Author's Note: I'm sorry. Oh my God, I am so sorry. I haven't updated this in over a year. And it ended with a cliffhanger. That I intended to resolve, but it didn't happen because life and reasons and laziness and stuff like that. But now the Hetalia Event Comm is updating all their fanfics and it was kind of the kick in the pants I needed. So once again, I'm really sorry about the ridiculous delay and here's the last chapter ^^; I hope you enjoy it!

As it turned out, the maternity ward was closer, which was quite fortunate as the doctors and nurses there had seen so many unusual things that they had actually begun to take bets on when the first pregnant man would come in. Whoever had bet closest to October 16th was about to make a killing.

The nurse at the front desk took Light's insurance information from L as Light was escorted into a delivery room, screaming in pain all the way.

As soon as the insurance information was processed, L whipped out his cell phone to call Watari with the news and rushed to the delivery room where Light was. And then, in the midst of all this commotion, Misa and Rem found themselves alone.

"It's… It's going to be a while waiting, isn't it?" Misa said to Rem. "May as well sit down."

Rem nodded and Misa took a seat in the waiting room. A young woman talking to the air in front of her drew only a few curious stares, oddly enough.

"Those jerks… leaving me out here… although I guess if I were one of them, I wouldn't want me in there either…" Misa sighed.

"I could still kill the detective now," Rem offered. "And then Light would have to live alone…"

Misa waved her hand. "No. It has to be both of them… If…"


"If nothing." Misa shook her head. "It has to be both of them."

And she waited. She waited as the Kira Investigation Squad burst through the door and went straight to the delivery room. They barely noticed her.

"I won't forgive them. I won't let them be happy." She muttered. "It isn't fair."

Rem nodded sympathetically.

It was two hours. Two hours of pain and misery and expectation. But it was over. L had nearly had a heart attack of his own accord, but managed to stay supportive throughout. Light was more tired than anything else. Mastuda had passed out approximately five minutes after arriving in the delivery room. Misa had given up waiting quietly for her vengeance and had taken to wandering the halls of the maternity ward, with Rem following close behind. And at the end of the two hours, she finally heard the shriek that tipped her off to Light's location. It was Matsuda, recently awakened from his stupor, only to quickly fall into another one:


Misa turned and began to walk in the direction of the scream.

Matsuda collapsed again immediately after his outburst. In those two hours, he had seen things he had never expected to see in a lifetime. They all had. But Mastuda had taken it especially hard.

"I suppose there was a 33% probability that Light and I would have a girl…" L mused. "Although I must admit, this was unexpected."

"A girl, huh?" Light smiled softly as the doctors took the baby away to be cleaned. "What'd you think we should name her?"

"You haven't thought of a name yet?" Yagami asked.

"Not really," L admitted. "And even if we did, we probably wouldn't have thought of a girl's name."

"I have a suggestion," Watari cleared his throat. "Why not Keiko?"

"Not bad…" L admitted. "Although you're making it sound like she's my protégé or something…"

"I like it," Light said. "And I expect she will be eventually… Given who her parents are…"

L frowned slightly for a moment. Who the baby's parents were. The great detective L and the serial killer Kira. Mortal enemies, at least in theory. And now he would have to ruin everything by doing the right thing or sell out his own morals by keeping it a secret. Semi-fortunately, there was an interruption that postponed his decision.


It was Misa, with Rem close behind, Death Note in hands.

"Shall I?" Rem asked. The others stood helplessly as she raised her pen.

Misa did not answer Rem's question. Instead, she asked one of her own. "So it's a girl?"

L managed to nod.

"And how the hell do you expect to raise a girl by yourselves?" Misa huffed. "She's going to need some kind of female influence, someone to talk to about girl stuff!"

L could have argued with this logic. Light could have as well. But given the circumstances, neither of them was about to try.

Misa stomped her foot. "You give me some time with the baby, let me pick out some cute clothes for her, make me godmother or something… I might let you live."

L and Light did not want Misa as Keiko's godmother. They would have been happy to never see Misa ever again. But living seemed a little more important.

"Welcome to the family." Light sighed.

"Yes, welcome." L acquiesced.

Misa grinned. "All right then! I guess I'll just have to let you two live! I can't wait to see how cute she is!"

Rem put her pen down with a sigh of relief. If Misa could be happy this way, then it would work out better for everyone.

At that moment, Matsuda re-awakened. "The baby!" he exclaimed. "The baby's here!"

He rushed out of the delivery room in anticipation and most of the team followed. Only Light's father lingered for a few moments.

"Do you need me to stay here, son?" he asked.

Light considered for a moment, then sighed. "Not right now. I'd rather have a few moments with Ryuuzaki, if you don't mind."

Yagami nodded and left the new parents to their own devices.

"Well, she's finally here." Light smiled. "We have a child… oddly enough."

"Because we're both men? Or because I'm L and you're Kira?" L asked. "Light… We need to talk about that."

Light sighed. "Ryuuzaki. Kira is dead. I'm willing to say that if you are."

L groaned. "I… I want to be willing to say that…"

"Then do." Light's eyes became pleading. "If not for my sake, then for Keiko's. I'm done as Kira, I promise."

L gave Light a long look before muttering, "You would say that whether you were done as Kira or not."

Light bit his lip. He couldn't argue with that.

"But I'll give you benefit of the doubt this time," L said eventually. "After all, if Kira comes back, I know who to blame. You lose our little game of cat and mouse, though."

Light sighed in relief. "I'm fine with that… Ryuuzaki?"


"You don't have to go, do you? We can… We can stay together, right? I… I'll help you on cases and…"

"I'll have to talk to Watari, but I'm sure he'll allow it… Given circumstances…"

"That we're parents."

"Yeah… Parents…"

"Oh my God, we're parents." The realization hit Light full force.

"We'll do fine." L sounded more sure of himself than he actually was.

"We better." Light let out a small laugh.

And time was the only thing that would tell.

A/N: There. It's done. Finally. With my typical "bad at writing endings"-ness. Once again, I'm really sorry for the unofficial extended hiatus. Thank you so much for reading all the way through! I know I'm bad at showing it, but I love you all! If there is a next time, then til then! 3