A/N: I am sorry for this but it is not a chapter. I do not want to do this but I know that I have to. First I want to thank those who have read and supported this story from day one or whenever you have started reading it. It is with a heavy heart that I have to say that I have lost the passion for this story. I still love the plot but I do not have the same passion for it when I started. I do not know why but I think it is not fair to have you all wait so long for an update. I thought I could get the passion back by opening up to ideas from other readers and writers but I realize that it would not make a difference. So, I am offering the story up for adoption. I will write another Twilight story but it will not be a Bella and Edward pairing. I do not know the process of giving someone else a story but if you know how to please tell me and if you want the story please tell me. Through PM or review. After I hand the story over, I will not want any part of it. If you want advice I can give it to you but I will not edit it or anything. I am sorry about this. I will not completely abandon Twilight because I will write another Twilight story; the ideas are already floating around in my head. I promise I will be back with another one. Thank You and I am sorry.