OMG! I haven't updated in forever! I'm in the mood so I'm writing.


Carlisle said nothing momentarily. The suspense was driving Harry insane. He nervously tapped his fingers on the counter situated next to him. Harry noted that Carlisle facial expression seemed a bit nervous, which was uncommon in a vampire.

"Just keep an open mind, Harry." Esme walked slowly into the room.

Harry stared at the couple. What could it possibly be?

"Vampires are eternal for one reason and that is to find their true mate." Carlisle informed slowly.

"Like you and her." Harry motioned to the couple in front of him.

Carlisle shook his head.

"While Esme will always be the love of my life, she is not my true mate."

And then it all hit Harry, slapped him in the face like a rouge bludger. They wouldn't be discussing true mates if Edward hadn't just found his, Harry.

"No, no, no." Harry backed away. "That can't be right. It's Ce-Edward. Isn't his true mate supposed to be a girl?" He asked frantically.

Carlisle shook his head. Just the answer Harry was expecting. He wasn't sure why he even asked the question.

"It's not gender discriminating, Harry." Carlisle informed, "A vampire must taste his true mate's blood, he or she instantly has to project it out of their system. It is a very rare occurrence, Harry. Nearly all vampires never find their this mate."

Harry pondered this for a moment.

"So none of you have found yours?" Harry bit his lip nervously.

Both of their heads shook. He wondered why he was asking questions he already knew the answer to. Harry's head was swimming. What did it mean? And did Edward know this already?

"Is it common knowledge with all vampires?"

Esme nodded, "Most of them."

Basically, Edward did know. Harry wondered what he thought about the whole thing.

"We would really appreciate you staying, Harry. A vampire almost never has this opportunity. It would mean a lot to Edward." Esme's sweet and calming voice had a certain eagerness to it.

Harry stared at the pair. They couldn't honestly expect Harry to just drop everything to stay with Edward. Harry didn't ask for this, he didn't ask to be the mate of Cedric Diggory, or Edward. Whoever he was.

"Either way, he's going to seek you out." Alice was suddenly in the room, "And Edward is a fairly decent tracker."

Esme swatted the clairvoyant vampire for the comment.

"There is no need to threaten him." She told Alice.

Alice shrugged, "Well, it's true. He needs to know."

At that moment, out of the corner of his eye, Harry caught sight of Edward leaning against the window outside, watching them. Carlisle's eyes followed the path of Harry's. He noticed Edward too.

"His instinct is to watch over you, to make sure nothing happens." Carlisle told Harry.

This was too much for Harry. He didn't want to have a mate, much less a male one. He wasn't gay. And eventually, he would die and leave Edward alone. Eternal life would be almost too much for Harry. What would the magic community say? But then again, when did he care what they thought?

"Can I sleep on it?" Harry was tired, it seemed as if his magic needed to heal. After all, he hopped continents and apparition was not known to be capable of that.

Esme and Carlisle nodded. Esme motioned for Harry to follow her. They ended up back in Edward's room. Harry became uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping here.

"Esme, are you sure Edward won't mind?" Harry asked.

She laughed, "We don't sleep, Harry. For at least one night, he can occupy his time somewhere else. And you don't have to worry about another bite. He would tear the limbs off someone who tried."

Harry's hand instinctively went to the wound on his neck. He thanked Merlin for venin de piatra as he lay on the makeshift palet Esme created for him to sleep on. Surprisingly, he fell asleep with ease.

It wasn't long before he woke up, but he didn't open his eyes. He could feel someone in the room. Esme checking on him? Doubtful, vampires could sense anything wrong in their own home. It was more than likely Edward, watching him.

"They train me to know when someone, especially a vampire, is in close proximity." Harry said without opening his eyes.

He heard Edward shift position slightly. He was quiet for a few moments.

"I can't help it." He breathed lightly.

Edward's tone was less stone cold and harsh as it had been before the incident. Harry wondered if the connection they had was magical or natural. Did Edward instantly feel connected or had he thought and accepted it over the past few hours? Harry wasn't feeling anything. He was having mixed feelings. Sure, he could allow Edward to be around all the time, but he wondered if the relationship would have to be intimate. Harry had always been attracted to women and didn't think he could cross to the other side.

"Carlisle let the cat out of the bag?" Edward didn't move from the corner of his room.

"Yeah…he did."


You guys like? What would you like to see happen next? Give me lots of reviews! Tell me what you think!