Well, this is it … the final chapter …!! I hope you've all enjoyed it and I'm sorry the story isn't that long, however, if I get enough reviews I might make a sequel!! And now, all that's left to say is, please enjoy the fourth and final chapter!!


Chapter 4:: Just Tell Him Already!!

"Alright Yamato, you can do this …" Yamato told himself as he tried to calm his nerves. How could he have forgotten Kakashi's birthday?! And to make matters worse, Naruto and Sai had offered to buy Kakashi's present, as Yamato was completely broke. However, those two wouldn't buy Kakashi anything too inappropriate, would they? … Yamato sighed.

This had all started yesterday. Yamato had found Jiraiya-sama at the bath house, researching. And then, Jiraiya had dragged Yamato to a tavern and had forced Yamato to drink sake, while the Legendary Gama-Sennin, or as Naruto liked to call him the Legendary Ero-Sennin, sat next to Yamato eyeing the women. And then Naruto and Sai had appeared, and had informed their stand-in captain that it was Kakashi's birthday today and that there would be a party today. However, Yamato had no idea where the party was being held and how many people were going. In fact, he wasn't entirely sure if what he was wearing was appropriate. He was only wearing the customary black t-shirt and trousers and his dark green Jounin jacket, but what if it was a formal occasion? Ahhh! All these unanswered questions were making his head hurt.

And then, there was a knock on his door. He took a deep breath, strode across to his front door and opened it a fraction. And to his dismay it was Naruto. The blonde-haired shinobi was holding an oblong shaped box and was smiling broadly. With a sigh, Yamato opened the door the rest of the way.

"Oi Naruto-kun …" He said unenthusiastically.

(Translation:: Oi – Hey.)

"Come on Yamato-taichou, cheer up!" Naruto said cheerfully.

Yamato's eyes narrowed, "naze?"

"Do you really want Kakashi-sensei to see you looking so depressed?"

"Uh … Iie."

"Well then cheer up! Anyway, this is for you." And Naruto handed him the oblong shaped box.

"What is it?" Yamato asked curiously.

"You'll see."

"Naruto-kun …"

"Trust me, ok? Anyway, we'd better get going or else we're going to be late."

"Where's the party being held?"

"The Hokage tower."


Naruto sighed, "well, we kind of invited quite a few people … so Tsunade no baa-chan said we could use the top of the Hokage tower."

Yamato sighed … great …!

"Oh come on, Yamato-taichou, it'll be fine!" And at that moment, the blonde-haired shinobi grabbed hold of Yamato and dragged him away from his apartment.


Ten minutes later, they arrived at the Hokage tower. However, when Naruto had said they had invited a few people … he could've just said that they had invited the entire village … Well, almost … Tsunade, Jiraiya and Shizune were there, along with Sai and Sakura. Asuma was also there accompanied by, Ino, Shikamaru and Chouji. Kurenai, despite her condition had also turned up, along with Kiba, Hinata and Shino. Gai had also dragged Lee, Neji and Tenten along too. And Ebisu was accompanied by Konohamaru, Odon and Moegi. However, Iruka, Kotetsu, Izumo, Raido, Genma and Ibiki were also there. And to his relief they were wearing their normal clothes. However, what surprised Yamato the most, was the fact that Kakashi was already there.

"Am I really that late?" Yamato asked frowning slightly.

Kakashi took a couple of steps forward. "Late for what, Yamato-san?"

"Your … Your birthday party …" Yamato replied hesitantly. He had a really bad feeling about this …

"My birthday party? What are you talking about?"

"It's your birthday today, isn't it?" Yamato asked nervously. Please say it's your birthday … Please say it's your birthday! Yamato prayed.

"Iie …" Kakashi replied simply. Kuso … "Who told you it was my birthday?" He asked softly.

"Naruto-kun … and Sai-kun …" And then Yamato turned to glare at Naruto, but the blonde-haired shinobi had disappeared. Damn you Naruto!! Yamato thought angrily. However, Naruto and Sai had gone to the trouble of getting Kakashi a present, so Yamato might as well give it to Kakashi. Although, if they knew it wasn't Kakashi's birthday what on earth had they got Kakashi?!

"Is that for me?" Kakashi then asked, pointing at the oblong shaped box.

"Hai …" Yamato replied simply and then Kakashi teleported and reappeared beside him. Yamato hesitantly gave the box to Kakashi, and then the Jounin teleported back. He slowly opened the box, and then pulled out a smaller box, a box that looked surprisingly like a ring box … They hadn't!! Yamato thought nervously. And his heart started to pound against his chest. And then Kakashi opened the smaller box and pulled out a solid gold ring …

Yamato's heart nearly stopped and then Kakashi laughed.

"You should see the look on your face!" He said merrily. Yamato hesitated a moment and then started to laugh nervously. Of course, this was all a joke …

"However, I thought you'd never ask!"

No!! Yamato almost screamed. It wasn't a joke!! He quickly took a deep breath and tried to regain his composure. "Kakashi … this is … this is a … mistake. A huge mistake … I …"

"Shh … it's alright … I know how you feel."


"It all started yesterday. Naruto-kun and Sai-kun told Sakura-chan how you felt about me and then told her to go and find Jiraiya-sama and ask him to wait for you at the bath house. Of course she knew he'd be at the Hokage tower with Tsunade-sama so she teleported there. However, she also told Jiraiya-sama to keep you occupied for a while …"

"So that's why he made me drink that sake …" Yamato said, interrupting Kakashi.

"Hai." Jiraiya said cheerfully.

And then Yamato's eyes widened, "you can teleport, Sakura-chan?"

"Hai," she replied, smiling broadly.

"Since when?"

"Since a couple of days ago. Tsunade-sama's been teaching me."

"Sou ka …"

"Can I continue?" Kakashi asked pointedly.

"Sumimasen Kakashi-senpai." Yamato apologised.

"Arigatou. Anyway, once you'd left, Naruto-kun and Sai-kun told me how you felt and then asked me a few questions. For example what I liked to eat, what my favourite colour was … well you get the idea. However, after they'd interrogated me, they came up with this idea. Their plan was to convince you it was my birthday today and then get you to propose to me."

"It's true …" Naruto added, nervously emerging from behind Jiraiya. The coward … However, he had to admit that Naruto and Sai had out smarted him. But …

"I'm afraid Kakashi-senpai, I can't ask you to marry me."

"Why not?!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Because … Because …"

"Are you worried about what people might think?" Tsunade asked softly.

"Hai," Yamato replied with a sigh. "I'm worried people will stop respecting Kakashi-senpai and then he'll blame me for it …"

Tsunade sighed. "First of all, Yamato-san, can't you see that we're happy for you? We're all friends here, we would never stop respecting either of you. And, if people did stop respecting either you or Kakashi-san, then they'd answer to me …" And she smiled broadly.

"Arigatou gozaimasu Godaime Hokage-sama." Yamato muttered under his breath. And then he fixed Kakashi with a steady gaze. The Jounin had discarded the box and was now holding the ring in the palm of his right hand. Alright Yamato, you can do this … It's now or never …! And then he strode over to Kakashi, his heartbeat racing. And then he stopped, just a few steps away from Kakashi.

"Uh … um … Kakashi-senpai …"

"Hai Yamato-san …" Kakashi replied softly, almost sexily.

"Uh … well …

"Just tell him already!" Everyone exclaimed and Yamato sighed.

"Alright, Kakashi-senpai, we've known each other for a long time now. However, I have to admit, that at first we didn't really see eye to eye, did we?"

"Iie …" Kakashi replied with a slight smile.

"But, I soon feel pray to your charm and, well, you stole my heart. And ever since that day I've looked up to you, but I've had to love you from afar. But now I finally know, I don't have to hide my feelings for you any longer. So Kakashi-senpai, I love you with all my heart and I always will, so will you do me the honour of marrying me?"

"Well … uh … I don't know … I mean … we haven't even dated yet …" Kakashi replied teasingly.

"Kakashi-senpai …!" Yamato exclaimed.

"Alright, alright. Hai, I'll marry you."

And the crowd gathered around them, cheered. Yamato then slipped the ring on Kakashi's ring finger and pulled him into a tight embrace. Yamato, who didn't feel embarrassed anymore, gazed lovingly into Kakashi's eyes. However, he desperately wanted to kiss the Jounin. And so, he hesitantly reached up to pull Kakashi's mask down to kiss his ANBU senpai, but Kakashi grabbed hold of his hand and shook his head.

"Not here …" Kakashi said softly.

"Alright," Yamato replied just as softly.

And then Gai appeared and pulled them both into a manly hug. "I'm … I'm so … happy for … you!" He cried. "Aren't you Lee-kun?"

"Hai Gai-sensei!" Lee replied, tears also trickling down his cheeks. Oh Kami-sama …

And then Naruto appeared. "Uh … Yamato-taichou …" He said hesitantly.

"Hai Naruto-kun …?"

"Are you … mad at me and Sai-kun?"

"Well, sort of …"

Naruto frowned slightly.

"Let me explain. I'm mad at you and Sai-kun because you tricked me. However, I'm also proud of you both because, not only did you manage to deceive me, which let me tell you isn't an easy thing to do … You also gave me a push in the right direction. If it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't be here now, holding the man I love in my arms …"

"That's so cute!" Gai sobbed, tightening his grip on the couple, so that he was almost squeezing the life out of Yamato and Kakashi.

"Uh … Gai-sensei …" Naruto interrupted the spirited Jounin.


"I think … you should let … go of them now … Uh … before they turn blue."

"Oh. Sumimasen!" And Gai released Kakashi and Yamato, who then had to release each other to let their circulation return to normal.

And then Tsunade, Jiraiya, Shizune, Sakura and Sai appeared.

"We're so happy for you," Sakura said cheerfully.

"Arigatou Sakura-chan," Yamato and Kakashi intoned at the same time. And they smiled. They really did make a cute couple …

"Well," Tsunade said interrupting Yamato's thoughts. "All you need to do now is get Yamato a ring, Kakashi. And then I'll perform the marriage ceremony and pronounce you husband and … husband."

Yamato hesitated a moment and then smiled. "It sounds strange, doesn't it?"

And Kakashi nodded, "it does, but in a good way, darling."

"Darling?!" Yamato exclaimed. "Let's get one thing straight. If one of us is going to be the uke around here, it's going to be you, not me, is that clear?"

"Why me?" Kakashi pouted.

"Because you might be strong, Kakashi-senpai, but I'm no push over. And if you don't agree, then I'll just imprison you in my wooden prison until you do agree."

"Sounds fun ..." Kakashi replied, smiling broadly behind his mask.

"Kakashi-senpai …"

"Alright, alright. I'll be the uke. After all, you proposed to me, not the other way around. But, in return, you have to stop calling me senpai."


"Because we're together now, that's why."

"Alright … But, what should I call you instead."

"Kakashi …?"

"I can't just call you Kakashi. I need to give you a nick-name."

"Well, I've got one for you."



Yamato smiled, "now, I like that nick-name. Alright, let's see … I've got one Kaminari-kun."

"Hmm … fitting, I like it." And they both smiled broadly. And then Naruto interrupted them,

"Make sure you have a week long honeymoon, Kakashi-sensei, Yamato-taichou." He said cheerfully, grinning broadly.

"Naze?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"Because we won't have to do boring missions for a week!"

"No chance," Tsunade added and Naruto sighed.

"Kuso …" And they all laughed.

And then Jiraiya smiled slightly, "I'm sure you two want to have some alone time."

Yamato glanced sideways at Kakashi and the Copy Ninja smiled slightly. "That'd be nice." They intoned together.

"Well then, Tsunade-sama?"

She smiled. "Go on you two. We'll see you tomorrow." And with that Kakashi and Yamato disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

"Do you think they'll be up all night?" Jiraiya asked with a smile.

"Oh, I don't know, perhaps. Want to have a bet?" And Tsunade's eyes sparkled mischievously.

"Iie. Remember the last bet you made against me?"

Tsunade sighed, "how can I forget?"

And Jiraiya smiled, "oh come on, Tsunade-sama, was our date really that bad?"

Tsunade cringed, "hai." And Jiraiya laughed.

Naruto and Sai watched with interest and then the blonde-haired shinobi turned to his new partner in crime.

"Well, that went well, didn't it?"

"Hai," Sai replied simply.

"I think we should do it again."

"Do you have someone in mind?"

"Hai …" And Naruto's eyes started to sparkle, and he smiled broadly.

"Who did you have in mind?" Sai asked curiously. "Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya-sama?"

Naruto shook his head. "Iie, they'd never get together in a million years."

"But look at them …"

"I know, I know. But that's just the way they are with each other. No I have someone else in mind …" And then Naruto grabbed hold of Sai's shoulder and started to search the crowd until he came across their next victim.

"Shino Aburame …" Naruto said softly, his eyes now focused on Shino.

"Kuso …" Shino muttered under his breath and then disappeared in a swirl of bugs.

"I think this target is going to be a lot tougher than our last." Naruto said softly, his hand still resting on Sai's shoulder.

"Hai," Sai replied, however this was definitely going to be fun …



Well that's it!! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! Now please, please, please review!! Arigatou gozaimasu!! ^_^