You all know who is writing this it says the profile name near the top!

Authors note:

yes I know the story is going slowly (Don't kill me DarksOnlyAngel99!)
sorry about the relative shortness of the chapters but I can't write out all my ideas and still have them make sense.
But good news for the future, once the next two members are found I will begin what I am going to call: The Random Reports this will be a serious (LIES!) venture into the lives of members not important enough to make the cut into the actually Rixa Reports.
I will place at the top of each chapter when this event takes place but other than that, please be my guest at my confusion party!



Chapter 2

Hollow Bastion

Hollow Bastion… more like Hollow Boredom! There's nothing but ruins and heartless here, unless you count the awesome backwards waterfalls!

"DUDE AWESOME! I wanna ride the confused water falls!!!" I shouted before I jumped into the water below the platform on which Xigbar and I stood. I was expecting to splash and fall deep into the water, but I just bounced of the waters surface like it was a marble floor.

"What the freak zeke!" I shouted as I pounded my fist on the surface in frustration. It was wet and cold but felt reasonably solid. What could cause water to act like this? I thought as I stood up with ease, the surface wasn't even slippery.

"Kid you need to learn that not everything is what it seems, that water was spelled by Maleficent to prevent heartless from drowning when they attacked intruders." Said Xigbar in his strange surfer dude way of speaking as he walked off and continued his assent to the gondola station. I followed suit soon after and it wasn't long till we reached the main hall of the once great Castle of Radiant Garden, as it used to be known.

"man I would have loved to see this place when it was still being used!" I said as I balanced along the railings of the great hall. I then jumped to the banister and slid down to the main floor, almost bowling Xigbar over. "So… where exactly is this new member?" I said in confusion after I jumped up to the chandelier for a better look around.

"In the la… Basement." He said and walked up the stairs on the left side and into the room on the corresponding side. I followed him in and was greeted by what had to be the best sight EVER! Shelves upon shelves of books of so many colors and subjects. I thought I might have died and gone to heaven, if it hadn't been for Xigbar waving his hand in my face.

"Yo! New kid the la… basement is this way." He said rudely and motioned for me to follow him up the stairs to one of the turntable things in the pillars. He turned the thing till it stopped on a green box, then he opened it but nothing was inside.

"Well that's a jip! There's nothing in it!" I said loudly as I started to walk of in a huff. But Xigbar grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back around and said "what did I say earlier?" he then pressed a loose book on the shelf to our left and a hidden door on the bottom of the box popped open revealing a button, which he then pressed. This then moved a book case to the right of us aside, revealing a room with another gondola. We stepped aboard and when the gondola started to move I promptly fell on my butt.

"Nice one kid." Chuckled Xigbar clearly amused by my surprise that the gondola moved so fast. How he knew was a mystery to me! Soon we arrived at our destination, the basement was musty with age but looked like someone had walked by recently, since the dust had been disturbed and footprints led clearly to the hall on our right.

"Well at least we don't have to worry about getting lost!" I said as I looked back at our foot prints in the dust as we walked along the dark halls. Three left turns, one dead end, and one right turn later we arrived at the heart of the basement. I was astonished to find the remnants of a laboratory in this forgotten part of the castle, it obviously hadn't been used in years… many years, I thought as I swiped my finger along a tabled in the center of the room. Xigbar was lost I thought, as I wandered the lab looking at all the gadgets I knew not the name for. I soon had to stop my exploration when I heard a scuffling noise behind me. I spun around not really knowing what to do, but ready for a fight none the less. I was charged by a purple and black blur, which knocked me into a wall.

"Hey calm down kiddo! Were her to help you. Hey Ritax… err … whatever your name is you okay?" shouted Xigbar has he dodged the blur which turned out to be a girl with long black hair that switched to purple when it reached her jaw.

"Yeah I'm cool" I muttered audibly as I felt the back of my head. I pulled my hand in front of my face to check for blood; yep I was bleeding… but not badly. I stood up, almost falling back down in the process but I did it. I then ran at the girl with the intent to punch her and hopefully knock her out, but sadly I was stopped by another wall of something, but this time it hurt… a lot! I looked at where she stood with her hand out, but what shocked me was the wall of data she used to stop me! It was just a transparent wall of floating zeros and ones, she must be able to control tech and anything pertaining to tech… including the data stored within. She then switched her open palm to a fist; the data followed her motions and condensed into a data sword. She then came charging at me with the intent to kill; I just ducked and put my hands over my head to hopefully protect myself.

"Move kid, MOVE!" yelled Xigbar in a sad attempt to get me to jump out of the way, but I was frozen with fear… I didn't want to die… not again! Just as the girl swung the sword something happened, in a flash of light I has holding a staff; preventing the sword from coming any further. The staff its self was white with a heart shaped crystal on one end and an upside down fleur-de-lis looking thing on the other. It basically looked like someone took the symbol I saw every where back at The Castle That Never Was; but like someone had stretched it out lengthwise and turned the heart-like part into a crystal. But anyway now that I had a weapon I could fight! I parried her attack with surprising ease, and tried to disable her charges by stabbing her leg but only gazed her; due to the fact that I wasn't used to my weapon yet.

"Try casting some magic kid!" shouted Xigbar from the side-lines; he was probably trying to see what I could do with my new found weapon. I thought hard about what would work against an opponent who used tech to fight, it was when I looked to my left and saw a power cable and a puddle of water that I got an idea. I jumped back from the stand-off, closed my eyes and thought about the sea, heavy rains, and the confused waterfalls from earlier. When I opened my eyes again, which was only a few seconds later, the crystal atop my staff was glowing a bright cerulean. "Okay now what?" I thought to myself, but I didn't get to think long. The girl charged at me again, but I was so surprised, I just swung my staff at her. I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact and the pain of … whatever the sword was made of… stabbing me through. But instead I felt the cold spray of water hitting my face, I opened my eyes again to find the girl a few meters away sopping wet, but still standing. She then looked at me with dark blue eyes filled with fury, in the blink of an eye she charged again. Every time she charged I was barely able to dodge, till finally Xigbar reminded me of his presence, by distracting her with a few well placed arrows.

"Do what you need to do to stop her, I'll keep her busy." He shouted from his high upside-down perch near the ceiling. I backed away from the now distracted girl to charge my next spell. It took less time, but now my staff had a vibrant yellow glowing crystal; telling me it was time to end this fight. I swung my staff like I did before, and jets of white hot electricity shot out of the crystal like a rocket. Hitting the puddle below the girl, I thought I had missed, but then I remembered that water conducts electricity. The girl then crumpled to the ground, still alive but thankfully unconscious. Now just to get her back to the castle without her waking up. Xigbar the summoned a dark portal, and helped be carry the slightly larger girl through to a room she would later wake up in, hopefully calmer and ready to listen.

Yes the wait for my weapon is OVER! and i know the spells seem a little weird but in future chapters she will just cast the spells quickly and without thought. also in case anyone is woundering, yes she can cast spells without the staff, it just acts as a condenser for her to cast spells more efficiently.