I do not own the Twilight Saga.

a/n: well, the first chapters of this story may suck, but I don't want to disappoint anyone so I will continue this anyways.

Chapter 14: The Beginning


I don't know when I finally passed out, but I'm going to guess around three in the morning. Edward was sprawled next to me on his back, his hand still gripping a beer bottle. I looked around for anyone else except me and Edward, but no one was around. Finally, when I decided to sit up, I noticed that I was on top of a pool table wearing nothing, but my birthday suit. I squealed and tried to cover my body. Surely Edward wouldn't leave me naked…then again, he was still out cold. I checked my stomach seeing the word love written across it.

Edward stirred beside me, blinking away the remnant sleep. "Bella?"

I slapped his chest hard, sending him straight up and out of his sleepy state. "What the hell?" I gestured to my stomach.

"Did you do this?"

Edward scrutinized the writing before he reached to grab a towel to throw it at me, which I caught and quickly wrapped around my naked torso. "I didn't and I don't think the others would."

I jumped off the pool table and made my way around the debris. I had to find someone who could explain what exactly happened to me. About twenty minutes into my search, I spotted Alice and Jasper snuggled up on the bed near the pool. I shook Alice's shoulder.

"Alice…Alice, wait, don't go-," she fell back asleep,"back to sleep," I murmured.

Grunting, I left them alone to search for Rose and Emmett. Luckily, they were actually awake. Rosalie was hunched over in a chair, holding her head while Emmett was coming out of the Glass Bathroom, as Simone called it, with water and a pill.

"Headache?" I asked.

Emmett nodded before arching an eyebrow at my attire. "Uh, Bella?"

"I know, I know. I woke up this morning with love written across my stomach and no one knows who did it."

Emmett's nostrils flared at the thought of someone doing that to me. Rosalie downed the water and pill before she said something. "Ask Simone and Seth."

"Thanks," I told her before I turned out of the room and headed for Simone's bedroom.

Sure enough, she was in the bed sound asleep while Seth was nowhere to be found. Next to Simone's night stand was a note with my name on it. What was Simone doing with it? I plucked it from the stand and ripped it open. Inside it read:

I'm coming for you.

I stared wide-eyed at the piece of paper. Who was this?

a/n: I thought this would be a good way to start off the beginning. There will be more, but I didn't want to cram everything into this chapter. Oh, in case any of you are asking…no, she did not get raped.