CHAPTER 4- Passenger Seat

Disclaimer- I do not own any of the twilight characters

AN: I want to thank everyone for the support I got and for encouraging me to continue this story. I have decided to continue for now and see where it goes. I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint. Also I will (hopefully) be updating every Thursday. Hope you enjoy

The song for this chapter is Passenger Seat- She Daisy

I wake up to the sun shining through the windows, I can't remember a time where I have slept better. As I sit up and take in my surroundings a smile slowly spreads across my face. I finally did it. I get to start my life over and be happy again. No more taking orders, no more being the shadow of what I once was, I will find myself again and never let go. It's my life; it's about time that I started living it.

Laughs and voices spread through the house as I make my way down the stairs. Angela and her mother look up as I enter the kitchen

"Bella! Did you sleep well?" Mrs. Weber asked me

"Very well Mrs. Weber, thank you." I give her a large, very genuine smile, to show her my gratitude. I don't know what I would have done if they didn't help me.

"Oh I'm so glad to hear that dear! Here, I made some breakfast, help yourself.

She sets out larger plates of eggs and bacon and pancakes. Everything looks so good and it's been a while since I have been able to make and eat a good meal. I just start piling things on my plate and shovel it in my mouth. I look up to see them both staring at me.

"I'm sorry! You must think I'm so rude"

"Think nothing of it dear. For such a little thing you sure can pack it away"

Color fills my cheeks and I let out a small laugh. "Yeah I get that"

I look to Angela and see her laughing and shaking her head "Come on Bella, let's go get ready, we have an exciting day ahead of us."

We make our way upstairs and I realize that I don't have any clothes

"Um, Angela? I don't have anything to wear. All my clothes got lost in New York."

"Oh! I have the perfect thing for you to wear. Hang on a second." And she disappears into the closet only to reappear a moment later. She comes back with her arms full of clothes. She holds up a flowy blue drape top with a white tank top. Then some sexy dark wash jeans. I must admit, it was all pretty damn cute (AN: Links to all clothes will be in my profile).

"So, will this do?"

"It's perfect. Thank you Angela" I give her a warm smile and head to the bathroom to get changed

"Wait! Here I have these for you too" She hands me a pair of blue peep toes heels "Consider all of this a gift"

I stare at her wide eyed "What? No way Angela, there's no way I could poss-"

"I insist!" She interrupts me by putting her hand up "Please just accept it, I want to give them to you"

I give her a tight hug and whisper my thanks. Her kindness still surprises me, but something tells me I will have to get used to things like this from her. She really is a sweetheart; I never had friends like this in New York. I will always be thankful for her.

"Think nothing of it, now shoo! We have places to go and people to see. Well not so much people but lots of places, go, go , go!"

I laugh as she lightly shoves me towards the bathroom. I jump in the shower and squirt some shampoo in my hands. Mmm strawberries, I'll have to remember to buy myself some of this when I get my own place. I finish up in the shower and slip on the clothes and shoes and have to admit that I look pretty good. I blow dry my hair and it falls in soft waves, and I step out of the bathroom.

"Hey Bella, ready to go?"

"Holy fuck! Jeez Angela, you scared me, I didn't hear to come up. Sorry for the language, I have a slight problem with that sometimes"

"Ha-ha sorry. And don't worry about it, I don't mind. Just don't do it in front of my mother, she will wash your mouth out with soap. Not kidding either, just ask my brother, ughh."

"Noted" I say, laughing my ass off.

We head down the stairs and out to Angela's car, a blue Mazda 3, I love it! (AN:On profile)

"So, where to first?" I ask as I slide into the passenger seat.

"We are headed to Forks High to get you enrolled. It will be pretty much empty since it is still summer, se we will probably only have to talk with Mrs. Cope, that secretary.

"Let's boogie!" Angela laughs at my excitement.

It's a pretty short drive to the school, maybe 15 minutes. We head into the building and towards a room that says 'Main Office'. As we enter an older looking woman sitting behind the main desk looks up and smiles.

"Why hello Angela. What can I do for you today?

"Hi Mrs. Cope, this is my friend Bella, she is new here and would like to enroll"

Mrs. Cope looks up at me and her head tilts slightly. "I'm sorry dear but do I know you from somewhere? You look very familiar."

Oh shit fuck. Damn, Damn, Damn. Stay calm; there is no way she will be able to figure out who you are. Just go with it.

"Sorry ma'am, I don't think so. This is my first time in Forks." I hold my breath, praying she doesn't think anything else of it.

"Oh, my mistake then. Let me just get those enrollment papers for you"

"Thank you Mrs. Cope" Angela called after her. Cue internal sigh. It didn't even occur to me that someone might recognize me. I mean I changed my name and appearance but I guess if someone was a fan and saw me quite frequently then they might make some kind of connection. I'll just have to hope that this is a rare occurrence.

Mrs. Cope came back in the room and handed me some papers. "You just need to fill out some of your personal information and you are all set"

I look down at some of the questions and realize I will have to make up some thing, I put Charlie as my guardian; even though he is dead he was my only parent. Renee stopped being my mother when she caved under the pressure of celebrity life; when she started sleeping around, doing drugs, using me for my money and fame. My father was my best friend and nobody told me the full story of how he died. As far as I'm concerned I have no mother.

I break out of my thoughts and continue filling out the rest of the information and hand it back to Mrs. Cope.

"All set? Ok just let me enter this into the system and I'll get you some information to take with you."

She begins to type rapidly then dig around for some papers and put them into an envelope.

"And here you go; these are just dates of activities and lists of extracurricular activities and school clubs. You are now enrolled in Forks High, I'm sure it will be a pleasure having you here. I'll see you girls in about a month. "

"Thank you very much; it was a pleasure meeting you."

"You too dear, enjoy the rest of your summer."

"You too, bye!" we smile and wave as we exit the office.

"Alright Bella, what do you say to going to look at some apartments?" Angela asks as we head back to her car.

"Sounds great, I've enjoyed staying with you but I don't want to over stay my welcome"

"Bella, you're allowed to stay as long as you like. But what kind of price range are you looking at? I know pretty much everything that is for sale. There are a few apartments, a few houses; some fairly good deals."

"Well price isn't really a concern so we don't really need to spend too much time thinking about that"

Angela looked thoughtful for a second before her face lit up. "I have a few ideas! There's one I have in mind I think you will love but that can wait until the end." She gives me a bright smile and gets in the car and I follow her lead.

"You can't do that! Surprises and I don't mix. Can't you just tell me about it now?" I plead with her.

"No can do, you'll just have to wait and see-eeee" Damn her and her sing-song voice. I slump down in the seat with a huff and cross my arms.

"Don't be such a downer!"

I turn to her and stick my tongue out. I can be slightly immature sometimes, sue me.

"Oh very nice" She laughs and pokes me in the side.

We pulled up to the first building, it wasn't a bad looking place but it wasn't the nicest place either. I wasn't exactly sure what I was looking for but I had a feeling this wasn't it. Is it normal to be turned off by a place before you even go in?

"Here we go, stop number one." Angela spread her arms as we stepped through the door of the apartment.

"It's not very big, more so for only one person but it is a good started place."

We walked through the small apartment, checking out all of the rooms. It didn't quite have that homey feel that I would have liked to have. It wasn't a horrible place; one bedroom, an extremely small bathroom, a small kitchen attached to a small living room. There is a key word in there somewhere. I don't think this is the place for me.

Angela came up and placed a hand on my shoulder. "So what do you think? I looked over and gave her a grim smile and she chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, I thought so. But it was worth a shot. On to the next one!"

It continued this way for the next few places we went to. One was too big, one was to dirty, one looked like someone at the 80's and threw it up all over the place. All in all, no fucking luck. Nothing had much of an appeal to me; I want something warm and inviting. A place I can call home, I haven't had a place like that in hell of a long time and I miss it. I don't want to settle for anything less than perfect. Angela said she will show me that last few places tomorrow, hopefully we will have better luck.

"Hey Bella, what do you say we head home and have some supper. It had been quite a long day" She tried, unsuccessfully, to stifle a yawn.

"That sounds great. How about I prepare dinner for you and your family?"

"You don't have to do that!" Angela exclaimed.

"But I want to. You and your family have been so generous to me; it's the least I could do. Plus you are tired, so you can take a nap while I make dinner. I love to cook so it's not a big deal" I tried to reassure her. It is true though, I do very much love to cook. Charlie was incompetent in the kitchen and Renee is a child so it was up to me to put food on the table.

"If you are sure?"

"Yes Angela, I am positive, I make a mean lasagna!"

We share a laugh and head back to her house.

We get back to Angela's and she heads right for the stairs to go take a nap while I went into the kitchen to get everything ready. In the middle of chopping the tomatoes I pulled a Bella, yes my name is a verb. The knife I was using decided to slice right through the palm of my hand.

"Shit!" I cried out clutching at my hand.

"What's wrong, what happened!" Angela, her brother Alex, and her mother came running into the kitchen.

"Oh dear, are you alright?" Mrs. Weber gasped as she saw my hand and the gushing cut, while Alex ran from the room screaming.

"Of course she's not ok mom! Look at her hand that cut it huge! Hospital! Hospital! KEYS! Got to go, got to go, got to go!" Angela yelled and started running through the house looking for stuff.

"Angela! Calm down, yes it would probably be a good idea to go to the hospital but you need to calm down ok?" I stated trying to calm her at least slightly. She took a few deep breaths and let herself relax.

"Ok, Ok I'm calm. We will just go and take you to the hospital, we will get you to see Dr. Cullen, he's the best, and you'll be just fine!" She rushed out in one breath and took off out of the house "BELLA COME ON!" I heard her scream from the car.

"Calmed down my ass" I mumble under my breath and made my way to the car.

We drove quickly down the road to the hospital and parked quickly and walked through the entrance. Angela had calmed down a bit on the ride over so she went to tell the receptionist what had happened while I took a seat in the waiting room.

"Ok Dr. Cullen will be available to see you in a moment, he's busy with someone right now" She said as she took the seat beside me "Oh, there he is now"

I looked over to where she was pointing and saw a tall man with white blond hair, he was quite attractive. Then I looked over to see who he was talking to and my mouth dropped and eyes went wide. Sweet baby Jesus, there stood the most gorgeous mad that I have ever seen. Messy bronze colored hair, chiseled jaw line, piercing green eyes, a perfect body. I might have drooled a little.

"A-Angela, w-who is that" I asked her in a shaky voice.

"That, deary, is Edward Cullen. He is Dr. Cullen's son, sexy right?" I just nod dumbly while openly ogling him.

"Bella, snap out of it! We are up now." I shake my head and look to see Edward leaving the room; I get a very nice view of a very sexy ass as I watched him leave.

Angela and I make our way to the room where the doctor is waiting.

"Alright Bella, lets the damage on that hand of yours. So what exactly happened?" He asked while examining my hand.

"O had a little run in with an angry kitchen knife while cutting tomatoes" He chuckled lightly

"Am I correct in saying you are fairly clumsy?"

"'Fairly' is quite a bit of an understatement I'm sorry to say. But how can you tell?" I ask but wince as he pokes an extremely sensitive spot"

"Sorry about that, and because I can see some remnants of a few bumps and bruises on your arms and legs"

"Yes I have some issues with, you know…walking." I blush lightly, well lightly for me.

He chuckles again and excuses himself to get some supplies to stitch up my hand.

"How are you holding up there Bella?" Angela asked while patting my knee lightly.

"I'm alright, slightly dizzy though, the smell of blood makes me nauseous" I cringed slightly.

"Well don't worry; you'll be fixed up in no time." She said reassuringly. Dr. Cullen came back and got to work on my hand. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would and since I was slightly out of it I wasn't paying much attention. Before I knew it my hand was stitched up and being bandaged.

"You are all set Bella, but be careful and don't do anything too strenuous ok?"

"Got it doc, thank you very much"

"It was a pleasure, but let's not make a habit out of it ok? I will see you in a few weeks to remove your stitches." He exited the room with one last kind smile.

"How did you like Dr. Cullen?" Angela asked.

"He was really nice. My favorite doctor I have been too and I have been to a lot.

We arrived back at Angela's and I went straight to her room to lie down. I was feeling drowsy and light headed. As soon as a lied down on the bed imaged of the bronze haired god kept flashing through my head. He really was the most beautiful being I have ever seen. I need to see this man again, I need to. There is something telling me that he is special, that he is different. I just hope I'm not wrong.

AN: Reviews are my crack! I hope you liked it, I'm thinking of doing an Edward point of view soon, thoughts? Thanks everyone!