from the fact that they're a very common symptom in cocaine addicts when they're going through withdrawals as well as the itching, irritability, cravings, fatigue, and insomnia. Or so I read in the Medical Encyclopedia.

Sorry for such a short chapter. I only received four reviews on the last chapter and I don't want to put too much effort into something no one's going to read.

Also, R.I.P Michael. I will greatly miss you D: I don't care if you hate him or believe any of that bull that surrounded him. You can't deny that the man was, and is still, a genius when it comes to music. Long live the King of Pop!

The looks and whispers from his fellow schoolmates through the day was almost too much for Lavi to bear. Even the teachers were sending him dirty looks and would start to whisper when he passed. If he wasn't afraid his Grandfather would somehow find out, he would leave school early and go somewhere that was far away from his peers. And the fact that Kanda and Lenalee were still giving the redhead the cold shoulder was heartbreaking.

He couldn't concentrate on his work at all. Once he thought he could, his mind would instantly wonder to Allen and his well being. He hadn't received any word from Allen or his uncle, which didn't surprise him, and since him, Kanda, and Lenalee weren't on speaking terms at the moment they hadn't told him how the snowy-haired teen was doing either. He wanted nothing more than to go and visit Allen but he knew if Cross Marian seen him step one foot into the hospital, he would also be in the ICU.

Lavi was relieved when the bell signaling the senior's lunch sounded. He knew that since winter was looming near that no one would be eating at the outside tables. So that's where he was heading after he pulled on his onyx school blazer. Though it would only be for forty-five minutes, he would at least get away from the stares and the whispers.

Leaning against the cold brick wall, Lavi dropped his backpack and slid down to a sitting position on the equally cold concrete. He bent his knees up to his chest, propped his elbows up on one, and rested his head on the palm of his hand. His one eye that wasn't covered by the awkward black eye patch stared down at the cracked cement; it's once vibrant emerald color blank and dull.

His mind was swimming in his own thoughts and self pity. In less than seventy-two hours, Lavi had lost everything he held dear to him: his best friends, his reputation, and his reason for living. And to top it off, he didn't have any of stash left at his house and he was starting to go into withdrawals.

"Fuck," Lavi growled out as he scratched the top of his unruly crimson locks. He knew this wasn't the time to think about his nasty habit but he honestly couldn't help it. He was starting to carve it and he was beginning to become irritable. "I fucking hate my life."

"Whoa Usagi. What's got you going all emo?"

Lavi snapped his head up and was met up the cold, dark eyes of Yuu Kanda. His muscular arms were crossed over his broad chest and his ever present frown was plastered on his thin lips. His expression didn't show any signs of disgust or hatred, in fact it was rather blank.

"What do you want, Yuu? I thought you hated me." Lavi sneered rather harshly. The withdrawals and being in the presence of his Japanese classmate was causing him to become even more irritable.

"Che. I've always hated you."

Kanda took a seat next to Lavi, ignoring the fact that the one eye wonder used his first name. Staring ahead of him he spoke again, voice voided of any type of emotion. "I'm still highly pissed off at how idiotic you are but ignoring your presence is going to help the situation."

"Thanks I guess" Lavi mumbled, picking at the grass that was growing through one of the cracks. He was trying hard to listen to Kanda, he honestly was, but the thoughts of cocaine and the fucking itching sensation taking over his body were trying to prevent that. And with that thought, he started to scratch fast and impatiently at his forearm. Kanda watched with a raised brow for a minute or two but quickly brushed it off.

"So Lenalee received a text from the moyashi."

Lavi ceased his scratching and his tensed shoulders slumped forward. He was trying not to think about Allen because when he did it caused his stomach to painfully knot up. "Is that so?"

"Yeah. He said he's feeling sick to stomach and can't keep anything down but other than that he's fine."

"That's good."

The lump in Lavi's throat disappeared when Kanda let him know about Allen. At least he wasn't suffering from anything too bad. Though he knew it was probably killing him not being able to keep any food down.

"He said he should be out in about three days. Lenalee's throwing him a small get together when he gets out. She also told me to invite you."

"Ha," Lavi snorted, shooting Kanda a deadpan look. "Seriously Yuu? Does she honestly think Allen wants me there, not to mention he probably doesn't ever want to see my face again?"

"You're probably right but she still told me to invite you."

The bell sounded, signaling the end of their lunch period. Lavi grabbed his bag as Kanda stood and turned his back on his redheaded frienemy. "So are you going or not?"

Lavi sighed as he slung the bag onto one shoulder. Of course he wanted to go. He wanted nothing more than to but he was positive Allen hated him now. And until he found a way (if it was possible) to make it better, he wanted to distance himself from the snowy-haired teen, not giving him any more reasons to want to murder him.

"I'll let you know tomorrow."

Lavi was lying on his oversized bed, throwing a rubber ball in the air he had found in the back of his closest. He would have never found the small toy if it wasn't for the fact that he pretty much spring cleaned his whole room to try to rid his mind of his withdrawals. It worked for a few hours but there were only so many times you could reorganize your closet.

After that, he tried playing his guitar for a little while but quickly grew tired of it. Now it was one in the morning and he was trying to do anything to keep himself from scratching his flesh until he bled. The exposed skin of his bare chest, arms, and face already had blood red whelps that matched the color of his hair.

Of course he was tired and he had school the next morning but his mind was too cluttered to sleep. He wanted nothing more than to grab his cell phone and call up his dealer. He had dialed the number countless times but somehow regained his senses before hitting the call button. He was afraid that if the itching and fatigue and thoughts of just getting his fix didn't disappear soon he would surely go insane or probably even put a gun to his head and pull the trigger.

That's not such a bad idea…Lavi thought as he ceased the throwing of the stupid ball. If he were to just end his life then he wouldn't have to worry about the constant cravings and the fucking annoying itching. He wouldn't have to worry about the disappointed and angered looks of his peers and he would save Allen the trouble of tearing him apart verbally.

Lavi quickly shook his head with a sigh. Killing himself wouldn't prove anything other than that he didn't have the will power to go through with trying to come clean. He started to scratch at his upper right arm again. He started scratching so hard that he broke his skin and a thin line of crimson liquid started to flow down his arm. That's when Lavi reached his breaking point.

Reaching over to his night stand he picked up his compact phone and scrolled down through the contacts. Finding the one he was looking for, his thumb hovered over the call button for a moment. He really didn't want to do this but if he didn't get something in his system, he would drive himself crazy.

Actually hitting the button his time, he held the phone up to his ear. It rang two times until a male voice sounded through the ear piece. "Yeah?"

"Hey Devitt, yeah it's Lavi. Yeah, it's been a few days. Yeah I need some. How much? A half ounce. Ha, it is less than usual but I'm er, kinda tight on cash this week. Where do I want to meet? How about the old mall parking lot? Alright, see you in twenty."

Lavi shut the phone and rushed over to his closet. He pulled out a hunter green hoodie and pulled it over his exposed chest. Grabbing his wallet, cell phone, and keys he handed over to his bedroom window. He slowly opened the window, ear open just in case his Grandfather wakes up and decides to check in on him.

Once he had successfully slipped through the small opening, he started to jog towards his old Pinto. Jamming the keys into the ignition and the car roared to life. Peeling out of the driveway, he headed in the direction of the old mall.

The whole ride, he couldn't help but wonder if this would come back and bite him in the ass. He was leaning more towards yes, yes it will.