Just like everyone else on FFN, I would kill to own a piece of South Park,

But alas, no one is dead.

So it still belongs to Matt and Trey.


Summer Sucks

Tweek, Craig, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Butters, Cartman, Clyde, BeBe, and Wendy sat under a large oak tree in the school yard. It was hot and sticky, a few days until summer vacation. Everyone had pretty much given up on school work for the last few days, and so the teachers couldn't care less if the teenagers wanted to stay out in the sun. It was air conditioned inside anyways.

Various couples lay sprawled around the huge oak tree, the tree that had been planted before they were even considering being conceived. Hell, the tree was probably planted before even Mr. Garrison was born, and that was a long time ago.

There was BeBe and Clyde, the 'it' couple. Two of the school's most popular kids, dating only because they looked so damn good together, and if they considered anyone else they'd be banned from the conformist Disney cheerleader club, or whatever. Luckily for BeBe, dating Clyde wasn't too much of a drag, at least she got free shoes, and Clyde, well Clyde got boobs, end of story.

Then there was Kenny and Butters, well known as the 'Angel and Devil'. Kenny was a vicious man whore, and Butters was a sweet and innocent 15 year old boy. So innocent that he was making out with Kenny right that moment, in the nook of some of the roots in the tree. Of course, two years ago, Butters would never even think about making out, let alone with another guy. But Kenny the man whore had some powers, that boy did. They were a cute couple either way.

And there was Tweek and Craig, the overprotective boyfriend and his scrawny little lover. Craig was asleep on Tweek's chest, while the blonde calmly ran his fingers through the others hair. Tweek was always much calmer and less paranoid around Craig. Craig, the town bad ass, had a soft spot for Tweek and him alone. They worked well together.

And of course there was Stan and Kyle, the best friends turned boyfriends. They were so close and comfortable with each other; it was bound to happen anyways, and would have sooner if it wasn't for Wendy. Kyle was reading a book, Stan's head in his lap. They were the picture of 'perfect couple'. They could be making out one second, and then laughing about some joke Kenny told the next, transitioning from lovers to friends effortlessly.

Oh, and who could forget Wendy and Cartman, the dysfunctional couple. It reminded the others of Dr. Cox and his ex-wife on the show Scrubs. They were always fighting, always screaming at each other and yet, there was an undeniable connection between them. They found common interests in the fact that they totally love/hated each other. They somehow worked out.

Yep, it was just another boring summer day in South Park. Wendy screamed and threw something at Cartman, most likely a shoe. Craig, now awake from the shrill shrieks, flipped them off and looked at the twitching blonde smiling down at him, faced flushed from the heat. He was almost asleep himself, since he'd been thoroughly robbed of sleep after drinking seven and a half cups of coffee before bed the previous day.

Butters' giggles floated through the hot air and seemed to stick. Clyde and BeBe were now also making out because he had found her some designer shoes. Wendy was laughing at Cartman because the shoe had hit him right in the face, and the fat boy had smiled despite himself, because he loved Wendy's laugh. Kyle read aloud to Stan, who was plucking lazily at the dying grass. And suddenly everyone felt content for one blissful second of summer.

Sometimes the heat was good for the red-neck town of South Park, it made the days all the more special.

"You fucking kids get your bitch asses inside before I come out there and make you get in here!" Mr. Garrison screamed, slamming the window shut.