Disclaimer: Well...Dr K said I could...

A/N: It's finished! Go me!

Dillon had ensconced himself in a battered couch in the Garage, and sat there, listening to the others put themselves to bed. Dr K had finally left the Ranger Room, he knew. He couldn't actually hear her, but the screens were off and the almost persistent hum of the computers had faded somewhat. Upstairs, it sounded like Summer had climbed onto her fire escape, which she seemed to do every night. He'd snuck over to her corner of the roof a number of times to verify that assessment over the past few months. He'd seen Ziggy and Scott in their rooms, and had heard Flynn go into his room even earlier than that.

The black ranger leaned against the arm rest and let his feet rest on the other side as he regarded the room. There wasn't much living space down here, despite it being the congregating area for the group, and he wondered why. Oh, there was the kitchen, and Flynn's smoothie corner, and this couch and a couple of chairs, but otherwise, the room had been given over to the three cars and Summer's bike collection.

He knew that beyond the Ranger Room was where Dr K worked on new Ranger tech, and there was an underground level where the Zord Attack Vehicles were kept until they were needed. Upstairs were the five bedrooms and two bathrooms they used. This told Dillon that the building had been something else before being converted for their use, and the living facilities had been an after thought.

Personally, Dillon didn't see why they hadn't added a third floor for the Rangers to live in, instead of this slap-dash assortment. For that matter, Dillon found himself wondering why the Rangers didn't make more use of the roof. Summer clearly had taken over a part of it, but there was plenty of room, and the stairs outside Flynn's room provided easy access as well. Dillon shifted, and frowned as something broke his concentration by jabbing his side. He dug into the couch and came up with a book with a flower on the front of it.

Curious, Dillon opened it, and found it to be a book on gardening. The different plant pictures captured his attention, and then the complex tips drew him even further in. Eventually, Dillon closed the book, his mind filled with images and facts about different plants. He headed up the stairs to his room, wondering just why this book stuck with him so strongly. He'd developed a fascination with books since he'd come to Corinth, but none of the so-called hobby books had held his attention quite like this one book on gardening. He stepped into his room and took a deep breath, catching a hint of the world outside before he walked to over to slide the book into his steadily filling bookshelf.

He then opened his window and slipped out onto his fire escape, where two small pots were located. In one was a daisy, and the other held the start of a climbing ivy vine that he'd rescued from some gardeners. He rested a hand on the ivy plant's pot for a moment, one finger stirring the dirt enough that his sensitive nose could catch its scent. It was a refreshing smell that made Dillon relax, he could feel the perpetually tense feeling in his shoulders ease slightly as he crouched over the two plants.

After a moment of silent introspection, he got to his feet and headed back into his room, to stretch out on his bed and try to get a few hours before his nightmares stole his sleep again.