Author's notes/warnings: This fic was written for purely selfish reasons, I needed Rogan closure. I didn't like the way Rory and Logan ended in Season 7 and I felt their behaviours especially Logan's during the break up was out of character and very rushed.

The title of the fic was inspired by Madonna's "Jump", and no this is not a song fic :).

Big thank you to my beta April, I couldn't have done this without you.

Feedback: Feedback would be awesome, I am keen to hear your thoughts on the fic or individual chapters and constructive criticisms are always welcome.


January 20, 2009 – San Francisco

Logan was at the office, it was 12am in the morning, working away as he had for the past two years, preferring not to take any holidays or time out. Not even on this day, this special day when change occurred in America, the day Obama was inaugurated as the first black President of the United States of America. The business in San Francisco had just started making a profit after 2 years of hard slugging, he couldn't rest on his initial laurels if they were to maintain and increase their current level of profit especially in the current turbulent market rife in recession.

I guess Ace's smartass comment about me being a work dork is really true, he mused.

It was rare moments like this that he thought about her, he hadn't let himself think about her much in the past year and a half. He tended to mute/snuff out the memory, preferring to drown himself in work in order to drown out the memories. He also went as far as distancing himself from the Hartford community, as everything about them or the east coast reminded him of her, as they moved in the same circles. It was easy doing so as he was in the west coast, plus his excuses of starting up a new company with no Huntzberger backing him up kept his family and friends at bay. He had some contact with Honor though. Yes, he was glad that he was in San Francisco away from the whispers, the pitying looks and mothers trying to set him up with their daughters as a consolation. The other good thing about San Francisco was that it was about a ten hour flight from the east coast, so it made it easy for people not to come and visit him or for him not to go and visit them.

He got up from behind his desk, walked towards the window and gazed at the city below.

It seemed his ability to forget was failing him now because memories of her came rushing in. They were lingering and not going away as he wished. It must be exciting for her being at the forefront of this, seeing the whole magic from Obama's campaign to his Democratic seat win to his election. Hugo Gray had mentioned she was covering the Obama piece for him two years ago. Hugo hadn't mentioned her again in the one or two times they spoke after that. He reckoned he must have found out that he and Rory were over. He was glad she got this scoop, this was what she wanted, what she was afraid that marrying him might have closed the door to. He groaned at himself, he had to quit doing this; he had to quit thinking about her in pain and bitterness. He had to move on with his life. They had both made their beds and it was better that they lie on it.

A buzzing and tinkling sound shook him out of his reverie. He looked at the caller id, it was Honor.

"Hey Sis, what do I owe the pleasure? I thought you'd be out celebrating at one of those fancy balls in Washington with Dad and Mum?"

"I am and it made me miss you, so I came outside to make a phone call," she cooed into the phone.

"I miss you too Sis."

"Logan…..when are you coming home?"

"I am home Honor."

"Look Logan, this is crazy and not healthy. You have shut yourself out from everyone. Mum is beside herself because she hasn't spoken to you in 2 years. When she tried your number a few days ago and realised that you had changed your number and didn't let her know, she was upset. I felt like such an idiot lying to her and saying that I didn't have your new number and that we only communicated by email, because you made me promise not to give anyone your number. I managed to calm her down for now by saying that I would email you. Also saying that I was sure you were fine because I heard from you a few weeks prior, which means she won't go to Dad yet. You know that if she goes to Dad he will be in San Francisco pronto."

"Logan….,"she said with a pause. "This is my long winded way of saying that I miss you, we miss you so much. Please come home and visit, even if it's for one day, pretty please."

Before he had a chance to respond, she continued saying, "Finn and Colin contacted me about your whereabouts and number too; it must be really bad if they are contacting me instead of me contacting them."

Logan sighed internally; it was amazing how a threat about his Dad visiting still visibly shook at 27 years of age. Breaking contact with Colin and Finn had been difficult. He stopped contact with them over a year ago because they either regaled him about Yale alumni stuff which always led to talk about Rory, what Rory was doing and he just did not want to hear it so he stopped calling them.

"Logan!" Honor broke him out of his reverie.

"You were saying Honor?"

"If you won't let us come visit you in San Francisco, why don't you come home please? Dad is throwing some sort of dinner party for his business buddies in China, something to do with emerging markets. I was not really paying attention to the whole conversation. What I got from the gist of it was that it was his typical show the family off party to gain business. As you know, those parties tend to be all about business and making a good impression, so no chance of the crazies courtesy of Mitch and Shira, plus you could make some business contacts."

"Did Dad put you up to this? The words business contacts is not synonymous with your vocabulary Honor!"

"Not exactly!"

"What is it exactly then?"

"Mum is devastated, well you know mum. In addition, she is driving me crazy. She is calling everyday now, wanting to do lunches and "just us girls' spa trips". She is also talking about moving in with Josh and me to help when the baby arrives." She says the last bit exasperatedly!

"Logan please come and visit, just this once, the family is falling apart without you and I want my child to know his/her uncle even if it's seeing said uncle once in a while. I promise not to tell anyone that you are coming, not even Josh, it'll be our secret."

"No promises Honor," he retorted as he raked his hands through his hair.

"I will email you the details of the event. If you do decide to come, text me the word "Yes" when you arrive at the airport or else I will assume that you are not coming.

Oh, and Logan, just one more thing, the Gilmores were not invited."


While this writing I had my own soundtrack that inspired me, my choices are not necessarily what Amy Sherman Palladino would choose however I think the emotions invoked by the songs fits my theme and the respective chapters.

Soundtrack Chapter 1

1. My immortal by Evanescence .com/watch?v=bU9FwP4uOY8

2. I can't stand the rain by Tina Turner .com/watch?v=ll5kMQHJ814

I think fanfiction dot net hates youtube hyperlinks