"… So as long as we have the soldiers hold their position on the border and not advance, they shouldn't attack." That's what I think I heard. I might not have really been listening at all. There were more important troubles before me. The main one was literally sitting in front of me.

After I had lunch with my daughter and played a little baseball with Conrad, I was called into a military meeting. I had come into the room more relaxed after getting away from the "phobia" maniacs running around. But seeing Wolfram changed that. He looked half-asleep and obviously annoyed that he was woken up. But when he saw me, he looked embarrassed and turned away. And that's how it was for most of the meeting. He didn't talk or look at me; all he did was yawn and look out the window.

"Yuuri!" Gwendal raised his voice. Apparently, I was so preoccupied with trying to figure out Wolf's odd behavior that I had been staring at him. I looked to the oldest of the "three brothers that looked nothing alike" to find him with a similar expression as he had during our "discussion". Then I looked to find a worried look on Conrad's face. What does he have to be worried about? It's me that's going to be buried six feet under because Gwendal thinks I'm having perverted thoughts. Look Gwendal, you have the wrong double black! It's Murata that's the pervert, remember?

"If you're done staring at my little brother, we have important work to do."

"I – "Before I could get out an apology, Wolfram got up and ran out of the room. I could see that his angelic face was pinker than usual, and for the first time today, I saw dark rings under his eyes.

Both his brothers looked at me accusingly.

"What?" They stayed silent, "I guess we'll have to do this later. Please excuse me." I got up from my seat and walked out of the room. As soon as I knew I was far enough from them, I ran.


I had come up with a few theories as to Wolfram's strange behavior:

1. He was possessed again.

2. He had been working at training in the middle of the night.

Or 3; He had been having nightmares that involved me.

Though I was hoping it was the 2nd, 3rd was more likely. And possession thing was something that always seemed to happen to Wolfram, so that was always a possibility.

I had looked for Wolfram for hours. Why is it that he can hide himself from me whenever he pleased, but when it came to me hiding from the blonde, it was impossible? Then it hit me. Wolfram had been living in this castle for 82 years. He knew every nook and cranny, while I would have to play a lot of hide and seek with Greta to catch up.

Around 10:30 I gave up and headed to the bath. Well, he was probably in bed already. I might as well relax before talking to him. When I opened the door to find Wolfram's uniform folded in a neat pile with his nighty next to it, I looked towards the water to see if I could see his light, creamy yellow hair.

"Wolfram, I've been looking for you all da –"I spotted his hair alright. Cause the rest of him was under water.

"Wolf!" I dragged him out of the water and shook him. He woke up. Thank god, I didn't know CPR and was glad I didn't have to try then. He coughed up water till his eyes focused on me.

"Yuuri… YUURI?!" He quickly went to move away from me, crawling crab-style over the floor. "What do you think you're doing?!" He looked like a lobster as now his faced was red. He had scooted himself all the way to the wall and started fiddling with his clothes.

"I was saving your life! You fell asleep in the bath, and you were going to drown!" Then I realized what he was freaked out about. You see, he was … Uh… Naked… Butt-naked… Just as naked as he was born, naked. I know, I know, he was just in the bath, so what should I expect? But still, it seemed to surprise me a lot cause I couldn't even breath anymore and I thought for sure that my heart was going fast enough to be classified as a heart attack.

The naked angel was putting on his nightgown before I could even get a hold of the situation, and was out the door before I could open my mouth to apologize for staring. Man, I really needed a bath.

After I went to give Greta a kiss goodnight, though it was way past her bed time, I found Wolf asleep. I red not wake him. He still looked so tired. So instead of finding out why the blonde was acting so odd, I settled for figuring out what that book was.
The candle light was a little dim, but I could see enough that I wouldn't have to strain to read. The book was black with simple golden kanji on the front. Wait, kanji? It was from Japan! So that meant it must have been sent by Murata! Knowing very well that it was a very, very bad idea, I opened the book.


"Master Murata: With your permission we will be retiring now." Two maids bowed with respect to their new boss. One was a brown-haired and green-eyed girl in her late teens. She had on a light blue dress with a dark blue apron. In her hair, she had a blue headband and had a calm expression on her face. The other was taller and curvier, with her blonde hair pulled back in a low ponytail with a ribbon. She had on a white dress with an apron matching her friend. And her blue eyes smiled right along with the rest of her face.

"Thank you for your work today, ladies. You really proved yourselves on your first day. You may retire. Oh, but Elise?" He turned to face the blonde with an intelligent looking smile. Her cheeks went red. "I can call you by your first name, right?" She nodded rapidly, a yes. "Elise, how was your delivery to His Majesty today?

"He received it, and I watched to make sure he kept it with him, but I'm afraid I got nervous and didn't tell him who it was from. I'm sorry." She said with a bow.

"That's okay, he'll know. I'm just glad I could help."
After this, Elise and Lilly (aka the other newly hired maid) giggled and squealed all the way down the hall. Murata's only thought was 'At last, some ladies that aren't so uptight. I could get used to that~'


That. Was. So. Wrong. The images were still in my mind and would not go away. At first, it only seemed to be about best friends. Then close friends. Then very, very close friends. Then, after the first chapter, it was very obvious that they were, as Murata would put it, very close friends with 'benefits'.

God! It was way too graphic! It had described every little movement they made! And I hadn't read that much past the make out scene. The worst part was that it was about an average Japanese college student and the new foreign exchange student from Germany with blonde hair. The only difference was Wolf had emerald eyes, while the boy in the book had blue. Murata did it on purpose. Of course he did. He did it because he knew it would make me think of Wolf and I was doing… and… Oh, I can't ever think it! But I was, it was very clear and made me feel terrible, like I was going against my own being. But then there was this completely different feeling too that felt similar in some ways, but I know it meant something completely different. It was like one was me and the other my Maou mode. Like I was disgust and the unknown feeling was the demon inside me that I only released when absolutely need be.

Anyway, after putting the book in the drawer next to the bed I tried to sleep, but it just wouldn't come. In some aspect I was grateful of this, for I knew what I would dream about if I did. After about 10 minutes of trying to sleep, I felt the bed shift a great deal.

'Oh great, Wolfram's going into windmill mode,' I thought, but instead the bed rose with the absence of weight. I laid still as I heard the door open and close. And Wolfram's side of the bed felt instantly cold.

This had to be the first time Wolfram snuck out of my bedroom and it had definitely peaked my interest.

I got out of bed slowly and quietly grabbed a candle and stuck my ear against the door. I didn't hear anything, so I guessed Wolfram had already gone down the hall. But when I opened the door, I found bright green eyes shining in the dark, wide with surprise.

Confused, I decided to step out of the room completely, holding the candle up so I could get a better view of the pretty boy's face.

He was leaning against the door of Greta's room, but had jumped up straight when hearing the door open. I nearly laughed at the sight of him. His sword was slung over his shoulder which was bare, due to the silk nightgown that it had slipped out of again. What an odd combination! But it was so Wolfram. Many, yet gentle, strong but graceful. His eyes narrowed from their wide state to a narrower pout of annoyance.

"What are you doing awake, wimp?!" He took his hand off his sword hilt and crossed his arms. How in the world did he have so many cute poses like that? It's like he had a camera on him all the time. It was probably a good thing that he wasn't born on Earth. All the actors and models would be put out of business because all anyone would want to do is stare at him all day.

"I think I should be asking you the same question. I thought you were asleep." I stepped close to him, so I was next to him at the door, and I sat down, setting the candle to the opposite side of Wolfram. He sat down next to me with a plop. His sword, which I'm guessing he had forgotten he was wearing it, clattered against the ground. He huffed as he shifted into a comfortable position.

"What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" He didn't look at me. He just seemed to stare ahead, his expression blocked by the low light.

"I was worried about Greta…" He muttered. That brought a huge smile to my face.

"You're guarding Greta?" I asked with a laugh. He turned his head completely away from me.

"Someone has to, wimp!"

"Well in that case, I'll stay out here with you. After all, you look about ready to fall asleep right here." Wolfram gave me a scowl, but it only lasted a second before his face softened and he turned away.

We sat their quietly for a while till I decided that, though peaceful as it was, there were still things I needed to say.

"I'm really glad you care for Greta as much as you do. I could never handle this alone." I saw his attention turn to me. "With me being away all the time, I feel like I don't spend enough time with you guys as I should, so I'm glad you're here to be her dad."

I turned my head to face him completely.

"I wanted to tell you how amazed I am of how you've changed since I met you. I mean you've always had a good heart, but you let go of a lot of your spoiled personality and your problem with humans. Ha ha, you just get better and better, don't you?" He was silent for a while. During that time I thought of what I said and in the process discovered how, for some reason, I was a lot better at thinking about these things than talking about them.

"It's your fault, wimp," He yawned and leaned his head on my shoulder, "I guess I don't mind as long as it's you…"

"Wolf –"He was already asleep so I guessed I would never know what he meant. After a long while, I decided to get Wolfram in bed to sleep more comfortably. I slowly took off his sword, put it around my shoulders, and attempted to pick up the sleeping beauty bridal style. I won't lie and say he was super light, but he wasn't exactly heavy either. I still had to use some muscle, but I knew I would make it into the room. I tucked him into his side of the bed and laid the sword next to the night stand. I then walked down the hall and told them to guard Greta's room. Right before I joined the rest of the castle to slumber, I left a note on the outside of our door and locked it. Then it was time for a well-deserved sleep.


GAH! Don't blame the slave master for a lack of update! (Actually, this is a pretty quick update, huh? xD) It is all my faulltt~ I've been a real slacker lately, with school and working with my master… I actually think school has killed some of my brain cells and made me dumber… Because I realized that I've been forgetting things all over the place, and it all began after school started… Maybe it's just because I'm like ten times busier now… Well anyway, it was really funny to read this. It was originally written in a spiral, and I took it to my Latin class and started reading it. Oh my… It took all of my willpower to not giggle or squeal or make some sort of fan girl noise. xDDD Yes. More of my idiocy is showing~
WHOO! BUT YAY FOR THE LONG CHAPTER!!! And now, here's a word from the author! (Or authoress… )

Well I would like to say "LAURA ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" but unfortunately it's not true. I spent 2 weeks writing this 5 page chapter. But even though it's late I am very proud of it. As my slave has stated, school has started, and with it comes my last year of high school. So I'm getting ready for cons, running anime club, taking part in art club and TSA, working on animations for class and getting ready for collage. So I can't blame her for my slow writing. The first chapter is revised and I will be loading that up this weekend. (I promise with all my heart I mean it this time) I hope you guys don't hate me for the slow updates and inconsistence in chapter size. This is, after all my first chapter story. Please review. I wont bag for them cause that would be rude but it would be nice if you could.