AN: Well…. Been awhile…..

I'd like it noted Elligoat is amazing. She is my favourite Timelord-Crossbreed with a lot of things. Now, Ell, the real question is, Eleventh or Tenth Doctor? My sister and I are having an argument….

Me: "Matt Smith (Eleventh) is ten times the Doctor David Tennant (Tenth) Will Ever be! I mean, who falls in love with Rose Tyler? Honestly? The last good thing that actress did (And this is a stretch) Was 'Secret Diary Of A Call Girl.' So, she was a prostitute. Yay…. Not to mention, his catch phrase is 'Geronimo', I mean, Hello…"

My Sister: "David Tennant is cuter. End of story."

Ummmm…. Yes. Tennant is a better looking Doctor. But compared to Matt Smith? I nearly dug her grave and told her to jump inside…

Anyway, Conclusion = We're making T-Shirts that tell our side of the story and tell people to tell the other sister she's wrong. Yeah. But I really want a "TEAM ELEVENTH DOCTOR" Shirt…

Anywho… I was thinking… It's a ways away, but do you guys want a Lemon for one of the final chapters? (Note To Noobs: Lemons are rated M)

Disclaimer: IDO ANYTHING related to this story except my respective characters such as Nick, Hunter, Alex, My Henry, Charlie, My Veronica, etc.

White Flag



"Yes Nick?"

"Why'd you buy a giant piece of white cloth?"

"That's a good question. One that doesn't exactly have an answer." I turned to face my confuzzled friend with a wide-eyed stare. I twisted my mouth to the side. "I don't know."

The door was slammed open, and kicked shut in a matter of seconds, with Alex screaming my name over and over.

"SABRINA! SABRINA! SABRINA! SABRINA- Oh, hey Nick." She halted, literally skidding to a stop on the hardware. She stumbled for a moment, but quickly righted herself.

Nick gave a wide smile. "Blue-Eyes. How are things going?"

She gave a shy smile. "They're going." She turned to me. "My mom called."

I snorted. "More crap about wanting to make amends?"

"No, she wanted to ask me not to come to your wedding."

I gave her a sharp look.

Alex shrugged. "Something about wanting to enjoy my brother's day without having my big, annoying head in the way." I gasped. Alex nodded. "I told her to go choke a big one."

I burst out laughing. "Of course you did! Oh dear. Well, what were you doing screaming my name and slamming my father's door?"

A glint in her eye told me it was pretty amusing. She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the computer chair, looked something up, and leaned back so I could watch.

"As The Dark Lord, I feel that my command would be more effective if I had a moustache. Thoughts?" Puppet Voldemort asked.

I watched the rest of 'Moustache Buddies' pretty much in complete shock at the obvious and utter brilliance of the man who had created this. We watched many, many more. But my favourite spiked inspiration.


"By George, she's lost it." Whispered Nick feverishly.

"Grab a sharpie, start writing whatever I tell you." I called spreading my sharpie collection on the table.

In a matter of Fifteen minutes, we had completed our not-so-white flag. I held it up, proud of myself.

Alex grinned. "You know, I kinda had a thing for Neville." She admitted.

"We all did, we just didn't know what others would make of it." I assured her.

"Well Ladies, what now?"

I smirked. "Now we send it to the biggest Pott-Head (AN: Notice the extra T please… I looked it up, it's what their called.) that I know, and make others." I told them. Alex opened her mouth, but I answered her question before she could speak. "Why will we make others? Because they're awesome."


"Puck! Mail!" Veronica called. I was sitting at the kitchen table playing Cheat with Daphne. She tossed me a slim, but noticeably heavy, parcel. I grabbed it, de-attaching the letter first.


Enclosed is a video of me singing, and a new flag for your bedroom…. Think of me when you see it ;)

All my Love,


I put the letter down, fumbled through the package for the CD attached, and then took out a long piece of white fabric. I unfolded it and nearly screamed.

Hyperventalating, I pointed to the flag looking at Daphne and Veronica.

"Puck, what's wrong?" Daphne asked. I looked at her.

"I. Absolutely. LOVE. YOUR. SISTER!" I yelled running to my room to put up the flag.

After sticking the flag to my wall, I looked it up and down, admiring Sabrina, Alex's, and most-likely-that-guy-Alex-Was-Texting-Me-About's-Handwriting.

"Puck, what did she send- OMG." Daphne said. "Those are curse words."

"Not just any swears." I said. Daphne Squealed.

"WIZARD SWEARS!" We yelled in unison.

AN: My friends and I did something very similar… Except we had a team name in the middle… Which was awesome.