AN: This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me.

The song for this chapter is; Who I am hates who I've been- Relient K

The Getaway

Chapter 1- Who I am hates who I've been

My name is Bella Dwyer, I am 18 years old, I am a famous singer and it seems that I cannot go anywhere without someone coming up to me asking for a picture or an autograph. Many people would love the attention, the publicity, but I have never been a fan of being the center of attention, unless I am performing, then I just seem to lose myself in the music. It is at times like that, that I wish life could be like it is when I am singing or playing my piano or guitar, there are no problems, no worries, and you can be completely carefree.

I don't have many true friends, most of them tend to only use me to meet people or to become popular, they are all fake. I am also not much to look at in my opinion, really long dirty blond hair, green eyes(contacts forced by Renee), average height, average body, that's what I am, average.

"Oh my god! Its Bella Dwyer!" Some screeching voices woke me up from my thoughts. I am sitting in a small coffee shop when a bunch of screaming girls are surrounding me.

"Oh my god, do you like, know Zac Efron?"

"What about Orlando Bloom?"

"Are they as hot in person?"

"Can you introduce us?" The questions just kept on coming!

"Woh woh. No I don't know Zac, I have met Orlando but we are not close enough for me to introduce you" I said attempting to calm them at least a little.

They seemed a bit disappointed but settled for an autograph before they left.

This has been going on pretty much all day, my own mom, plus her new husband, don't even treat me the same as they did before. Ever since I became discovered they have used my fame for their own gain, the parties, the clubs, and the fortune. They used to be such caring people; they would do anything for almost anyone. But not anymore, it's all about them now. If I could I would go live somewhere else but I don't have anywhere to go, my father died a couple years ago and I don't know of any other relatives, so that means I am stuck with the parents from hell.

If I could have my music and some happy fans minus all the drama and craziness of this life then I would be happy to go on with what I am doing, but sadly it's not like that.

Everything is so hectic, the lift of a pop star is not everything people make it out to be, it can be perfect for some but sometimes I feel so overwhelmed and want to shut everything out. It's all glamorous on T.V and on movies, but that's just what people want to believe it is, once you are involved it's so much different than what you pictured.

Sometimes I want to run away from it all, go somewhere, where no one will know who I am or treat me any different, where people will treat me the same as any other person.7

That's when I decided that I was going to do it. I am going to finally pack up everything and leave, change my appearance, my name; I will take my father's last name, and start over.

This is how I now find myself half way to the airport, to my new life.

AN: So that is the first chapter I know it is quite short, please review and comment. Let me know if it is any good and if I should bother continuing.