Welcome one and all! I wrote this the other night while avoiding studying for a final. It's my first Flashpoint story, so, please, don't judge me too harshly. When I wrote this, I was listening to "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol, hence the title. I think that's what I am going to do for all the chapters.

Anyway, I really am not sure where I want this story to go. I like both Ed and Greg and really cannot decide which direction to take this. Please, let me know what you think. Any ideas will be most welcome. Now, that being said, I hope you enjoy!

Dear Sammy,

How is Toronto treating you? I know it's not Afghanistan, but it's a lot safer (and closer to home!). I hope you like working with the police and I hope you are finding everything you want in that city. Mom misses you and sends her love, and dad…well, dad says hi.

I have a huge favor to ask you. Remember how I was working with the Senators in Ottawa? Well, my supervisor got me a job with a new team. The Maple Leafs! I'm moving o Toronto next week. I know it's kind of short notice, but do you have a couch in your apartment your baby sister can sleep on for a while? I am still looking for my own place, but until I find it, would you mind if I stayed with you?

Call me, Sammy. I miss you.

Love your sister,


Rosalie crawled down the Queen Elizabeth Highway. She had forgotten how bad the traffic could be, even on a Tuesday evening. Even though she had only spent a year in Toronto before transferring to another college, she had always loved the city. It was her favorite among the places she had lived while growing up. She and her brother, Sam, had been moved around all over the place as kids. They went from army base to army base until they were old enough to strike out on their own. They were Army Brats in every sense on the word.

As she rolled through Mississauga at 12 miles per hour, she thought of her brother. It had been nearly three years since she saw Sam. He was older than her by six years, but they had always been close. Growing up, Sam had always watched out for his baby sister. He protected her from the evils of the army base, which usually meant the lonely soldiers that were constantly shuffling through. She would always be a little girl to him.

The hardest day in her life was the day Sam was deployed to Afghanistan with the JTF2 unit. He was only 23, still a kid. When Sam came over to say his goodbyes, dad would only shake Sam's hand. Neither said a word, they only stared at each other. Rosie and her mother cried and hugged him and kissed his cheeks. Her father stood by completely emotionless. Sam left that day and it was two years before Rosie heard from him again.

Rosie exited the highway and wandered through the busy downtown streets of Toronto. She saw all the landmarks she had missed while she was in Ottawa. The CN Tower, the Hockey Hall of Fame, Maple Leaf Gardens, St. Lawrence Market, and her new office, the Air Canada Centre.

As she rolled up to a stop light, her phone began ringing "Wanted Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi. Everyone in her phonebook had a customized ringtone. Her mother's was "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor, her dad's was "Reveille", and her brother's was Bon Jovi. She dug through her purse until she found the red flip phone.

"Hi Sammy," she said as the light turned green. "Hey kiddo, are you in town yet?" He asked. She was 25 years old and still he called her 'kiddo'. When would he learn? "Yeah, I'm just wandering around. Do you want me to go right to your house?" Sam cleared his throat and replied, "Nah, why don't you come by and pick me up at the station. I got a ride to work today from a friend, so I don't have my car." Rosie raised her eyebrows and said, "This friend wouldn't happen to be a cute brunette, would it?" Sam hesitated and asked, "What makes you say that?" Rosie laughed and replied, "That's your type, Sammy boy." Sammy chuckled and said, "Whatever. Just come by the station. I won't be ready for like half an hour, but you can hang around if you want." Rosie hung up her phone and turned her car around.

Rosie parked her car in the lot outside the building and made her way to the front door. A woman in a police uniform sat behind a reception desk just inside the entrance. To the right was a small conference room. To the left was a hall doors, all labeled. "Can I help you?" Rosie rested her hands on the desk top, smiled sweetly, and said, "I'm looking for the SRU. Please tell me I am in the right place." The woman smiled back and nodded. "Yup, they're here. Which team are you looking for?" Rosie bit her lip and replied. "Um, I'm not really sure. I'm looking for my brother, Sam Braddock." The woman nodded slowly and said, "Ah, Sam. He's on Team 1. They're up in the training room. Hold on a sec and I'll get an officer to bring you up." Rosie smiled and thanked the woman as she handed her a visitor's badge and waived over an officer to take her upstairs.

In the elevator, the young officer looked over Rosie and asked, "So you're Sam's sister?" Rosie nodded and said, "Yeah, he's my older brother." The officer nodded and replied, "You guys look nothing alike." Rosie smiled and shrugged her shoulders. She had heard that all her life. It was true; she and Sam were total opposites.

Sam was tall and athletic with a strong build. He had their mother's blond hair and their father's blue eyes. He was a prankster. He was loud and fun and had millions of friends, most of them girls.

Rosie was tall for a woman at 5'7". But she was softer that Sam. She was a curvy girl from head to toe. She had thick auburn hair that reached her shoulder blades and green eyes, like her grandmother. Unlike her brother, she had always been a bit of a loner. She had one or two close friends and that was all she needed.

The elevator dinged at the fourth floor and the officer led Rosie down a long hallway towards the training room. "Hold on here," he said when they reached the door. She stood in the hallway and waited for the officer to bring her brother out.

"Braddock! Visitor!" The officer shouted once he was inside. Sam dropped his boxing gloves and jogged to the door. "Your sister," the officer said. Sam nodded and said, "She can come in, it's fine." The officer asked, "What about the Sergeant? He won't care?" Sam glanced over his shoulder to where his boss was working with the team leader. "Nah, no worries." The officer shrugged and returned to the hallway. A second later, Rosie came through the door.

"Sammy!" She squeaked as she trotted towards him. He wrapped her in a tight bear hug and kissed her cheek. "Hey kiddo. God I missed you," he said as he held her tighter. She kissed his cheek and pulled away. "You look good, Sammy," she said with a smile. Sam smiled and said, "Me? Look at you! You look great! You know, when I was overseas, I had to take your picture away from a few of the guys in my unit." Rosie laughed. "Do you want me to wait in the hall while you finish?" Sam shook his head and said, "Nah, I want you to meet my team."

Sam led Rosie over to the heavy bags where he and three of his teammate were working. "Hey guys," Sam said as they got closer, "I want you to meet my sister, Rosalie." Rosie smiled as Sam said, "This is Wordy." Rosalie shook his hand and he said, "Kevin really. But I answer to pretty much anything." Sam pointed to the guy beside Wordy and said, "Spike here is our tech guy." Rosie smiled and shook his hand too, trying to commit their names to memory. "And this is Jules."

Rosie shook Jules' hand and said, "Nice to meet you." She could tell there was something special about this woman. There was something different in Sam's voice when he said her name and something special in his eyes when he looked at her. Judging by the smile on her face, Jules liked Sam too. Rosie smiled to herself as she thought of her brother finally finding someone he could commit to for more than one night.

Sam led her across the room to his other two team members. One was running on a treadmill and the other was using the stationary bicycle. Rosie set her coat down on the chair opposite the two and waited for Sam to introduce her. "Ed, Sarge, I want you to meet my sister. Rosalie Braddock, this is Ed Lane," he said with a gesture to the taller of the two, "and Sergeant Greg Parker," pointing to the other. Rosalie smile at them both. "Nice to meet you," she said sweetly as she shook Ed's hand. "Pleasure's mine," Ed huffed as he smiled back, still running. She turned to the Sergeant, who said, "Pleasure to meet you, Rosalie," as he shook her hand.

"Why don't you sit here while I finish with those guys," Sam said as he pointed back to the heavy bags. Rosie nodded, "Okay, sure. As long as it's okay with you guys," she asked as she looked at Ed and Sergeant Parker. "Of course, please do," Ed said with a nod and a smile, "It'll be nicer to look at you than this guy." He jerked his thumb toward Sergeant Parker and they both laughed. Rosie sat down and let her eyes wander across the new faces around her.

This could be interesting, she thought to herself as she studied the two in front of her. They were both attractive, but in different ways. Ed was a strong, masculine type. He had an aggressive edge that made him feel dangerous yet protective at the same time. Sergeant Parker, on the other hand, was a softer type. He was more of an observer, more passive and emotional. Rosie could sense there was nothing but compassion in him.

She could feel their eyes studying her, trying to size her up. Unsure of what to do, she kept a smile on her face and avoided eye contact. Rosie sat before them silently and waited for them to speak before she did. "So, Rosie," Ed said as he slowed to a jog, "How long are you in town?"

"I'm moving here. I just got a new job and I'm staying with Sam until I find my own place." Ed smiled and said, "Well, if you need anything at all, please, just give me a call. I'd be happy to help you out." Rosie smiled as she saw his charm start to show.

"Where are you working now?" Sergeant Parker asked as he stepped off the bike and wiped his face with his towel. "I'm working in the Maple Leafs' front office, Media relations." Sergeant Parker smiled and said, "That has got to be awesome. So you get to meet all the guys and see all the games?" Rosie laughed and asked, "You're a fan, Sergeant?" Sergeant Parker nodded and replied, "Please, call me Greg. I'm not your boss. I've been a huge fan since I was a kid."

Ed stepped off the treadmill and sprayed water over his face. "Are you coming out with us tonight, Rosie?" Rosalie shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know. I don't want to intrude or anything." Ed waived her off and said, "Not at all. We want you to come, don't we Greg?" Rosie looked at Greg, who nodded and said, "Oh, yeah. Come out and have a drink with us." Rosie still wasn't sure. "Only if it's okay with Sam." Ed held up his hand and said, "Say no more," before shouting across the room. "Hey, Sam! We're taking your sister with us tonight!" Sam only nodded and said, "Yeah, sure, whatever." Ed winked at Rosie and said, "See? Simple as that." Rosie smiled and watched them all make their way to the showers.

"Rosie's pretty hot, Sam," Spike said as he toweled himself off. Sam spun from his locker and said, "Don't even think about it, Spike." Spike held up his hands and said, "Everyone's thinking it, I'm just saying it!" Sam shook his head and said, "Well, keep it to yourself. I don't want to hear you talking about her like that."

Ed sat on the bench and pulled his socks on, "Come on, Sam. She's a big girl. I'm sure she can handle herself." Spike wiggled his eyebrows and said, "Oh, I'm sure she can, wink wink!" Sam threw his socks at Spike and said, "I swear to God, Spike." Greg closed his locker and said, "Come on, guys. I know this is a locker room, but can we keep it clean?"

Spike huffed and admitted defeat. Greg nodded and sat beside Ed. "Are you coming with us tonight or are you going to pass again?" Ed asked as he stepped into his sneakers. Greg tied his shoe and said, "You know, I think I will go." Ed stood up and said, "Whoa! The Sarge is coming out tonight!" Spike laughed and said, "Lock up your daughters!" Greg waived them both off and walked out of the room. He saw Rosie sitting in one of the chairs by the front door and went to join her.

He sat in the chair across from her and smiled. She returned the smile and pushed some hair behind her ear. "Sam's coming soon," Greg said, trying to make conversation. Rosie nodded and said, "Oh, okay. I'm in no hurry." They sat in silence for a few minutes before Rosie spoke. "Where do you guys usually go?" Greg smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure. I hardly ever go with them. I'm too old to keep up with those guys," he said with a chuckle. Rosie giggled and replied, "Oh, please. You don't look old at all." Greg laughed nervously and said, "Thank you, but my body and my team say differently." Rosie laughed again and couldn't help but touch his knee as she did. Greg felt tingles under the spot where her hand had been. He struggled to find something else to say as Ed and Sam came out from the locker room.

"Ready to go?" Sam asked as he dropped his bag beside him. Rosie nodded and stood. Greg followed suit, still trying to comprehend what had just happened between him and Rosie. Was she flirting?

Sam held his hand out to Rosie. "Let me have your keys?" It was more of an order than a request. Rosie crossed her arms and asked, "Why?" Sam rolled his eyes and said, "Because I told Jules and Spike I'd give them a ride." Rosie took the keys out and said, "My stuff is still in the car. Where will I sit?" Ed put a hand on her arm and said, "Why don't you ride with Greg and me?" Sam snatched the keys up and said, "Perfect. See you there!" He scooped up his bag and took off to the parking lot with Jules and Spike behind him.

The whole team sat around a table listening to Sam tell a story about the year Rosie turned 18.

"We were living on this base in Saskatchewan. I was what, 23?" Rosie nodded and said, "I had just turned 18 the month before." Sam continued, "And this one Friday night she said she was going out with some other girls from the base. So, I'm out with some of my buddies and we've been drinking and we decide to try to get into the Officer's Club. So we get there and we get in and there, in the middle of this group of army officers is Rosie, dressed to the nines like one of those old Hollywood actresses, sipping a pint of beer." Rosie blushed as the whole team laughed. Ed sipped his beer and said, "Looks like Rosie has a taste for the older men." Sam nodded and said, "I guess so because apparently she had been spending Friday night's there for almost a year before I found her." Rosie only laughed and said, "I still would be if dad wasn't transferred. I never paid for anything while we were there!" Ed picked up Rosie's empty glass and said, "You won't here, either. Trust me," before heading to the bar for another round for the two of them.

Spike started telling a story about something stupid he had done when he was younger. Greg only half listened to what he said, laughing when he heard the others start. He couldn't help but watch Rosalie. She was young and beautiful, that much was true, but there was more to her. She was intelligent and witty and much more mature than others her age. He couldn't help but allow his eyes to wander over her face from her green eyes to her full pink lips and bright smile. Who am I kidding, he thought to himself, she's out of my league. Behind him, Greg heard the music change to a softer tune. What the hell, he thought.

"Rosie," he said, drawing her attention from Spike. She smiled at him and tilted her head to the side. "Do you want to dance?" Greg asked, gesturing over his shoulder to the dance floor. Rosie blushed and said, "I'd love to," before standing up. He stood as well and led her away from the table and Sam's questioning glance.

Greg nervously wiped his hands on his pants and before placing one on her hip. Rosie took his other hand and began swaying with him slowly to the beat. She could feel he was tense, but whether it was because of her or her brother staring at them, she wasn't sure. Rosie whispered, "Relax, Greg," into his ear as they turned on the dance floor. Greg smiled and said, "I'm sorry. It's been a while since I've done this." She smiled and replied, "You're doing fine," as she moved her body closer to his, "Just go with it." He smiled as she moved closer and slid his hand from her hip to the small of her back as they continued dancing.

"Can I ask what made you ask me to dance?" Rosie questioned as they turned again. Greg shrugged, trying to stay cool, and said, "You looked like you were bored." Rosie felt her shoulders fall slightly at his response. "Really? That's all?" She asked teasingly, trying to draw a real answer from him. Greg huffed a little and said, "Alright, you caught me. I just wanted to see that look on Sam's face." He nodded his head toward the table. Sam was sitting straight up in his chair, his hand wrapped around an empty bottle and his eyes following Greg's every move.

Rosie buried her face in Greg's shoulder to try and fight back the giggles. She hadn't seen that look on Sam's face in years. Rosie picked her head up and tried to catch her breath. "You're going to get me in trouble," she said. Greg smiled and bent his head down to her ear. "If that get's you in trouble, what will this get you?" He murmured softly. She blushed at the feeling of his breath on her neck. "I knew you were a bad influence," she teased back.

Ed came back carrying two glasses. He sat in the chair between where Greg and Rosie had been and placed one of the glasses in front of Rosie's seat. He took a long drink and leaned back in his chair. Spike was still talking, to Wordy now, and Ed did his best to tune him out. He listened to the music and watched the people on the little dance floor. He looked around the table and saw Jules was missing, as were Greg and Rosie. "Hey, Sam," he said, "Where's Jules?" Sam waved his hand distractedly and said, "She went to the ladies room." Ed nodded and then said, "Rosie with her?" Sam shook his head again and pointed out to the dance floor. Ed followed Sam's gaze and saw Rosie wrapped in Greg's arms.

Ed watched her face light up as Greg spoke to her with a smile on his own face. He had never seen Greg so comfortable around a woman. He felt a lump of jealousy rise in his throat as Greg brought his head down to Rosie's ear and whispered to her. She started laughing and buried her face into his shoulder. Ed took a long gulp from his beer and said, "Excuse me," to Sam before making way toward the dance floor.

Greg felt a tap on his shoulder. His head whipped around, an annoyed look playing on his face, but when he saw it was Ed, he relaxed and smiled. Ed gestured to Rosie and asked, "Mind if I cut in?" Greg hesitated, still holding Rosie tight to him. She slid her hand over his shoulder and to his chest. He looked down at her and she only nodded to him. Greg dropped her hand and said, "Of course." Rosie smiled as Greg started walking back to the table, stealing a glance over his shoulder now and then along the way.

Ed took her hand and placed his other hand on her hip. Rosie slid her hand up his arm to his shoulder and began to sway with him like she had with Greg. She hugged her body to his and inhaled his cologne. Ed felt her move and held her closer. "Are you having fun?" He asked her. Rosie smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm having a great time," she said. He leaned in closer this time and whispered, "Every guy in the room is jealous of me right now, you know that?" Rosie blushed and replied, "You are a charmer, aren't you?" Ed couldn't help but smile as Rosie nibbled on her lower lip.

He pulled her closer and they danced in silence. With every breath he inhaled the faint scent of her perfume. Rosie unconsciously allowed her head to rest against Ed's chest. She savored the feel of his arms around her and his hand on her back. This is not cool, I'm going to have to deal with Sammy after this, she thought, peeking over to the table where the rest of the team sat. She felt Ed's hand slide up and down the small of her back. But what the hell… Rosie sighed lightly and closed her eyes.

The song finally came to an end, but neither of them pulled away. Rosie looked up at Ed and said, "Thank you for the dance, Ed." He smiled back and dropped her hand. "It was my pleasure, really." Rosie smiled nervously. From the corner of her eye she could see Sam coming towards them. "Come on, Rosalie. Time to go," he said as he draped her jacket over her shoulders. He took hold of her hand and pulled her away from Ed and toward the exit.

The radio was off. The windows were up. Sam stared straight ahead as he pulled away from the curb. Finally, unable to take it anymore, Rosie spoke. "What's wrong, Sam?" Sam didn't say anything. "I know something's bugging you. You called me Rosalie. You only do that when you're pissed at me." More silence. "Fine, don't tell me." Rosie turned away from him and looked out the window at the passing streets.

"I know what you're trying to do," Sam said as he stopped for a red light. "What? I'm just making conversation, that's all," Rosie answered innocently. "No, you're not," Sam replied, his frustration growing. Rosie shrugged her shoulders and turned her head to the window. "You and Jules looked cozy."

"Okay," Sam clenched his teeth and pulled the car over to the curb, "You want to talk about cozy? You and Parker looked real fucking cozy!"

"I knew that's what this was about! Come on, let's hear it!" Rosie shouted. Sam turned to face her and said, "Rosie, I don't think it's a good idea to…"

"To what? He asked me to dance, that's all! You make it sound like you caught us having sex!"

"Okay, fine, you were dancing with Parker. But what was that with Ed?"

Rosie groaned and said, "God, you are so fucking paranoid! I'm not a kid anymore, Sam. I'm 25! You can't protect me from everything!"

Sam huffed and pressed his fingers into his eyes. "All I'm saying is if a guy asks a girl to dance, he wants more than just a dance from her."

"No, Sam. When you ask a girl to dance you want more from her. Some guys ask just to be nice! And that's all Ed and Greg were doing! You know, maybe you should try it some time. Maybe Jules would actually pay attention to you then!"

"Don't you bring her into this!" Sam shouted back. He stopped and took a deep breath as he realized something was off. She was never this confrontational. "You're off your meds again, aren't you?" He asked calmly.

Rosie unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her jacket from the floor. She pulled on the door handle, but it wouldn't open. "Unlock the door, Sam." She said dangerously. Sam hit the little button beside him and asked, "Where are you going?" Rosie pushed the door open and stepped out onto the street. "I can't talk to you right now. I'll see you at home." She slammed the car door shut and started back towards the pub.

Rosie walked back through the door and was relieved to see Ed and Greg still sitting at the same little table. She couldn't see the others and assumed they had called it a night.

"Hi guys," she said as she plopped down in a chair opposite the two of them. Greg looked up, surprised to see her back. "Where's Sam?" He asked as he looked back toward the door, expecting to see Sam behind her. Rosie glanced into Greg's glass and shook her head and then turned to Ed. "What are you drinking, Ed?" She asked in a shaky voice. Ed looked at Greg, who nodded slightly, and then said, "Labatt Blue." Rosie reached into her pocket and asked, "Will you go get one for me?" She reached across the table to hand him a $5 bill, but he pushed her hand away. "It's on me, sweetie," he said as he stood. She smiled at him in thanks and shoved her money back into her pocket.

"Want to talk about it?" Greg asked as he leaned in closer to her. Rosie shook her head and replied, "Sam and I got into argument." Greg nodded. He felt like he was on the job, talking to a fragile victim. "You guys did leave pretty suddenly." Rosie was silent. For the first time, Greg took a good look at her face. Her cheeks were stained with tears and her eyes were red. An overwhelming sense of worry came over him. "Rosie, you're crying. What happened?" Rosie couldn't fight back her tears any longer.

"I'm fine," she mumbled, fighting off more tears and sobs. Greg reached a hand out and rubbed her back as she wiped her eyes. Ed came back and set Rosie's drink in front of her. She thanked him and began slugging it down. "Slow down, sweetie," Ed said softly as he pulled the drink away from her. "Really, I'm fine, guys," Rosie said before taking a deep breath. "I don't believe you," Greg said as he pushed her drink further away.

Rosie shook her head and said, "Nothing to talk about," before reaching out for her drink. Greg and Ed watched her suck down the rest of her beer before Greg asked, "Why did he pull you out of here?" Rosie swallowed hard and said, "He was tired and wanted to go home, and that's all." Greg wasn't convinced.

"There's got to be more to it than that," he said, trying to get more out of her. Rosie shook her head and replied, "No worries, guys. Really, I'm okay." Ed rested his elbows on the table and asked, "You're ready to go home, then?" Rosie hesitated and said, "I don't really know where Sam's house is… didn't think that one through, did I?" She grinned sheepishly as her cheeks turned pink.

Ed and Greg looked at each other. Neither of them knew where his apartment was either. Rosie stood and said, "I'll be right back, guys," before heading off to the ladies room. Ed rubbed the top of his head and said, "What do we do with her?" Greg pulled out his cell phone and said, "I'll call Sam, see if he can come down and get her." Ed nodded and said, "What if I just took her home with me, give them both some time to cool off?" Greg raised his eyebrows at Ed and replied, "Yeah, or she could come home with me." Before Ed could say anything, Sam walked through the door, scanning the room for his baby sister. Greg saw him from the corner of his eye and waved him over.

"Hey guys, did she come back here?" Sam asked breathless. Greg nodded and said, "Yeah, she's in the ladies room. You want to tell us what happened?" Sam shook his head and said, "We got into an argument. It was stupid, really."

Rosie pushed her way back through the crowd and greeted Sam with a hug. Sam shook his head and replied, "I'm sorry I said that. I was out of line." Rosie shook her head and softly replied, "Forget about it." He grabbed her jacket and asked, "Ready to go home?" Rosie nodded. She started for the door but stopped and told Sam to hold on for a second.

She walked back to the table where Ed and Greg still sat. She threw her arms around Greg and gave him a squeeze. Greg was paralyzed at the sudden contact. Rosie pulled away and moved over to Ed. He rubbed her back as she squeezed him too. "Thanks for the dance, guys," she said with a quick wink before sauntering back to Sam.

Ed and Greg watched her walk away, unable to draw their eyes away from her. They sat in silence for a moment, both wondering what had just happened.