Author's Notes: Scooby Doo and all related characters and trademarks are copyright 1969-2001 Hanna-Barbera Productions and 2002-Present Warner Brothers. I am not or do not plan on making any money off of this, I am merely a fan. Parts of this story are based on the television series "Sabrina The Teenage Witch" and the 1960's/1970's Saturday Morning cartoon series of the same name.

Chapter 1

Shaggy Rogers was a fairly normal teenager attending Coolsville High School, he was dating Velma Dinkley one of the smartest girls in school, he was a member and Captain of the school's Track and Gymnastics teams; not only that but he, his girlfriend Velma, his friends Daphne and Fred and his Great Dane Scooby-Doo formed the mystery solving teenage detective agency known as Mystery Inc.

Mystery Inc. had solved hundreds of cases over the years involving all sorts of ghosts, ghouls, vampires, monsters, werewolves and other supposedely supernatural occurances all over the world; every time however most every time the gang dealt with supernatural mysteries it always seemed like the villain or villainess was a fake, someone dressed in a costume to try and scare people away from a location because they were trying to cover up some sort of crime or trying to find or steal some sort of hidden asset; but for all the time that Mystery Inc. has been together and in all of the mysteries the gang have solved and locations that they have visited in the past, but nothing they have faced in the past could prepare the gang and especially Shaggy from their latest adventure.

It all started one Autumn day at Blake Mansion which had become the unofficial home base of Mystery Inc. Scooby Doo and friends were relaxing in the mansion's front room. Scooby was relaxing by the fireplace, Fred and Daphne were sitting and talking, while Shaggy and Velma were also sitting and talking.

"Sure is a nice Fall day, Shaggy" said Velma.

"It certainly is Velma, it certainly is" responded Shaggy.

Shaggy and Velma looked at each other lovingly, each of their gazes were locked on the other's eyes.

Since they had started as boyfriend and girlfriend many years ago Shaggy and Velma have had an interesting relationship to say the least; both of them knew however no matter what happened to them or what would happen to them in the future, they both knew that they loved each other.

Shaggy and Velma looked at each other and continued to talk for a few minutes when their conversation was broken by the sound of a telephone ringing.

Shaggy could hear Daphne's father's voice ringing out of the other room.

"Telephone for you Shaggy" Mr. Blake said.

"Thank You Mr. Blake" Shaggy responded.

He walked into the other room to take the telephone call, "Hello?" Shaggy said.

"Hello Norville" said a voice on the other line.

"Norville?" Shaggy said curiously; not that many people called him by his given name, most people called him by his nickname which was usually his preference.

"This is Norville Rogers correct?" asked the voice.

"Yes, yes it is" said Shaggy hesitantly.

"Excellent, I had a feeling that this was the correct number" said the voice.

"Who is this?" asked Shaggy.

"You're kidding, Norville Rogers you mean to tell me that you don't know who I am?" said the voice.

"No I really don't know who this is" said Shaggy.

"Norville, this is your Grand Father Charles" said the voice.

"Grandpa?" asked Shaggy with a bit of trepidation.

"Mm-Hmm" said Shaggy's grand father.

"That's impossible, it can't be; I-I thought you and Grandma were dead" said Shaggy.

"Nope, we only wanted to make you think that" said Grandpa Charles.

"Boy if that's true you sure had me fooled" said Shaggy.

"It is true, we only pretended to be deceased because your grand mother and I needed to test you" said Shaggy's Grandpa.

"Test me for what?" asked Shaggy.

"To test you for one of our family's closely guarded secrets" said Shaggy's Grandpa.

"Secret, what secret?" asked Shaggy.

"I can't tell you over the phone, but I can send you the details in the mail" said Shaggy's Grand Father.

"Why can't you tell me over the phone?" asked Shaggy.

"Because if this secret ever got into the wrong hands, you and your friends would be in serious danger". said Shaggy's Grand Father.

"So what can you tell me about the secret?" asked Shaggy.

"Not much, I can tell you however that we will not be there" said Shaggy's Grand Father.

"Why?, I haven't seen you and Grandma in years and now you're telling me there's a huge family secret and you can't help me out" said Shaggy.

"No, we cannot; your grand mother and I are retired but if you pass the test that you are going to take your grand mother and I will meet you" said Shaggy's Grand Father.

"Sounds OK to me I guess; when will the information be sent out to me?" said Shaggy.

"I'm sending it by messenger it should arive tomorrow" said Shaggy's Grand Father.

"I'll be looking forward to getting it" said Shaggy.

"Oh and Norville" said Shaggy's Grandfather.

"Yes" responded Shaggy.

"Your grandmother and I want you and your friends to very careful, there are people and things that you five need to watch out for" said Shaggy's Grandfather.

"Like what?" asked Shaggy.

"I can't say specifically but be careful anyway" said Shaggy's Grandfather.

"I will grandpa, I will" said Shaggy.

"Goodbye Norville" said Shaggy's grandfather.

With that Shaggy's Grandfather hung up the phone, hoping that his grandson would be able to handle what was to come.

"Good Luck Norville" said Shaggy's Grandfather.

Back in Blake Mansion Shaggy came from the other room after hanging the phone up; he sat back down next to Velma, meanwhile Fred, Daphne and Scooby along with Velma each were looking at Shaggy in and expecting sort of way.

"Hi Shaggy" said Velma as she hugged him.

"So Shaggy, what was the phone call about?" asked Fred.

Author's Notes: I decided to make this a fairly short chapter and end it with sort of a cliff-hanger to set up the second chapter, i'm looking forward to seeing what everyone thinks of the first chapter.