Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note, Matt, Mello, or the idea of suicide/revenge.

Rated T for suicide and slight language.

AN: I got bored in Science class one day and wrote this…And, yes, I changed Mello's death. Deal with it.

It's Not a Fashion Statement – It's a Death Wish

Matt was dead…that's all that mattered to me now. I may have won, but that is all in vain…

Because he was killed, I have lost. I won Near's game, but lost my world in the process. I have lost my own game, my game of life.

All those weeks I spent with my emotions bottled up will soon mean nothing.

I climbed the stairs to the roof, deciding that this would be the most effective and easiest way to go. My legs felt like lead and my eyes ached from the amount of crying I had been doing.

"Mello," I heard someone say and I spun around to see the shimmering figure of a redhead clad in stripes.

"Matt?" I asked, confused, "But you died! I saw it on the news!"

"It's true," the Matt-ghost sighed, "I am dead, but that doesn't mean that you have to go and do this."

"Your dead. I have nothing to live fore."

I turned back around and started heading up the stairs again.

"Revenge," The Matt-ghost stated, and I turned around.

"Revenge?" I asked.

"Revenge," he confirmed, "Avenge my death."

"I would," I replied, "But Matt wouldn't have wanted that."

I turned again and continued up the staircase, leaving the-ghost-that-is-not-Matt behind me.

I got to the last few stairs when I collapsed. I sunk to my knees, covering my face with my hands. I started sobbing dryly, having already cried all my tears.

"Why?" I whispered, "Why did you have to fucking die?"

I tried to stand back up, but couldn't.

"Matt," I prayed, "My angel. Help me complete my goal – my death wish."

I felt my legs getting lighter and I slowly stood up. I was in a daze and before I knew it, I was standing at the edge of the building.

"Dear God," I started praying again, "Forgive me for my sins. I had lost my way and hoped to find it again, but I can no longer go on. Forgive me."

I climbed up onto the ledge.

"Mello!" I heard a female voice yell. I looked back and saw Halle.

"Don't do this!" she shouted.

I couldn't talk, couldn't reply. I just continued dryly crying and looking down. The ground was so far away, I was so far away.

"Mello!" Halle yelled again, but it was no use. I leaned forward, falling. Someone grabbed the back of my vest, probably Halle, but there grip on me slipped. I fell forward and down.

I stood up, feeling lighter than ever. I looked down and saw that I wasn't standing, but floating. On the ground below me was a group of people surrounding a body – my body.

I was finally dead.

As I was floating upward, I heard someone say my name.

"Matt?" I asked.

"Yes," He replied as his figure came into view.

"I missed you," My face broke into a grin.

He took me in his arms, holding me as we floated upward.

"I love you," I told him.

"And I love you," he replied as he kissed me.

Death is good.