HELLO! This is another story I have been working on

I have to worn you there will be a lot of angst going on in this and there will not be a happy ending

but if that doesn't bother you then please feel free to read on and give me your thoughts!

Also if any one has any ideas for this story or any other, just let me know and ill see if I can be constructive and add some of your

content to my works! I have a story line already based out for this one but if someone comes up

with something good enough that I can work into the thread then please let me know!

Well, thanks for opening this file and I hope you like!

Miss Meesh.




Hello. My name is sailor moon A.K.A Serena Tsukino and I have a very big secret. The life I live is a lie. The person I am is a lie. My personality is that of a person I yearn to become but never will be. You see, I am dying. I have been for as long as I can remember. The doctors don't know what it is I have but this thing is slowly eating away at my insides. The medication I have is no cure for it, only a suppressant to slow the process down. But I don't really let it get to me, you know? I think, what is the point in living depressed just because of an illness when there is nothing stopping you from doing what you want. Well, most of the time anyway. If there was one thing that was a real downer with this whole illness thing, it would be my friends.

I hate having to hide away from them, to lie when I'm away in hospital. Why don't I just tell them? Why make them worry. People are happiest when living in ignorance.

– – &.& – –

I sigh as I looked at the test paper. Another failure. I hung my head low and starred at the floor. How was I going to show my mother this? She understood my position, more then most. But it was that understanding, that pity I couldn't bare to face. I hated that no matter how hard I tried, I always failed at one thing after another. The only thing I haven't failed at was lying to all my friends, the sailor scouts, hell even to those I don't know too well. But then again, that's not really something to be proud of. Her anger pooled through her scenes, anger at herself. Screwing the paper into a ball she threw it over her head, hoping to hit the bin. She could lie to her mother, make up an excuse. She just didn't want to see her eyes glaze over in sadness. Sighing she began to move her feet, feeling slightly dizzy from the heat of the sun. she paused when she heard someone laughing behind her, silently thankful for it, giving her a chance to catch her breath.

Turning she saw the image of a god. The most sexy, the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on. She had caught glimpses of him before, in the Crown Arcade Cafe, but he never took any notice of her. He removed his shades and starred at her, his laughter evident on his face.

"is this yours?" he starred at the crumpled paper again and began another laughing fit. "Are you really that stupid?" Serena froze, breathing hard. He was laughing at her. But then again, it wasn't something she wasn't used to. Heaving a big breath of air she frowned and shouted down at him, trying to keep up her façade.

"NO! That test was really hard and I was really tired!" she even stomped her foot a little, which caused him to laugh even harder. She wished she hadn't stomped her foot as she swayed slightly again. Pain ripped through her and she realised how long she had been stood there starring at her test sheet. She needed to take her medicine. Her thoughts went to the bottle she always kept in her bag, but remembered she took the last pill at lunch. The pain hurt so much it brought tears to her eyes, she folded her arms over her stomach and marched up to him, snatching the paper out of his hands. Turning on her heel she continued walking up the street leaving the ignorant god behind her. To him and anyone else watching it would look as if she was in a mood. But in reality she just needed to get home.

The roads seemed longer today, somehow. Maybe it was the pain that was slowly making her loose consciousness. In the distance she saw her house and she sighed in relief. Nearly home now, she kept repeating to herself. Her vision fuzzed and she stopped on the doorstep, trying to remember how to move that one last step but it evaded her and she fell. All dizziness was gone now and she was thankful for it. Peace at long last, from all this shit.

– –

Darien walked out of the Crown Arcade and starred at the blonde schoolgirl as she stood there. He saw her from inside around half an hour ago. A small smile came to his lips. He turned to set off when just the a ball of paper fell onto his head. He paused and caught it. He uncrumpled it and starred at the sheet. At the top left corner, in a bright red, was the number thirty. The smile pulled at the edge of his lips and before he could stop himself he started laughing. He turned back around and starred at the blondes back as she stopped moving. She turned around and it felt like he had been hit with a truck. Her long blonde hair was golden in the sunshine. Her bright blue eyes shimmered in the light. She was small, no petite, and she was perfect. Darien was amazed at his instant reaction to his thoughts, he almost forgot it was a school girl. Almost.

"is this yours?" he called out to her, hoping to talk to her maybe to get to know her more. He knew it was wrong, hell for all he knew it could be illegal. But as he starred at her pale face he couldn't help but want to know her. He remembered seeing her before now, but not like this. It was in the arcade, maybe a few months back, she was arguing with a black haired school girl, sticking her tongue out at her. He had smiled at the image then turned back to his study books. Before he could stop it he remarked at her score, starring at her watching her face pale slightly, a light sheen of sweat on her skin. It was quiet hot today he reasoned, wishing himself to be out of the sun. "are you really that stupid?" as soon as he said it he regretted it. The look of pain on her face wasn't hard to miss. In fact, it was so obvious it tugged at his heart, filling him with guilt.

"NO! That test was really hard and I was really tired!" she complained as she stomped her foot in annoyance. Maybe that pained look was just her being childish. He laughed again at her childlike behaviour. She charge towards him and snatched the paper out of his hands before walking off. He watched her go, smiling at her image. That was until he saw her sway and pause slightly. He frowned and starred harder. She looked around slightly and continued walking. He shook his head. She probably tripped over her foot, or something, he reasoned and turned away back to his apartment. To the reprieve of good old air conditioning.

– –

Serena woke up in her bed, a drip attached to her arm. She sighed as a headache started behind her eyes. Her mother was sat next to her with a sad smile on her face. Serena closed her eyes. She knew her mother saw the paper, she could tell it in her eyes. But what hurt the most was the trails of dried tears on her face. Serena felt like crying herself. She was fed up of being weak, of being helpless. She heard her mother sniffle and clear her throat. Serena opened her eyes and looked at her mother.

" You shouldn't get all worked up, dear. You know its not good for you." Serena nodded. "And about the test, don't worry about it Hun, you tried your best." Serena closed her eyes, trying to keep the image out of her mind. Oh it's all right, I tried my best. Serena scoffed at the thought. How she hated hearing those words, even if they were true. She just wished that maybe, just once it would be enough, that she could succeed in something. Her mother stood and left her alone, knowing her daughter was feeling a little down. Serena starred at the brooch clipped to her school uniform that was laid on her floor. She heaved a sigh as she thought of her newly acquired duty of saving the world. At first she was ecstatic over it, a chance to finally do something and save peoples lives. But even here she failed. No one had died, thankfully, but she had strong beliefs it was because of the other scouts. Her eyes drifted close, tiredness washing over her in a quick motion. She smiled as she fell into the soft covers and plush pillows around her, lulling her to sleep. How she loved to sleep.

– –

A high pitched beeping woke her from her slumber. Numbly she looked around the dark room, the moon light flitting through the window. Her eyes landed on the source of the infernal beeping. Sitting she snatched her watch up from her bedside desk and flipped it open. Sailor Mars appeared on the tiny screen there.

"Sailor Moon!there's been an attack in the park, were scrambling now." Serena nodded and watched her face fade out. Pulling the sheets back she pulled on her uniform and touched her brooch, closing her eyes as the power flowed over her. She always felt better being sailor moon, as if she was healthy enough, powerful enough to do anything. She opened her eyes after a short blink and looked down at her self. She was clad in her white Fuku and short blue skirt. It always amazed her how fast it was all done. She tip toed to her door and opened it slowly, her heels making no sound on the plush pink carpet. She could hear the snores of her father, signalling they were asleep. She closed the door and made her way across her bedroom to her window, opening it she breathed in the cold crisp air and threw herself out of it. Sailor moon landed lightly on her feet and took off at a run, enjoying the feeling of the air flowing over her face.

In a matter of a few short minutes she arrived at the park to see the four scouts already engaging....

The Sailor Scouts panted heavily as they sat on the ground, Serena was heaving for air the hardest. Their foe had vanished after Sailor Moon had waved her wand. It was all over rather fast, so fast that by the time Tuxedo mask had arrived they had already finished. He watched the five girls and leaned against the tree. His eyes were mainly on Sailor Moon. She seemed to be having a hard time breathing.

"Sailor Moon, why did you vanish it straight away? As soon as you got here you wand was out and then that beast woman was gone." Sailor Mercury asked as she flicked the dirt off her clothes. Sailor Venus eyed Sailor moon closely as she continued to breath hard. Everyone else had already got their breath back.

"Are you all right Sailor Moon?" she voiced her concern. Serena shot her blues eyes to her, panic on her face. No, the answer was no. she couldn't breath, it felt like her chest was closing in and cutting off her air flow. She nodded her head and faked a smile all the while.

"yeah, I'm just really tired, ya know? Straight out of bed and running. Not so good for a sleepyhead like me!" she laughed, coughing a little. Sailor Venus laughed nodding in agreement. Sailor Mars scoffed.

"well I'm going to get off now, I want to get back to my bed!" Sailor Moon waved and walked past Tuxedo Mask, pausing to look into his face for a few seconds. How he made her heart throb. How much did she wish he would just grab her and kiss her deeply, making her feel wanted, feel needed. A man like him would be worth fighting for, worth living for. She continued past him, her eyes on the path in front of her. She did not notice the longing look Tuxedo Mask gave her as she walked away, not noticing the heated look in his eyes.

And thats the end of that chapter.

R&R peeps!

Miss Meesh.