Reasons why I shouldn't marry Luna Lovegood:

She believes in Nargles.

We've only been together for a few months.

She might decide she doesn't love me and leave.

I don't have anything blue.

My flat is too small for both of us.

Her flat smells of single malt vinegar. (To keep away the Lekka-Lokis)

I'm too busy at work to plan a wedding at the same time.

I don't have anything old either.

I might have fallen for the wrong person.

She never puts the toilet lid down.

I haven't come out to my parents yet.

My parents might be too busy to come to the wedding.

We might not be able to book a hall big enough for everyone.

Hermione Granger-Lovegood is a bit of a mouthful.

The ring might not fit my finger.

Somebody might lose the rings on the wedding day.

Somebody might steal the rings if they're expensive.

We might have to improvise with Hula Hoops.

The salt might irritate my skin.

I don't know the number of any dermatologists.

Luna is between jobs at the moment.

Luna might run away with my dermatologist.

She wants to name her first child "Hope".

Hope Lovegood would have a hard time at school.

She might have learning difficulties.

Luna sings too loudly before breakfast.

Luna might lose her voice from all the singing.

Luna might run away with her voice therapist.

I never planned to get married until after I turn 30.

Luna covers every room with useless ornaments and titbits.

I cover every room with useless files and documents.

Luna sometimes spends months away with work.

Neither of us can even boil an egg.

We could accidentally set the flat on fire.

Death Eaters could return to for revenge.

Luna puts milk in after the tea instead of before the tea.

She always puts the forks in the knife drawer.

She always makes the bed with the duvet upside down.

We won't be able to wear white honestly.

We'd both want Ginny to be our Maid of Honour.

Neither of us has a car.

She doesn't know any cleaning spells.

She always hits her head on the top of my small doors.

She could get knocked out.

We'd have to call the Knight Bus to get her to the hospital.

The hospital meals might -


"Mmm? What?"

"You think too much. Just answer the question."

"….Yes. Yes, of course I will!"

Reasons why I should marry Luna Lovegood:

I love her.