A/N: Okay, this muse wouldn't leave me alone. Something about Subaru fussing over a baby Kamui made me kyaa! like a fangirl. *Ahem* Which I guess I am. This story is loosely adapted from an adorable manga called Usagi Drop, which I don't own. It may or may not stay true to the plot of the manga. I know, you all hate me for starting yet another fanfiction - or maybe for writing in general - project. But I am thinking of ideas for my other works of fiction. Feel free to PM me any ideas you might have for this or any other of my works.

Disclaimer: I don't own Tokyo Babylon, X 1999, Usagi Drop, etc. As I'd like to think of myself as 'That crossover author', other series characters may enter into this at some point in time. I won't own them, either.

Pairings: Will be SeishiroxSubaru eventually, but really, this is meant to be cute and fluffy, rather than a deep romance story. Hints of FuumaxKamui eventually, because I couldn't resist. The genre will span from angst to romance to drama, and anything in between. Even a bit of humor, cause I'm funny and you know it. ^_~

Summary: After his sister's abandonment and eventual death, Subaru has lost all reason to live. But the one remnant of his sister, her infant son, opens his eyes and makes him realize that he should no longer live under his late twin's shadow.

Prologue: My Sister's Keeper

The day my sister died was probably the worst day of my life.

Hokuto and I were twins, so it's safe to say that we were close. There was a time when I couldn't even imagine living without her. It makes me laugh now, after so many years spent apart. But I suppose I've gotten too far ahead.

I was just a bit younger than Hokuto, by maybe a few minutes or so, but we were worlds apart in attitude and personality. I was shy, conservative, and well-mannered, perfect for the role of the future head of the Sumeragi clan. Hokuto, however, was a bombshell in our traditional Japanese way of life.

Whereas I would take over the clan, Hokuto dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. Often being the model of her fashions, I could honestly say that she wanted to be a trendsetter, unique and artistic, and she was. She always had been. Even though we'd been together since the womb, I could admit that she'd never failed to surprise me. Even now, after her death, a part of me had to smile at the fact that Hokuto, ever the drama queen, took the flashiest exit possible. It was what I expected of her, really.

But I could never scorn her for it. I loved my sister. Very few could say that they didn't. Even my grandmother, the epitome of the well-mannered Japanese woman, had a soft spot for Hokuto. I think she secretly loved the excitement Hokuto brought into our lives, and while she'd always respect me, I think grandmother only ever truly loved two people: Hokuto and my father.

But even Grandmother could not forgive her biggest transgression of all — marrying who she did. I think grandmother thought that Hokuto's rebellious attitude was only a phase; that she'd eventually get over it and settle down. This was to be proven wrong by Hokuto herself. My sister took a job as a volunteer at a hospital and fell in love with a former coma patient, Kuzuki Kakyou, while there. Forced in the hospital since he was young, my sister saved Kakyou from a life of being exploited for his gifts, and freed him.

She brought him home to Grandmother and the clan elders, who'd always disapproved of her. I think my grandmother felt that she had no choice but to refuse her, but I know she regrets it even now — especially now. My sister, enraged, left with her lover and fled the country. That was the last I ever saw of her, though she did write me often enough. Now, it was the first time I was seeing her in years. I stared down at her pale, peaceful face and felt like laughing at the irony. No matter how we tried to change her, Hokuto was still Hokuto till the very end, and I both loved and hated her for it.

I don't visit the Sumeragi main estate very often. Like Hokuto, I had felt somewhat smothered by it, angry with it for driving her away, so I escaped to a small apartment in Tokyo. It wasn't exactly the lavish apartment one would expect for a clan head, but it was home enough to me. Now, I stood before the loping steel gate of my family manor, and pressed the call button.

After a moment a tired voice asked, "Yes?"

"It's me," I answered, "Sumeragi Subaru."

If my voice was clipped or icy, I knew it not. My emotions had been in a flurry since news of my sister's death, and I felt almost as if I was in an alternate reality. The person behind the call box, however, seemed to sense any underlying urgency I felt and kindly rang open the fence. I whispered a thank you, and loped slowly through my childhood walkway, closing my eyes in melancholy as the scent of the sakura assaulted me. I thought I felt eyes on me, and I saw the flutter of a nearby bush, as if hiding someone, but I cared little for it. My sister was dead and she'd taken my emotions with her.

I raised my hand to knock on the old mahogany doors, but it was unnecessary, because they were thrown open before I could. My grandmother, pushed on her wheelchair by worried attendants, met me with tears in her eyes. I was surprised for a second, even as her thin arms wrapped around me, because she'd always been such a cold woman, but Hokuto's death had touched her in a way it hadn't with me. I wondered bitterly if she'd shed tears if it was me in that casket.

"Oh, Subaru," she cried, and I finally snapped out of my reverie enough to wrap my arms about her, albeit apathetically. "Hokuto is gone. She was always such an idiotic girl, and now she's gone."

I think she insulted Hokuto to comfort herself, but there was a subtle edge of something in her voice that instantly alerted me to trouble. I stood up a little straighter.

"There, there, Grandmother," I soothed, catching the eyes of the attendants. They frowned, and gestured to the chamber where Hokuto's body was being held. I pushed my grandmother away gently. "I must go pay my respects now, Grandmother."

She nodded, wiping at her eyes with her frail hands, and smiled weakly.

"Yes, yes, of course," she replied. Then, as I started heading in, she frowned, seeming to recall something. "But there is something I must warn you—"

She never got a chance to finish what she was going to say. It didn't matter, though, because what — or rather, who — I met pretty much cleared it up for me.

A little boy, resembling myself as a child a bit, stared up at me with large violet eyes. He tilted his cute little face, slim brows furrowed in confusion, and asked, "Mama?"

I felt my heart, thus frozen since this whole affair had begun, melt in my chest so rapidly that I felt like a bomb had went off, battering my ribs so roughly that I could have sworn they'd bruised. What was going on?

A/N: Come on, baby Kamui called our dear Subaru Mama! You know you want to read that. I took four years of child development, and I even have a shiny textbook, so I'll try to be accurate about the whole child-rearing process. I mean, why else did I put myself through that torture, if not to appease you, my beloved readers? I should - emphasis on should - update soon. I'll also try and update Shattered Mirror, though I really want to edit past errors. Maybe I should get a beta for those old chapters? I can do new ones myself, I think. Anyone willing?

R&R: I know that X/Tokyo Babylon are no longer that popular, and that makes me sad, but I hope you rare readers will review. I'd love to get your opinion. The story is meant to be heart warming, if I can even pull such a thing off.