By popular demand, and boredom, I decided to write more. I was goign to add one chapter with everyones reactions but when i wrote it out i had to divide again. This chapter is strictly Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai the day after Zuko's death. The gaang will have their own chapter and most likely so will Iroh and OZai, unless I can fit Iroh's in with them.

Thanks to everyone who read and review.

"Where's that blasted brother of mine?" Azula exclaimed. "His first day back home in three years and he's late?"

Ty Lee giggled. "He's coming back Azula, I'm sure of it. Mai and him made up last night. He's probably getting ready," she sighed. "Everything's going to be like it used to be, huh Azula?"

"Sure," the fire nation princess dismissed the thought. She had something else on her mind. "Where is Mai?"

Ty Lee shrugged. "Maybe she's with Zuko. I'm sure they have a lot of catching up to do." Both the acrobat and princess smiled knowingly.

A cough alerted them of Mai's entering. "Have either of you seen Zuko?" she asked innocently.

Azula rolled her eyes. "Here we go again," she muttered. She looked up. They were leaving in mere moments. "Come on. Leave it to Zuzu to want to be left behind. Let's go find him."

"He told me he'd be on the ship with us. We talked on the dock last night" Mai deadpanned, arms folded and mouth a single tiny line.

Azula led them to a small room. She knocked loudly on the door, knocks perfectly timed, perfectly the same sound. "Zuko hurry up!" her venomous voice was clearly impatient.

"Mai, why don't you go in?" Ty Lee suggested.

The raven haired teen recoiled back. "Why me?"

Ty Lee didn't have to answer though as Azula had already opened the door, and for the first time ever, the proud princess stood speechless. Both girls ran to stand next to her and they instinctively gasped. Mai had turned away and though Ty Lee couldn't, hot tears were streaming down her face.

Azula quickly regained some composure and muttered, "Figures," loud enough for the girls to know she said it. Then she stormed out, because she couldn't say what she really felt.

I loved him, and he was an idiot for never realizing it. That's why I was always so mean to him. Because I knew he had more strength so I'd push myself to be better. I had a natural talent but Zuko had drive. And his drive was his very existence. And that's what killed him. His will, his shame and drive to succeed tore him down. In silence I'd always rooted him on, even when he didn't get it. He was always stubborn, stupid, but he was the strongest person she'd ever met.

Meanwhile Mai and Ty Lee stood there; shocked. Ty Lee was crying now. Her shirt was stained with tears and her body shook as she stared t the ground.

How could someone kill themselves? How could someone hate life so much? Zuko, why! Why did you do it? Everything. You had me and Mai! Did you even think about Mai? Did you think how much this was going to hurt her! How could someone end their own life? Zuko, tell me! You couldn't have been that depressed! Agni I'm sorry. You weren't coming home! I knew it. But you didn't have to die! You didn't have to die on us. I feel like such a little kid asking this, but why Zuko? And I know you won't answer but it just doesn't make sense. You're sixteen Zuko! You can't be dead. Please! I can never forgive you for this, but I can't hate you! Zuko, your dead. And you're never coming back.

And she cried more, still unsure of why any human could possibly take their own life. Mai didn't cry. In fact she showed no mind of even acknowledging what had been found out.

He was dead, and as sad as I should be, it didn't surprise me. You were rash, angry, stupid, caring, selfless; it was too good to last. I know why you did what you did. I respect it. I hate you for ripping out my heart, but I respect it. I want Ty Lee to stop crying. Want her to accept it. But I don't think she can, Zuko. And I don't know how to help her. I didn't know how to help you. I'd ask why you didn't stay with me, but I know. And it's okay. I hope your happy, I guess. I hope your…yeah, you are. I know it.

What can i say, I am a fan of a misunderstood Azula. She's not ALL evil and we know it. I hope i didn't make all three too out of character but i think i might have. I'm hopeless with them.

Alright, so there IS more, adn i'm sorry for not knowing when i started writing.

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