Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Southern Vampire universe. It all belongs to Charlaine Harris.

A/N: So, more than a year ago, there was a 100 themes challenge that I originally saw while reading Harry Potter fics. While re-reading these 100 themes recently, I realized they might work well for SVM as well; therefore, I am going to attempt to write a collection of 100 one-shots following those themes. Not every chapter will have the same rating or same point of view.

Theme 1: Introduction

POV: Eric

Rating: T

No Ordinary Human

I saw her the moment she walked into the bar with Compton. How could I not, dressed as she was in white and red amidst a sea of black? It was immediately apparent that there was something different about this woman. It wasn't just the clothing or the air of innocence that surrounded her or the fact that she was sexy as hell, though those are still reasons I will list in public. There was something about this woman that seemed vaguely familiar, though I couldn't place where from. That in itself was enough to intrigue me. Vampires are known for their impeccable memory yet for all I strained my memories I could neither place her, nor shake the feeling that she was someone I should know.

I was not surprised when Pam approached me shortly after she had admitted them. She, too, seemed to notice that this young woman was unique, though I could tell she was not experiencing the same strange sense of familiarity that I was. She marched straight up to the table I was sitting at and informed me, "Bill Compton is here and he has brought with him a woman that I think will be to your liking.

"Yes, I have already taken notice of her." I replied.

"She smells delicious. Shall I summon them for you?"

"No, Pam, I wish to observe them for awhile," I answered, "Besides, I have a feeling they will come to us. Have a seat and you will see. Before the evening is over, they will join us at this table."

I watched as the woman who had accompanied Bill stopped in the middle of the floor and stared around the bar in apparent wonder. Bill whispered something to her and she laughed. At that moment I felt the strangest sensation in the pit of my stomach. It was not a feeling I was accustomed to but I knew then and there that she did not belong with Compton. I would make her mine. Oh, the things I could do to, and with, that body.

They walked to the bar and ordered their drinks. At this point I would have expected them to look for a table or settle themselves on the barstools to consume the beverages. I was therefore surprised when I saw Long Shadow's attention focus on the woman before she handed him what looked like several photographs. At this point I began to listen in to the conversation. I almost laughed when the woman asked Long Shadow who the people from the pictures "hung around with." She certainly had a bold streak to her. That was something I could appreciate. I was less than pleased with Long Shadow when he informed her that everyone who came to my bar was looking for death since this was so obviously not the case with this young woman.

When she had finished her conversation with Long Shadow, Compton finally led his guest to a booth that had just been vacated. I was again amused to see that look of disgust that crossed her face as she watched Compton drink from his bottled blood. I found it interesting that this appeared to be something that she was unaccustomed to. It made me wonder how she had come to find herself in my bar with him.

My interest was further peaked when a fangbanger approached their table. It was becoming obvious that Compton had no real claim on his guest so I began to wonder who he would choose. I was more than a little disappointed when Compton brushed the fangbanger away and somewhat irritated by the fact that his lovely blonde companion actually looked jealous. Could she not see how unworthy a creature Compton was?

This scene was repeated three more times. Each time Compton looked more confident in his rejection of the fangbanger while his companion looked increasingly tense. As the fourth fangbanger left, Compton turned towards his companion and I took that as my cue to begin listening again.

"You're not talking," he stated, as if she were unaware that she was remaining quiet.

"There's nothing for me to say," she replied and I wanted to cheer her on.

"You could have sent them on their way. Do you want me to leave you? Is there someone else here who catches your fancy? Long Shadow, there at the bar, would love to spend time with you, I can tell." I found myself wondering again what the relationship between Compton and this young woman was that he would bring her hear and then offer to leave her. I focused more intensely than was really necessary to hear her answer.

"Oh, for God's sake, no! I do have to ask them if they've seen Dawn and Maudette in here, though"

"Do you want me with you?" asked Compton.

"Please," she now sounded frightened. I found that I did not like that tone in her voice. I usually relished hearing fear in the voices of humans but once again this woman was proving herself different from other humans.

"The vampire over there is handsome; he has already scanned you twice," I stopped listening at this point. I didn't need to know more. Compton had just made his biggest mistake since bringing that woman into my bar. He had just drawn her attention to me.

I expected them to immediately approach my table after that and was met instead by a forty-something male fangbanger, kissing Pam's boots. It almost amused me to watch her kick him in the shoulder, glad for the sake of the business that she had not kicked him in the head. From the corner of my eye, I saw more movement in my direction. I turned to glare at the offender before realizing it was exactly the person I wanted to have approaching me, even if she did have Compton in tow.

I nodded in greeting to Compton as he stopped out of kicking distance; a smart decision on his part. While I had no intention of kicking this woman, or letting Pam do so, I would not be averse to kicking him. I turned my attention to his companion as I heard Pam inquire about her. Up close, I realized that her hair was nearly the exact same shade as mine and her curves were even more luscious than I had thought. I watched her breasts heave as she drew in breath and it made me instantly hard. It took quite a concerted effort to focus as I realized she was introducing herself.

"Hi, I'm Sookie Stackhouse."

It was said so formally and politely that I had to make a remark in response, "Aren't you sweet."

She surprised a laugh out of me as she replied, "Not especially."

When I recovered, I continued the introductions, "Sookie, this is Pam and I am Eric." I wanted to make sure she would remember me since I knew she would one day belong to me.

I heard Compton informing us that Sookie had some questions to ask us. I could tell that Pam was disappointed, thinking Sookie was turning out to be just another tourist after all. She listed off some of the more frequently asked questions and was genuinely surprised when Sookie informed her those were not the questions she was interested in having answered.

She pulled out two of the three photographs I had seen her show Long Shadow earlier. She inquired as to whether Pam or I had ever seen either of the two women. I was so absorbed in wondering why she was now hiding the third picture that I surprised even myself when I answered her truthfully. After a brief, stunned silence, Pam followed suit.

When we had finished giving her the information she was seeking, she tried to excuse herself. I was not about to let her go that easily so I turned to Compton and asked, "Bill, are you quite attached to your friend?"

I saw Sookie jerk as she realized the meaning behind my words and her relief when Compton stated that she was his. That rated pretty high on my bullshit meter. If she was his the way I was planning on making her mine than I was a werewolf. Nevertheless, I acknowledged his proclamation before giving her another full scan.

They slowly began to back away, turning away from us after a few steps. I watched them until Compton left Sookie to head back to the bar. I stared at her and realized her eyelashes were incredibly thick. I tried to count them but she seemed to realize what I was doing and lowered her gaze to her hands. Since that did not work, I decided I would glamour her into meeting me in the office for a little one on one time. All that I got for my effort was a brief glance in my direction before she turned away again.

This was very interesting. I suspected it from the time she introduced herself but now I was sure. Sookie Stackhouse was no ordinary human. That made me want to claim her even more.

When Compton returned to the table, I resumed my earlier activity of "enthralling the vermin" as Pam likes to say. I didn't really expect any more interaction with the pair that evening, therefore I was surprised again, which was happening unusually often tonight, when Compton nodded for me to meet them outside as they were leaving not five minutes later.

I beat them outside and was waiting for them at my Corvette. I noticed on the way out, Sookie managed to signal Long Shadow, as well. When they met up with me at my car, Compton informed me that Fangtasia was about to be raided. I asked him how he knew and was answered by Sookie, who simply said, "Me."

Had she called the police to raid my bar? If that was the case I was going to have to seriously rethink my plans for her. I would still receive a certain amount of pleasure from them, but I highly doubt that she would. I fixed my eyes onto her as if it would allow me to see into her mind. Realizing a further explanation was required, she admitted to being a telepath and reading the mind of an undercover cop in the bathroom.

Just when I thought she couldn't get more interesting, she throws me a curve ball. I had never been with a telepath before although I had been with a psychic once. I told her as much and informed her that it was incredible. Her answer made me like her all the more.

"Did the psychic think so, as well?"

For the second time that night, she got a laugh out of me. I usually have better control over my mask. Also for the second time, I answered her as honestly as I could before hearing the sirens and jumping in my car.

I am not happy to be driving away from her, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will see Sookie Stackhouse again. Almost as certainly I know that with our introduction, my long stagnant life was about to change forever. For the first time in a long time I was actually eager to see what the change would bring.

Ending A/N: The part about Sookie seeming familiar to Eric will be explained in a later chapter.