Please Review; this is my first attempt to write on here. Let me know if you like it, don't like and if I should continue writing it. Thanks

Disclaimer: Twilight characters belong to Stephanie Meyer; I just changed some things and added some of my own characters.

The minute I stepped onto the airplane, I kicked myself. I had everything planned out so perfectly, how could I have left the house with my sweater still hanging on the back of my kitchen chair. I knew that airplanes were always cold! I purposely picked out my warmest sweater to take with me on this trip, and what do I do?! Walk off and leave it behind! Even if you turn the fans to close, it still blows cold air on you. Not to mention, if your neighbor has theirs full blast on you!

I was walking up the aisle, consumed in the thought of being a Bella Popsicle, when I went flying. I landed with a thud about three rows up. Leave it to me not to see the briefcase sitting in the middle of the aisle. I stood up quickly and looked around. There weren't very many people who had boarded yet so that meant not a lot of witnesses. I quickly composed myself and started looking for my seat.

My mom had spared no expense when purchasing my seat in first class. I found my seat and was shockingly surprised to see it was already occupied. I looked at the sleeping girl that was in my seat and then back at my ticket to recheck that I was at the right seat. The girl was gingerly spread out, lying with her head on the lap of the boy sitting next to her. I stood there, staring at the couple in a daze, wondering what I should do, when I heard the most amazing voice I have ever heard. "Excuse me, is that your seat?" I snapped out of my daze and turned to the row behind mine, searching for where that voice came from. That's when I saw the most amazing set of green eyes I have ever seen, hidden under a rim of a baseball hat. "Umm…yeah… it's supposed to be my seat."

I heard a little chuckle come from the man starting at me. Why was this so funny, I wanted to ask, but my mouth would not move. I just kept on starting at him. I suppose the look on my face was humorous because he just kept on chuckling. He had this crooked little smile that just captivated me more. He finally composed himself enough to speak. "That's my sister and my brother-in-law. She took it upon herself to switch seats with you. I hope you don't mind." As he was talking, I kept staring. I couldn't put my finger on it but he looked so familiar. "Alice's seat was supposed to be this one." He motioned to the seat right next to his. I sat quickly, trying to avoid his stare. I got settled into my new seat and got buckled in.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Robert Jacobson and I am your Captain today. We are looking at a slight delay on our takeoff. We are experiencing some technical issues with the tower that need to be ironed out before we can leave. We apologize for the inconvenience and will be leaving as soon as possible. Please sit back and relax. Thank you for flying AZ-Skies. "

"Great!" I mumbled under my breath. I was already freezing and now I was stuck sitting here for even longer. "Is there a problem?" he asked, turning to face me. "No, I am freezing and stupid me walked out of the house and left my sweater hanging on the back of the chair." He reached down under his seat and produced a large sweatshirt. He held it out in my direction and smiled. "Won't you be cold?" I asked, hesitantly. He just continued to smile and shook his head. "No, I'm fine." I had to smile back because his smile was so contagious, "Thank you very much." I slipped into the sweatshirt, that I swam in but boy was warm.

A pair of giggling girls, across the aisle and up a few rows, kept staring in our direction. They would whisper something, then giggle and stare at us. I started to feel a little self conscience. Who wouldn't in that situation? I was getting ready to ask them what their problem was, when they stood up and made their way across the aisle. They were holding pieces of paper and pens. They were standing in front of me, giggling. I looked up at them but they weren't looking at me. They were staring at the handsome man sitting next to me. "Can we have your autograph?" they asked at the same time. He reluctantly turned his head to look at the "giggle twins" (or so I had named them) and sighed. I could tell he was very uncomfortable.

I jumped in to do what I could. "Hi" I said to them, with the sweetest smile I could muster. "Can I help you guys?" I asked them. They just turned in unison and glared at me. "We just want his autograph" the shorter, red head said with an attitude. "Can I ask you guys a question first?" They just stood there, staring at me with a blank look on their face. "Um…Sure." The taller blond replied. "Ok, thanks. Who exactly do you think he is?" I asked. "Oh. My. God! He's Edward Cullen! DUH!" They both rolled their eyes in unison. I smiled at them the nicest I could and turned to face this man. "Honey, they think you're Edward Cullen. Isn't that funny?!" I turned back to face the girls, who were looking at me like I was stupid. "Sorry girls, this is my boyfriend Michael. We get that a lot, don't feel bad. I'm sure you could still have his autograph, if you don't mind it being from a carpenter from Phoenix." They just glared at me and reluctantly walked away.

When they were out of ear shot, I turned to the man sitting next to me. He was staring at me with his mouth hanging wide open. I realized that maybe I wasn't helping like I thought I was. "I'm sorry, did you want to want to give them your autograph? I just assumed if you are Edward Cullen, that you would want your privacy, hence the hat. Sometimes I over step my boundaries, I can go get them and bring them back if you want?" He just continued to stare at me with wide eyes and then a crooked smile started to tug at his lips. "No, I…Uh…am just surprised that's all. I have never had anyone do anything like for me before. That was really great."

He leaned over so he was two inches from my face and whispered, "I am Edward Cullen by the way."

I hope you all like the first chapter! Please let me know if I should continue Any comments or suggestions are welcome.