Author's note:

I just changed the style of my first chapter and corrected some mistakes. :)

Rated T I think it's not necessary but I wanted to be safe !!! ;)

This is my first story ever so please don't be mean or I will be sad!!!  Uhm…my English is very bad so …..if you find some mistakes (and I think there will be a lot^^) please let me know so I can correct them. Thank you guys!!! is my summary. I suck at summaries too so please bear with me. 


Shizuru is a well-known doctor and she found a formula with which you can give a human supernatural strength and a monster as a guardian. Of course an evil organisation tries to steal it. Therefore her boss paid a bodyguard to protect Shizuru.

And guess who this might be !! ^^

I give you a little hint. The first letter of the name is N! ;)


Italic = thoughts

Chapter: 01: Finally!

She was tired, so very tired. After all this years and countless hours of work, she had finally found it.

The formula.

It was a great prosperity. But why was she not happy about such a great success? The answer came immediately. There was nobody who could be happy with her. She was all alone.

The only person who gave her acknowledgement was her boss. He was a nice person, but his congratulation wasn't the same as when you have a person who's dear to you and you get acknowledged by this one. All this time she lived only for her job and nothing else because she was obsessed with her project.

There were suitors that had invited her to party's, special events or simply for a date because they were interested in her wealth and beauty not the person behind this façade and therefore she had always politely declined their offers. They were handsome of course but she never saw the need to be with someone.

Now sometimes she regretted her decision. Her entire life was spent alone because her parents died in a car accident when she was little.

At this time she decided that it was for the best to be alone. No family no friends nothing.

From this time onwards she was used to live alone and that no one was there to talk, comfort or love her. Every day she would come home from work to her dark "house".

After a couple of years everybody would get used to such a lifestyle.

So now here she sat on her couch in a big mansion and she felt so very alone.

She drank her green tea and all she could do was think about the long day because apart from that she had nothing. Shizuru would only feel good when she didn't think about her life.


Oh my goddess. I finally found it! She thought as she held the test tube in her shaking hands.

It was like a dream. Finally after all this effect less years. Of course it was not much but this little bit could change the world hopefully in a good way.

The substance in the test tube shone blue with light little sparkles of dark green. Shizuru could have watched this tiny thing the hole day but she had to report to

Mr. Yakamura. So she put the subject with much care in the mounting in her office safe and went to tell the news to her boss.

On her way Shizuru met one of the new secretaries named Yuuki Nao.

"Good day Fujino-san."

"Good day Yuuki-san. How is your work? I hope you've got used to it by now."

" Yes, thanks for your concern. I like to work here."

"That's good to hear. So excuse me now. I have got important news to tell Yakamura-han."

"Of course. Bye Fujino-san." Shizuru smiled politely and resumed her way in the direction of Mr. Yakamura's office.

Nao looked at Shizuru's retreating back and smiled. Nice ass.


*Knock Knock*

"Please come in." sounded the friendly voice from the other side of the door. "Oh good day Fujino-san. Nice to see you. How have you been? The last time I saw you was two weeks ago on the eighth anniversary of our company, right?"

Shizuru went inside and sat down before him at the large wooden table.

"Hai. Nice to see you too, Yakamura-han. I have a lot of work the last few weeks you know but that's ok. The reason I am here today is because I have got great news. You know, the formula I tried so hard to find out? I finally found it!"

"That's great! I can't believe it! How did you do it?" Shizuru's boss was very excited because he waited for the results about five years.

"I think it was only luck because at the moment I don't know how I got it. I have to test it before I can say anything. And I have to try to create it once more. But I can say for sure that it is the complete formula. Now we have to find out how it works."

"Ok Fujino-san, I trust you. I give you everything so you can finish your research. I hope I get good results as fast as possible."

Shizuru knew that her boss wanted this project to be a success as much as she wanted it for herself.

"Thank you. I try my best." With this Shizuru bowed and walked away.

Shizuru then went back to her office and sighed as she sat down at her desk.

Now began the difficult part of her work. The next step was to find a test subject for her serum. The problem was that it must be a person because the effect this formula would have could only be controlled by a human. An animal can't summon the guardian and it has to be someone who could think about their actions.

The problem was that it could be dangerous to give a foreign person such great powers. What if this person could not be controllable and went berserk. She had to find a solution or else all the hard work was for nothing.

She wanted so bad to test her result but without harming others.

Flashback End

Shizuru sighed and decided to call it a day and go to bed. After all she has a lot of work the next few days.


Some dark place on the other end of town:

Shizuru's success was not unnoticed by certain people and they wanted this formula under all circumstances. With this they could do everything a human being could dream of. And to get this they will do everything in their power even if it means to sacrifice other peoples life's.

The easiest way to get the formula was of course to threaten Dr. Fujino and get it by force. So they called their best agent and planned……..


Back at Shizuru's mansion:

She was afraid. Everywhere was darkness and nobody was there. Where was she?

"Hello?" she whispered but no answer came. What was going on?

Then she felt it. It was getting colder and colder. And she thought she could see someone but as she walked in this direction the person vanished.

A few seconds later she heard voices.

"We want it!" An evil laugh followed this statement and Shizuru froze in her tracks.

"Who are you? W-w-w what do you want?"

"The serum!!" The person was now behind her. "Give it to us! Give it to US!" the voice shouted.

Then without warning the person grasped Shizuru's arm and shouted:

"We want it NOW!" And as Shizuru turned about to face the person she saw a distorted face and screamed.

She awoke dripping with sweat and felt disoriented.

What was that? Shizuru thought.

Slightly afraid from her dream she looked around her bedroom to make sure that she was alone and save.

This must be the result of my work. I am working to much. This project was important and of course she was afraid that other people wanted to steal it.

She sighed and glanced at the red light of her digital clock. It was 05.00 am. Shizuru thought that she couldn't sleep any longer so she got up and went to her bathroom to take a very long and refreshing shower. Eventually the dream would be forgotten by the time she was ready.

This is chapter 1. I know it's not that good but I try to improve!!!!

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