Her Absence – Chapter 1

A/N: Hey! I'm Edie! This is my first Scrubs fanfic, so I'm sorry if it sucks :( I absolutely love JD and Elliot, they are one of the coolest couples ever.

Please bear in mind that this was written at 12 am, in the dark, with me having to slam my laptop shut every time my parents walked past my door, because if they knew that I was up this late, there would be no computer for six months, which means missing out on the last Scrubs episodes ever! Which I simply cannot have happen.

Anyhoo, it's set a while after the end of episode 8.16, and I know it seems really sad, but it gets better. Trust me. The whole thing is already written (in my head :D) and should be up tomorrow.

John Dorian unlocked the door of his apartment, flipping on the light switch as he entered the living room. He kicked off his sneakers, them landing haphazardly next to Elliot's.

As he watched them land, a lump grew in his throat, tears springing to his eyes as he remembered what had happened. The tears began to flow, and he hurriedly wiped them away before remembering that no one was there, there was no one here to see him cry.

He squeezed his eyes shut and made his way to their bedroom, his bedroom, trying to block out the photos of them that hung on their wall and on the bench. But they had spent so much time looking at them that it was impossible to clear the images from his mind.

There was the one of them on top of the Eiffel Tower, wearing black berets and moustaches and chomping on a baguette, the same cheesy, childish grin on both their faces.

There was the one from the double date they'd had with Turk and Carla, Elliot's cheeks flushed with excitement, her eyes glittering with glee as JD spun her around and around in circles. He smiled through his tears; he could still remember the midnight blue dress she had worn, the one that kept whipping at his shins every time Elliot completed a circle, the one that was still hanging up in their closet, in between the red one she bought just last week and the black one that had been saving for a special occasion.

There was the dozens of them and Sammy, at a Wiggles concert, at the beach, on Sammy's birthday, on Elliot's birthday, at the zoo, in the park.

And then there was the one taken on the day of their wedding. Nothing, nothing in the world was more amazing than the look on Elliot's face in that photo. She was glowing. She was on top of the world, JD's arms wrapped securely around her waist, her hands resting on top of his arms, loving the feeling of the two delicate rings around the fourth finger of her left hand, loving the feeling of being held by her husband, loving the feeling of having the rest of her life to spend with the man of her dreams.

He smiled once again, and yet the tears flowed even harder than before. His mind drifted to the night they had gotten engaged.

They were lying on a bed in the on call room, telling stories to each other, the tales getting more stupid and ridiculous as the time went on.

Elliot giggled and sighed, her fingertips tracing random shapes on his arm.

"You know, I've been thinking..." she smiled, drawing an intricate flower in the crook of his elbow. "And I think... we should get married."

The last four words were whispered so softly, yet they hung in the air above them.

Elliot held her breath. She knew she was taking a risk allowing those words to escape her mouth, but at the same time she was glad she'd done it. She loved JD so much that it hurt, and she couldn't imagine a life without him. She was ready to take that step and ensure that JD belonged to her and her only. Well, Sammy could have a little piece too, but for the most part, Elliot wanted JD forever, and she hoped that he wanted her too.

"I think," he said slowly, weighing each word carefully as if he were afraid they might come out all wrong. "That we should."

Elliot stopped drawing patterns on his arm and instead reached for his hand. She grinned in the dark and then the darkness whizzed by as he rolled her on top of him. She allowed her lips to roam until they found his lips.

"I love you," she whispered, her lips brushing against his, as soft as a butterfly's wing. "So, so much."

"I miss you," he whispered. "So, so much."

Hope you enjoyed it! The rest should be up by tomorrow, but if Friday rolls around and there's no peep outta me, PM me and cyber-yell at me for being such a lazy-ass.

Oooh and review! S'il vous plaît :)