Four year old Mac Taylor walked up to the front of the school with his mum.

"Mummy i don't wanna go to school" He pouted at his mum.

"Don't worry you'll be fine darling. I'll pick you up later ok?" He nodded as his mum waved goodbye and left. He felt someone on his shoulder.

"Hello. I'm Stella what's your name?" A little girl with long curly hair asked

"I'm Mac" He replied "Wanna share my cookies?" He asked

"Yes pwease" So they went off to eat their cookies. A boy with black hair and bright blue eyes walked over to the table they were at and sat down.

"Yo dudes. I'm Donald but that's a yucky name so you must call me Flack" He said with a big grin on his face

"I'm stella and this is mac" stella replied.

"Danny! Lindsay! Come here!" he yelled. A boy with dirty blonde hair and a girl with big brown eyes came over.

"Hi. These are our new fwends. They are Mac and Stella" Flack said still smiling

"Hello fwends" They greeted with a wave.

Later on everyone was sat in a circle on the teacher was eplaining what they were going to do

"Okay everyone we're going to play a little game. Everyone of you will take turns to say your name and something about your selves. Okay?" Everyone nodded. "So we'll start with you. What's your name?"

"I'm Calleigh and i like guns" A little blonde girl said.

"Ok next"

"I'm Ryan and i like money"

"I'm Greg and i like music"

"I'm Horatio and i like sunglasses" A little boy with red hair said whilst putting on his sunglasses.

"I'm Lindsay and i like babys"

"I'm Catherine and i like dancing"

"I'm Flack and i like girls" He winked at the small brunette sitting next to him

"I'm Angell and i have 4 brothers"

"I'm Stella and i can speak Greek"

"I'm Warrick. I like playing cards"

"I'm Mac and i'm gonna be a mawine"

"I'm Nick. I like football"

"I am Danny and i wear gwasses"

"I'm Grissom and i like bugs"

"I'm Sara. I like science"

"And i'm Eric. I like blondes" He said grinning

"Okay class. That was good. Lunch time!" The teacher said excitedly

Horatio was playing cops and robbers with Eric when he saw a man walk past the school with cool sunglasses on.

"Wow mister! Those gwasses are mega cool" He said in awe

"Thanks kid" The guy carried on walking. Horatio looked sad so he went to get his sunglasses because they made him happy.

Warrick was playing solitaire while sipping on his milk. He watched the other kids who were playing with toys and climbing on the climbing frame and he felt lonely so he went over.

"Hi Danny. Can i pway with you?" He asked

"Yep. Me and Lindsay are pwaying with her dolly" He said hugging the dolly to his chest.

"Oh ok i'm gunna do something else bye" Warrick chuckled

"Ok bye"

Warrick saw Catherine dancing so he went to say hi

"Hi Cathwin! Watcha doin?" He asked

"I'm dancing. Wanna join me?" She twirled round on her toe

"But i can't dance"

"I will teach you. All you do is spin wound and wound till ya get dizzy. Like this. Waaaaaa!" She spun round and almost fell over

"Ok. I'll twy" He spun round and fell on his bum. "Ouch. This is fun" He grinned

Nick was practising his kicks with Calleigh who was not very good

"No your not doing it wight" He moaned

"I'm sowwy. But it's hard for me cos i'm a girl" She started to cry.

"Oh i'm sowwy. I didn't mean to make you cwy" He said worried.

"It's ok" She hugged him and he leapt back starting to scream

"Argh! Cooties! HELP!" He ran off while Calleigh laughed. She went to talk to Greg who was singing really loud

"Greg...Greg...Greg!...GREG!" She yelled. He jumped up from his seat spilling his milk everywhere.

"Oh i'm sowwy, i'm sowwy, i'm sowwy!" he cried

"It's ok. It will come out. I'm gunna go wash up bye bye Gweg" She walked off dripping in milk

"Waaaaaaaa! Waaaaaaa! BEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Waaaaaaa! mummy!!!!" Ryan ran round the sandpit waving his arms in the air

"It's ok Wyan. The bee's gone" Calleigh calmed him down

"Are you sure?" He asked

"yeh. Are you ok?"

"Yeh. Urgh what's that smell?" He said pinching his nose

"That would be me"

"Why you stinky? Did you poop?"

"No! Gweg spilt milk on me"

"Oh do you want me to beat him up for ya?" he punched his fist in the air

"No babe it's ok it was an accident" She giggled

"Oh okey dokey. I would beat him though. Wouldn't I Cal?"

"Yep you would" She said grinning. They sat down in the sand and started to build a sandcastle

Mac was running round with a water gun firing at people pretending to be a marine.

"Bang! Bang!"

"Mac!! You got me wet!" He turned round and saw Stella pointing at her hair

"Sowwy. I didn't see ya" he apologized

"It ok. I wouldn't go over there if i were you" She warned him


"Cos Calleigh is stinky"

"Ooh. You not stinky"

"I know" She said smiling. Suddenly Mac jumped onto the ground and was shooting at a beetle

"Noo! Don't do that!" Grissom ran over carying his lunchbox. He opened it and revealed his mighty bug collection.

"EEWWW! Spider!!!!" Stella screamed and ran away

"Well done mate" Mac sighed and began shooting again. Sara walked over holding a snail

"Grissom! I found a snail!" She put it in the lunchbox

"Well done Sawa" They walked off holding hands to find more bugs.

Angell and Flack were swinging on the swing seeing who could go the highest.

"Flack?" Angell asked


"Your cool"

"I know" He replied smiling

"Why do you like girls?" She asked

"Cos. I like you the most though"

"I like you the most too" She smiled. They walked over to a patch of grass and lay down holding hands.