Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers or anything remotely close to it…sadly.

A/N: First time writing and posting so critique welcome. Flames shall be met with flung poo. :P

mech/mech – fair warning here…


I watch his optics brighten in surprise then darken in pleasure as his helm tilts back. The move exposes the thick cables of his throat, silver flashing in the dim overhead light. My hand continues to lazily play along the underside of his bumper as I slide the other along the center of a sloped hood. Digits slip into the concave where his armour stops and the softer metal of the neck begins and I press into it.

A soft gasp barely leaves his vocals and I am captivated by those slightly parted lips. Teasing him always becomes an act of self restraint on my part. Hearing him attempt to thwart each reaction that his body creates. Whether it is gritting his denta or clenching the berth I have pressed him against until the metal frame bends under his hands. Every sound that escapes his vocals is because of a lapse of his self control.

A lapse that I create.

It's intoxicating.

And if I stop to think about why I am doing this, his reactions are probably one of the many things that draws me to him time and again. I do my best to ignore the heated pulse of my spark when we are in the same room. Going so far as to avoid unnecessary contact as if the bare graze of his hand will break me. Break my control.

But eventually I can't ignore how I need him and with a casual and inconspicuous press of my palm to the small of his back his optics will meet mine and dim ever so slightly in acknowledgement. A time and location are arranged, as efficient as ever.

A twist of my wrist, buried deep in his underframe pinches a few of the more sensitive wires of a mech's anatomy. I watch his back arch, mouth opening wider this time. Silent. But that doesn't deter me as I claim those sweet lips in a deep kiss. I groan as my glossa pushes past his own, tracing his inner walls. I feel his answering moan where my fingers still are embedded in his throat and that is all of the permission I need.

Removing my hands from their respective nooks I press him back into the berth. The bulk of my body more than enough to claim dominance. The move seems to ignite something in his spark as his glossa suddenly joins mine in excited play. As they twist I take the opportunity to let the hand not supporting our weight find its favorite place on his frame.

The grip, initially rough in my haste and desire, loosens as he whimpers against the mistreatment of that particular appendage. Our lips break with a squeal of metal and I am pleased to hear him pant raggedly. I reward and apologize in one motion, laying a soft kiss to a sensor panel. I allow myself a treat of my own and drag my mouth along the smooth, white curve of his panel delighting in the cool metal tang it leaves in my mouth.

Twin black hands dig under my mag plates in response and I feel warmth envelope one of my audios. That talented mouth raising the heat of my systems, causing my internal fans to kick on. I lean back quickly taking his smaller form with me and drag my fingers along his hips, pulling him towards my frame.

Taking the unspoken command, his smooth thighs straddle my waist, bringing our codpieces together in a slick, electric touch. With both hands now free to roam about I grip each of those enticing door wings at the hinge and grind our fronts together again. Liquid fire assaults my sensor grid from the heat rolling off of his frame and I can tell by the ridged set of his body that overload is fast approaching.

All it takes is one more squeeze of the sensitive wire bundles that connect his sensor panels to that sensuous chassis and he jerks against my grill. Optics tightly shutter as a hoarse cry pushes its way past those normally smooth vocals. The electricity dancing along his armour curls around mine and I cry out in shock as my own overload rushes through my sensory net.

His form sags limply against my front and I barely have the sense to grab onto his upper arm plates before he lists to the side - temporarily offline. I wait for my systems to burn off the remaining excess energy, fingertips idly stroking a pale thigh to where it connects to black. I content myself with this moment, when time seems to slow enough for me to live.

All too soon his form shifts against mine and his helm raises. Cool blue optics meet my own and I feel a small pang of regret when I see nothing but that steadfast loyalty of his reflected back at me. Without a word, he rises from my chest plates in one precise, elegant movement leaving a rapidly cooling patch of plating.

"Remember that we have a telecom with the president and secretary of defense at 1300 tomorrow, Sir."

"Of course Prowl. Thank you for reminding me." I reply. Somehow I am still able to hold a formal tone even with my mask off and foreplates scuffed. Black and white mingling with blue and red.

The tactician stands silhouetted against the open doorway. The hallway light filtering in creates even more contrast to his already black and white frame. The red chevron sitting smartly on his brow simply adds to his noble visage.

"If that will be all, Sir" and with that, the second nods succinctly and is gone.

I can't help the venting of air through my intakes as I relax back onto my berth. The strange relationship - a term I must use loosely - that has developed between Prowl and I still leaves me unbalanced at times. I know this happens because of my expectations differing from his, but I have been unsuccessful thus far in redirecting my thoughts and attachments in regards to him. He began these trysts with me some time after our awakening here, on Earth to ease the weight from my processors and frame. His duty, he told me.

Duty. Such a vague term to apply to what we have done and what I can not help but continue to do. Each time I call on him he submits without question or challenge. And then I am graced with the spark that he hides from all.

The first time I took him, the moment the dam broke and the flames of passion encompassed him I was caught. Enraptured. And for that I can not stop this even though I have tried.


Like it? Hate it? Want some more of it. Please let me know! Cookies to anyone who guessed the pairing in the first few paragraphs. :)