Hello everyone, I'm back! First off thank you to all the people who sent me messages asking me to make a sequal to 'Through Azure Eyes' it really lit a fire under my butt and I worked out a plot and new events for the story. This is obviously the sequal to through azure eyes and as such a lot of the orginal characters that were originally presented will be coming up once again. (in fact as you will see, Daniel is in a lot of this first chapter) if you want you can read the little bio i have on them in my profile. Like before this story will be following Musa through her second year at Alfea. I had a lot of fun dreaming up this season becasue of all the stuff that happens to her and all the potential drama i can stir up (jared!) and a few other characters. I am enkeeping with the plot of the show and most of the script and adding in a bunch of stuff just for Musa.

Hope you like it!

Back to School

"You know sophomore means wise fool," (1) Daniel said as he looked at the many pictures Musa had pinned to her corkboard, examining them as if he were committing them to memory. But he did not seem to be too interested in the people he didn't know. His eyes continued to wander the clutter of photos before looking back up at Musa as she put the finishing touches on her room.

"You realize that you're a sophomore too," Musa said as she threw an old teddy bear onto her bed. She gave a contented sigh as she looked around her dorm room and saw that it was completely furnished – well her side anyway- and ready for her to live in.

"I know," Daniel defended looking back at the corkboard as he continued to look at the people Musa had befriended at Alfea. He had met most of the people that were in these pictures, probably because half of them were their mutual friends; the others were the people Daniel had met the year before when he had come to visit Musa at Alfea, with the exception of a few people that didn't look the least bit familiar to him. "I'm just trying to make conversation; it's so quiet in here,"

"I swear the letter said sophomore move in was at 1," Musa said as she turned and walked over to Daniel. She had arrived on the campus over an hour ago, thinking she was right on time to move in, but when she got there she only saw a bunch of freshman moving in their things. She had been so anxious to move in that she had arranged for her things to be set up before she got there so she only had to set up the smaller things.

"It's no big deal," The prince had offered to help Musa move back into her room since they were in Magix anyway. "You finished early so now we can hang out for awhile,"

"Cause we haven't been doing that all summer," Musa pointed out as she and Daniel began to walk out of her room and through the halls of the newly remodeled school. While most of the interior stayed the same, Musa had noticed a veil made of magical doves was covering what she could assume was the new bell tower to replace the one that had fallen the year before during the witch invasion.

"What? Are you getting tired of me now?" Daniel said mocking hurt. They really had spent the entire summer together since they had gone to Wizardapalooza together and Musa even got to perform. It lasted a month and after that they spent their time jetting off to one vacation spot after another. Musa's summers were always eventful.

"It hasn't happened in the last 16 years, so I don't think it will be happening anytime soon…or ever," The two continued through the hallways of Alfea until they reached the quad. She looked around with happiness and gave a contented sigh and leaned on best friend as they walked, while she wasn't ready for the summer to end, being back at Alfea gave her the best feeling. "Isn't it amazing here?"

"Looks like something straight out of a storybook," Daniel teased. He was more used to palatial look of his prep school. Devon Prepatory was modeled in a more gothic tradition. It has high bell towers and ornately decorated carvings in it's marble construction. The school had originally been a castle that was used by Harmonic royalty before the capital city was changed to what it is now. Devon prided itself on being a school of history and sophistication. It was easily seen when you entered the larger than life foyer.

"Shut up," Musa pushed Daniel away for a second before he walked back up to her and put his arms around her shoulders. "I love this school,"

"You know I'm only kidding," He defended as the two made their way out of the school and onto the freshly mowed grounds of the campus. "How about we explore Magix while I'm here, I've still got a few hours to kill before I need to get back,"

"Uhh yeah," Musa said unsure of when everyone would be arriving back to school. Everyone was going to be moving in at some point today, that she wasn't sure when. She had actually been in Magix for a few days now with Daniel and they had been hanging out. She had also finished moving in way before any of her friends arrived so there was ample time for her to go to Magix with Daniel. "I've got time,"

As they began to walk towards the front gate Musa and Daniel both heard their names from behind. "Musa? Daniel?" Musa turned around to see a fairy with platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes, for a second she couldn't believe she was looking at who she was looking at.

"Galatea?" Musa spat out still not sure if the person she was looking at was really who she thought it was. She hadn't seen Galatea in years, but she any doubts she had about the identity of the fairy vanished when she saw one of the two diamond necklaces her grandmother passed on to her only two grandchildren. Musa owned the other necklace. "What are you doing here?" Musa said in a defensive tone, not realizing how mean she sounded.

"What Musa means is, how are you," Daniel cut in, trying to keep the surprise out of his face since Musa was not doing a very good job at it, and gave her a hug. He hadn't seen the princess in a long time either, not that he minded, Galatea wasn't his favorite person.

"I'm great!" Galatea said a bit uncomfortably feeling the awkwardness of the conversation. "I'm attending Alfea now; well obviously why else would I be here? Well I guess I could be here to see you, but I haven't seen you in years so you might think something happened. But nothing did so….how are you?"

"Good," Musa said with the overwhelming desire to run away and leave Daniel to talk to her so that she could go hide somewhere. This was drama that she was really not ready to deal with. "So you're a freshman here now?"

"Uhh yeah, I thought why not come to Alfea," She explained. "I mean it's the, you know, big fairy school thing,"

"Yeah," Musa agreed as she looked down to her feet and began to dig a small hole in the dirt with the tip of her foot. "That's why I came here,"

"Yeah….," Galatea said before swiftly changing the conversation to Daniel. "So Daniel are you going to Red Fountain now?"

Daniel laughed at the very thought and rejoined the conversation. "No actually, but the thought that I would follow Musa anywhere she went is so comforting,"

"Well, we have to go to lunch," Musa said trying her best to get out of the incredibly uncomfortable situation.

"Oh, okay," Galatea said and before she could say anything else, Musa and Daniel were well on their way to the limo.

With the settled Musa and Daniel hopped in the limo that had been carting them around all week. Daniel decided to take Musa to lunch at the same place they had lunch together when he had come to visit for the day of the rose, the day that everything went to hell the year before. Of coarse it was a new school year and the events that played out the year before were less than likely to happen once again.

Lunch had passed and conversation shifted from everything from the tour they had gone on to trying to figure out a way Daniel would sneak in and out of his castle without seeing his father before he went back to school. And as the hours passed the two realized that Daniel had a plane to catch and Musa had a school to get back to. "Can you believe Galatea is going to Alfea," Daniel said as the two sat in the car on the way to Magix international airport, addressing the elephant in the room – or in this case the limo.

"It's unbelievable," Musa said curtly as she watched the buildings pass by.

"Do you remember when we were 7 and she convinced you that boys had cooties? You guys made that clubhouse and Nate and I had to sit outside with the nannies because we would infect the place with boy germs," Daniel recalled with a bit of disdain in his voice. "What a bitch,"

"Daniel!" Musa chastised. "You don't think her coming to Alfea has an agenda behind it do you?"

"You don't?" Daniel questioned. This was definitely a power play from Galatea's family and it was probably meant as some type of warning or otherwise. "Come on Musa, you know you're family as well as I do and they are just like my family. Your aunt Serena is sending a message, I mean why else would Galatea leave Stiveson Academy and come here?"

"Maybe she liked the school too," Musa said knowing how ridiculous that sounded after hearing Daniel's argument. "What the hell is going on this was supposed to be a good year," she complained as she laid her head back against the plush leather interior of the limo. "Why does this stuff keep happening to me?"

"Oh yes give me the family drama speech," Daniel said with a groan making Musa look at him. "My father hates me and I'm pretty sure my mom thought I was the help the last time she was at the castle. I always win this one so stop trying,"

"What am I going to do?" Musa asked her tone becoming serious. "I have no idea how I am supposed to be handling this, do I just start talking to her now? Its been almost ten years, should we just go back and start making forts out of cashmere sweaters and blankets?"

"I don't know about the whole fort thing," Daniel said as the limo came to a stop at the private hanger where his jet was waiting for him to take him back to Crescendo where is father would give him his 'don't embarrass the family this year at school' talk. "But everything else, talk to her if you want to and if you don't then treat her like anyone else at Alfea. Just because she's being thrown in you're face doesn't mean you two have to become best friends again like when we were kids. Personally, I don't know if I could trust her if she came to Alfea willingly, it sounds a bit too convenient," Musa nodded

"Thanks Daniel," Musa said as the two got out of the car and began to walk onto the landing strip. They walked over to the steps that led up to the steps that led up to the jet's entrance door. Musa then wrapped her arms around Daniel and rested her head against his chest.

"Limo will take you back to Alfea," Daniel said in her ear quietly as they began to pull away. Musa smiled, he was one of the people in her life that she could truly trust and that would always have her best interest at heart. "I'll try to dig some stuff up on what ever is going on when I get back to the castle, I'm sure my dad will know something,"

"No don't," Musa insisted, she knew how much Daniel hated talking to his father since their talks usually ended in an argument that led his father telling him about how disappointed he was in his son. "It's really not that big a deal,"

"No don't worry about it," Daniel assured. "It won't be a big deal, trust me,"

"Thank you," Musa said giving Daniel a grateful kiss on the cheek. "Call me when you land," Daniel nodded as Musa got back into the limo as she watched Daniel get on his jet. She couldn't help but feel a little pain in her heart, she had spent so much time with him and all of her friends over the summer and now it was over and it was a little depressing.

Musa got back to Alfea and walked onto the campus to many familiar faces walking around with bags and luggage. She began to walk faster towards the school, like a child walking to a toy store, more excited by the second with the idea that she was going to see her friends for the first time since she had left Magix for the summer.

As she around the campus she remembered that the boys had been invited to join the girls in a back to school mixer, it was a yearly tradition and Musa distinctly remembered last years mixer. It was when she realized just how messed up the witches really were and it was when she had first seen Riven, although they didn't officially meet until a week later when she and the girls had a nature class that led them through Black Mud Swamp.

She had thought about the moody specialist a few times over the summer, though they didn't really keep in touch, she wanted to but she also didn't want to seem clingy so she refrained. Plus she knew she would be seeing him when school started up again so she tried not to think about him too much. But knowing she would be seeing him in a few hours was enough to make a million butterflies start racing in her stomach.

"When did you get here?" Techna said excitedly as she walked up to her roommate and gave her a hug.

"A while ago, I read the wrong time on the letter they sent home," Musa said as she walked into her room and saw her roommate's things beginning to fill the empty part of the room, it was looking like it did the year before. "Daniel helped move me in, we've been in Magix for the past week,"

"Daniel?" Techna asked with a raised eyebrow, looking up from the laptop that she was hooking up to the printer. "I didn't know you were seeing him this summer,"

"Yeah, well actually we spent the whole summer together, on the tour. It was a blast." Musa asked as she laid back on her bed and rested her head in her arms. She looked over to Techna and saw an even more surprised look on her face. "What?"

"I didn't know the two of you were so…" Techna said at a loss for words. She knew that Daniel and Musa were friends again, but she didn't realize how close they were, probably because Musa had never really gone into too much depth about their relationship to the girls. As far as they knew, Musa had forgotten all about Riven and was back together with Daniel. Although Techna doubted that was the case. "Close,"

"Yeah," Musa said picking up on Techna's surprise. "He is like my oldest friend, and yes I said friend and I mean friend,"

"Sorry," Techna apologized. "It's just a lot can change over one summer,"

"Believe me if anything changed you guys would have known about it," Musa assured as she sat up and looked

"So nothing's changed?" Techna asked again but with a different inflection in her voice. At first Musa was confused with the question, since she had just answered it, but when she looked at her roommate's face she knew what Techna was hinting at. Riven. And when it came to Riven, Musa was pretty sure her feelings hadn't changed.

"Nope, not a thing," Musa said almost dejectedly. Techna was excited to see Timmy, they had been talking all summer, just like Bloom and Stella with their respective boys. But Musa hadn't heard from Riven all summer.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"I'm not really sure yet," Musa answered with the urge to chance the topic of conversation, but since she hadn't really kept in touch with any of the Red Fountain boys, with the exception of Brandon who had called her a few times to chat, Musa really didn't know what was going on with Red Fountain. "Speaking of the boys, where are they going to be staying, when we left Red Fountain was basically a pile of rubble,"

"Timmy told me that the new school building will be unveiled soon," Techna informed her. "But he hasn't seen it yet, until then they are staying in one of the older building that they used to use for an armory, although I'm not sure if it's safe,"

"I'm sure it is," Musa assured, they wouldn't stick students in an unsafe environment (2).

"When do they even get here, do you know?"

"I'm not really sure but it should be in the next couple of hours," Techna said. "You know Flora and Bloom have both returned as well,"

"Oh great I'll go see them," Musa walked out of her room and over through the common room and saw there were indeed boxes all lined up in the hallway outside of the room that the two shared. Musa walked through the already opened door to see Flora setting up a bunch of different planters while Bloom was making her bed.

"Musa!" Flora exclaimed happily as she ran over to hug the musical princess. "How was your summer?"

"Great how about you guys," Musa asked as she sat on Flora's bed.

"Great!" the two replied in unison. "Do you know where Stella is? I need her help with something," Bloom asked in an uncomfortable voice.

"No, I haven't seen her yet," Musa replied. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Bloom said with a sigh only to look up and see Musa and Flora's faces, obviously not buying her façade. "There was this article in Teen Fairy about Sky's family and there were some pictures of him and Diaspro, it said that they were canoodling at Lilypond in the Amptons (3) when they went on vacation together,"

"I wouldn't believe Teen Fairy," Musa told her. "They make drama because it's their job. There was an article that said that Daniel and I were engaged last year, during the time when we weren't even speaking. They have nothing better to do than report nonsense. Don't buy into it or you'll go crazy," Musa advised. She knew these types of tabloids and gossip magazines all too well, but growing up around that stuff helped her learn how to avoid all of it, and having a publicist and lawyer on retainer was also very helpful.

"Yeah," Bloom said still not convinced but there was only so much Musa could do.

"Look, you go find Stella and she'll tell you the same thing," Musa assured. "He's so into you and come on, Diaspro? If he was going to cheat on you, I don't think he'd do it with someone that makes a normal person want to kill themselves,"

Bloom nodded and went off to find Stella, who would surely tell her the same thing. Flora then went to go to the dining hall to work on some of the spells she had learned over the summer. Musa then walked back down and went back outside. Just as she walked onto the quad she looked up to see a petite brunette shouting at some poor other student who was frantically picking up clothing that looked as if they had spilled out of a suitcase. Ali's clothing was in a pile on the ground and she could only guess that the girl she was yelling at was probably the one who had perpetrated the crime.

"You stupid stupid – Musa!" Ali yelled happily as the anger washed off her face when she saw Musa walking towards her and she then embraced the musical fairy. She then looked down to the fairy that was still picking up her clothing and addressed her with a stern voice. "You take my stuff up to my room and so help me god if you stained any of my couture you'll be so –,"

"Just take it upstairs before she kills you," Musa said as she knelt down and picked up the last few pieces of clothing that were on the ground and handed them off to the girl who them ran off in a hurry to do as she was told. "Establishing your power early?"

"Of coarse she is," Musa and Ali turned to see Whitney walking towards them with a large tote bag in her hand. "Would we have it any other way,"

"Our power," Ali corrected as the two walked to the steps that led up to the main entrance and took a seat. "Turns out that a lot of the fairies found out about our little power play with Karen last year and nobody dares to mess with me or you for that matter,"

"Lovely," Musa said sarcastically with a sigh. "Now people are scared ot me? I was just getting revenge, which was totally just since Karen basically set out to ruin my life," Musa defended, not that she needed to since she was talking to Ali.

"Okay maybe not scared, just respectful," Ali cooed. "They're very different things, respect is good,"

"That's true," Whitney added.

"Sure," Musa said not too convinced making a mental note to try not to get into anymore drama with anyone. "So how was your summer?"

"Good, had some fun and got a tan," Ali answered. "I'm excited to get back though, my parents were keeping me under lock and key it's so annoying. How about you? You had you're big tour this summer, how did it go?"

"Great, I learned a lot about music it was so cool," Musa said. "It was so amazing, I got to meet everyone that my dad would never even let me talk to and the parties after were really cool. It was probably the best summer ever," Musa gushed; her summer really had been the best she could remember. And even though she had to hide it from her father, she didn't even feel guilty, Daniel had convinced her that she had every right to be happy and it just so happened that singing and music made her happy.

"Well then play us a little something," Whitney challenged in a playful tone. "Since you had such an amazing learning experience,"

Musa accepted the challenge and conjured the saxophone and began to play a song that she had played on one of the last nights of the tour. A few seconds in she heard Bloom call out to her. "Where's that tune from, it's cool,"

"Thanks that one's from the improv realm," Musa said and then continued to play. She stopped a few minutes later and realized that she had yet to get ready and the guys would be here soon. "Okay well enough of your free concert, I need to go get ready before the mixer starts,"

While Musa was never really the type of girl to freak out about how she looked, she felt a particular anxiety about what she was going to wear today, no doubt she wanted to impress Riven, but then she didn't want to seem like she was trying to hard. With a heavy sigh Musa continued to sort through her wardrobe looking for something suitable to wear, every now and again hearing Stella throw a fit because she had also not figured out what she was wearing. Of coarse Musa let no one know about her worries to look appealing, after all she wasn't going to let her ego get bruised once again by the same guy. If anything did happen with Riven then so be it and if not, she refused to let an ordeal like last's years occur once again. Finally deciding on a fitted top with low rise jeans, that showed off her petite waist just enough without being too much, Musa looked in the mirror and began her way back to the quad to meet Stella and the rest of the girls as they anxiously awaited the boys to arrive.

"Ugh where is Bloom?" Stella complained. The entire Winx Club had assembled in the quad, minus one Bloom. It was rather ironic that she was the one that everyone would be waiting on, but today Bloom was even more on edge about "I want us all to be together when the boys arrive, I have a theory that beauty enhances beauty. If I'm surrounded by the four of you I'll look four times as beautiful, she'll ruin it all."

"Don't worry Stella you look good," Flora assured.

"Good is not good enough," Stella demanded angrily. "One should never settle when it comes to beauty potential,

"Hi girls," Bloom said as she ran over to the Winx Club, hopping along the path as she put on her other shoe. "Sorry I'm late,"

"Why were you late, you're not still obsessing over that tabloid article about Sky are you," Stella asked.

"Maybe I was doing some realm wide web research, but I'm over it now," Bloom said not sounding too convincing and from the look on her face it was pretty obvious that it was still bothering her. "Like you said Stella, why would anyone want to cheat on me?"

"You don't sound so sure,"

"I am," Bloom demanded angrily as she turned around." Check my skirt I just go it,"

"The boys will be here soon," Flora said looking down at her watch.

"I know," Musa said feeling the excitement coarse through her. She had spoken to Brandon the day before since she was already in Magix and because the boys moved in a couple days before the girls did. "In fact they're gonna race here,"

"Let's check it out," Flora said as she, Techna and Musa walked over to the front gate and awaited the boys to arrive.

"Riven is gonna win for sure," (4) Musa said confidently. While she hadn't spoken to Riven all summer, they had a short conversation while they were at prom at the end of the last year and she had learned that he was going to leva bike camp for the summer. Although Musa didn't know much more than that about Riven, which made her wonder for a second as to why she was so excited to see him. They hardly ever talked and she spent most of last year hating, liking and being angry at him all the same time, while still attempting to mask those feelings.

"I don't think Stella would agree with that," Flora said quietly.

"Yeah it's gonna be Brandon," Stella agreed as she and all the other girls looked out into the forest and the path that led into it.

Just then a low roar of leva bikes began to grow louder. Musa looked out into the distance to see three leva bikes racing towards Alfea, all three looking as if they were lines up with each other. Finally, the boys had made it to the finish line with Riven leading the way and Sky bringing up the rear.

"And Riven wins," Flora said softly over Stella's whining.

"Well he did go to leva bike camp this summer," Musa said with a laugh. She then looked over to Riven who had just taken off his helmet.

"I won, looks like you guys will have to do all my chores this week," Riven bragged in victory. Musa thought about walking over to Riven's bike and greeting him, like Stella and Bloom had with Sky and Brandon, but instead she stood with Techna and Flora.

Shy wouldn't be a word that Musa would use to describe herself, she tended to conform with her environment and she could make new friends pretty quickly, though it did take her awhile to really trust a person. But when it came to guys Musa was not very extroverted. The only other guy that she really felt something for was Daniel and he was the one to initiate their relationship. And Musa knew Riven was not the kind of guy to simply kiss her out of the blue like Daniel had when she had begun her relationship with him. Needless to say she wasn't the best when it came to the beginning of a relationship.

Musa and Riven instead looked at each other and exchanged smiles from a short distance. Over the summer she had questioned her feelings towards Riven, but then she saw him and doubt just washed away. She had tried to figure out what kind of hold he had on her but one thing was for sure, it wasn't loosening in the least. Just as she was about to wave to him a large shadow cast over the group. She looked up to see the boys' squad ship. "That's Timmy he upgraded the squad ship over the summer," Sky explained as the entire group looked up at the massive craft.

"He made significant modifications, he emailed me about them over the summer with all the details," Techna said excitedly. "Very nice,"

Sitting on the same steps that Musa was just on when she performed her saxophone solo for Ali and Whitney. Musa had taken a seat next to Riven and just as she was going to break the ice, Riven turned to her and spoke with softness in his voice, something Musa was not used to from him. "How was the tour?" He asked, his violet eyes making her melt.

"Great, I learned a lot and you know there was some fun involved," Musa said beaming/ "I would ask how camp was, but the race pretty much covers it,"

"Yeah," Riven said with a laugh and Musa then saw something that she wasn't used to seeing either. A smile. While Riven's signature smirks or scowls were sexy in their own right, his smile was nothing less than dreamy.

"I believe style is change," Stella interrupted before Riven could continue the conversation. It was clear from the looks on both of their faces that they didn't appreciate the interruption. "Change is good. Hint, hint Riven."

Musa couldn't help but let out a giggle before turning her face to a more composed look. While Riven didn't seem to appreciate the comment that the princess of Solaria made, but he didn't take her bait and say some snide comment back which was even more surprising for the princess. He was full of them today. He did however comment dryly at her attempt at humor. "Funny"

"I mean, look at Timmy. He looks so much better in his new sweatshirt." Stella said now moving onto Techna and Timmy to pick on. Musa was never really sure if Stella knew how hurtful the things she said could be to some people but she never hesitated to put the princess in her face whenever she even tried to make her feel bad.

"Well, Techna picked it out and sent it too me this summer." Timmy said shyly, obviously not taking

"Yeah," Techna agreed.

"One small change can make a world of difference, Musa." Stella said moving on to Musa, not that she didn't see this coming.

"I am not gonna changing my pig tails," Musa told her sternly but with a smile and absolutely no venom in her voice, she figured when Stella didn't get a reaction she would stop, but she was wrong. "They were all the rage at Wizard-pa-looza."

"Yeah and they make you look like you're going to pre school,"

"Well you're clothing makes you look like you're going to go work the streets, so maybe a little change wouldn't hurt you," Musa said sweetly being sure to put Stella in her place. She heard Riven desperately stifling a laugh while everyone else, except Bloom and Sky who were in their own little world, looked with some surprise. Flora however rolled her eyes as if she were expecting this to happen when Stella opened her mouth. It much to her surprise, Stella took it, probably because Stella had nothing left to say.

"You two are starting the bickering early this year," Flora said disappointedly not wanting to play mother hen to the two, just as Ali walked up to the group.

"Ms. Faragonda wants everyone to assemble in the quad, she's going to reveal the new tower that was rebuilt," Ali said and then looked over to Musa, who had now scooted over closer to Riven and then raised her eyebrow, she then swiftly turned around and began to lead the group over to where Faragonda had assembled the school.

"Fairies of Alfea and heroes of Red Fountain, I would like to welcome you all back to Alfea and back to the school year. I hope you all use this year to your fullest potential," Ms. Faragonda said to the students as she walked up the steps of the school. "I would also like to say thank you for coming to our back to school mixer. What a great start to the year. After last years witch invasion the school had to under go major remodeling," Ms. Faragonda continued as she looked over to the tower that was covered by the magical doves.

"In a moment we will unveil the new wing which we've named in honor of a very brave fairy. We would not be here without her. Bloom, my dear, would you please join me up here."

Musa looked over to the fairy in question and saw Bloom's eyes widened with surprise at the recognition. "Me?"

"What are you waiting for?" Musa asked as she got behind Bloom and began to push Bloom towards the stage. "Go take a bow."

"Hold on a second," Stella then promptly removed the head band Bloom had one letting her hair loose. "Perfect, now stand up straight and remember to smile. Your smile is your most outstanding feature."

Bloom walked about half a step before turning back around and looking at her fiends. "You girls all have to come up there with me, we all beat the witches together."

"You sure?"

"Come on. Let's do it Winx Club!" Bloom cheered rather loudly and waved to her friends that soon followed after her. Musa walked onto the platform where all the teachers and Ms. Faragonda were and waved at her fellow students, now quite sure what do from there.

"And now let's unveil our new dragonfire wing," Ms. Faragonda said as she queued the magical doves to fly away. "Release the magical doves!"

The tower looked remarkably like the tower that was destroyed, but it was nice to have the entire school looking like it was supposed to. The tower was now going to have a large potions lab on the bottom floor and then on the top would be a large observatory equipped with telescopes to look out at the different galaxies.

"So dance team isn't doing anything for the back to school mixer?" Sky asked Musa. The group had taken a seat at one of the tables that had been set up for the back to school mixer. "That's too bad, it's usually a good performance,"

"No there was that whole witch thing last year, so we couldn't have any practice," Ali said as she walked up the group, answering the question that was originally meant for the Harmonic princess, and took a seat next to Musa right before Riven could. Like Stella, Ali and Riven didn't exactly get along. She didn't like his attitude; she thought him to be too arrogant and rude; which he was. But Musa could see past that and she knew there was more and with time Ali would see it too.

"I was hoping we could put something together," Musa said a bit regretfully, pushing the food on her plate from one side to the other. The food was actually really good today, the school had it the affair catered, but Musa was not really hungry right now. The day had been pretty eventful. "But there really was no time, maybe the next big event,"

"Well that should be the re-opening of Red Fountain," Timmy stated. The boys were all looking forward to seeing their new school, but there was a certain bittersweet feeling to it since the other building had been around for centuries and withstood countless battles. Not to mention it was home to a lot of the students that went there.

"Actually I think it's gonna be the first pep rally we have for our girls soccer team," Musa said.

"Yeah do you guys know what the new school is going to look like?" Stella asked as she laid her head along Brandon's arm.

"No, its going to be a surprise," Sky answered. "So were homeless till them," he joked.

"Speaking of surprises," Ali said as she stood up and tapped Musa on her shoulder and signaled her to get up and follow her. "The girls need to talk to you,"

Musa nodded and excused herself from the table. She walked over to where most of the girls from the dance team were assembled. They were now missing a few members since the seniors had graduated the year before and it was usually their job to get new members before the year let out but there were a few exceptions. One was if there was a huge problem with the school, like say if there was an army made of rotting flesh. "We need three new girls for the team and we need them in like a couple of days," Whitney said.

"So what are we going to do?" Musa asked before remembering that in the midst of her war with Karen the year before that she had become the captain of the team. "Oh right, that's my decision,"

"Yeah and we kinda need one soon because we need to start getting our next few routines together," Tessa, another member of the team said, the golden haired fairy looked a little more cross than anyone else. "So what's the plan, cappie?"

Musa, not too pleased with the nickname that the fairy had given her, gave her a look before answering. "We can have tryouts beginning tomorrow, tell everyone you know," Musa began trying to think of how she could prepare a routine to teach to other girls and then have tryouts and pick the new team. "And we'll give the girls a day to learn the routine and then we can go back and judge them the next day or better we teach them in the morning and they should have it done by nighttime,"

"You expect a good turn out on one day's notice?" Tessa asked skeptically, obviously not too excited about Musa taking the lead. "That is not gonna happen,"

"Well it's gonna have to cause there is no time between now and our first scheduled performance so how about you stop complaining and help," Musa spat out, this is not what she wanted to deal with on her first day back to school. "Look we have the entire school here right now, just talk to the everyone and hopefully we'll get 10 or 15 girls and that should be good enough, we only need three or four,"

"Fine," Tessa said as she walked away and the rest of the dance team began to disperse.

"I'm not doing too well at this whole captain thing," Musa sighed. She and Ali were the only ones now left of the dance team still standing in the spot where they had their impromptu meeting. "Of coarse it's not like I asked for it," Musa said looking at Ali with steel in her eyes.

"What!?" Ali asked defensively. "It's not like you were begging to abdicate,"

"The plan was for you to stay as the captain and then make Karen cry,"

"Well you were the one with the vendetta," Ali pointed out. "So it only fits that you…I don't even know where I was going with this…"

"Point is, this is all your fault,"

Ali would have shot back some smart reply but for the life of her she couldn't think of a thing. "Just go away,"

"Fine," Musa said crossing her arms as she began to walk back to her table. She then turned around and stopped Ali from walking away. "But can you please tell people to come to the try outs, I really don't want to be sitting there and no one shows up. The girls would be so pissed with me," Ali smiled and nodded as she walked away to spread the word about the try outs.

"Do any of you girls want to join the Alfea dance team?" Musa asked as soon as she got back to her table and took the only empty seat that just happened to be next to Riven. "Or know anyone that can somewhat follow a beat?"

"I've got two left feet," Flora said honestly. "Sorry,"

"Well I'm pretty smooth on the dance floor," Sky admitted in a joking matter. "In fact I might be able to teach you a thing or two,"

"And by a thing or two you mean tripping and falling," Musa quipped back. "Right?"

"Why?" Bloom asked. Musa knew that it wasn't the best idea to ask them to try out considering she had seen most of them dance it was pretty awful, but she was desperate.

"Ugh random junk with the dance team girls," Musa explained. "We need a few girls to replace the ones that graduated last year and I need them by tomorrow,"

"Good luck, I'll ask around," Stella offered before escorted to the dance floor by Brandon. Sky soon followed suit with Bloom and then Timmy took Techna to the new squad ship leaving Flora Musa and Riven sitting awkwardly together at the table.

"I think I'm going to go…" Flora began unable to think of a good reason to leave the table. She didn't want to say the prospect of being a third wheel was appealing and she knew Musa would kill her if she said she wanted to leave the two of them alone, so she said the first thing she could think of. "Water a plant,"

Musa watched as her friend walked away and began to laugh at the situation she was just put in. She looked over to Riven, who sat silent in his place and then looked over to her. "And then there were two," she said with a laugh. "Almost as if they planned this,"

"Of coarse they did," Riven said in a sarcastic manner that was meant to make the princess laugh or at least cut the obvious tension between them, but of coarse the words didn't come out the way he meant them to and they only served to offend her.

"Sorry to be such bad company," Musa said with a roll of her eyes keeping any anger out of her voice, she didn't want him to know that he had the power to offend her so easily. Even though the fact of the matter was that she wanted him to like her so desperately. The princess began walking away in an attempt to keep from letting him see how insulted she was just as she did so, she was stopped by something that she really had not expected.

"Sorry," Riven said from his seat as he turned around to face her and even though she wanted to keep walking away, she reveled in the fact that he had made some attempt to be nice to her. God you're pathetic Musa thought to herself as she began to walk back over to him. Just as she got back to her original place next to him, Riven attempted to be funny again, and just like before he was a bit off mark. "Don't you think you're being a bit overly sensitive?"

"If you're wondering why so few people can stand to be around you," Musa sniped with cross look on her face that made Riven want her even more. "This is it," Before Riven could get another word out of his mouth Musa stomped off, clearly upset, leaving Riven alone again, the specialist couldn't help but smile however. She was the cutest thing when she was angry.

The mixer continued as most dances and get together with the boys from Red Fountain usually did. Of coarse this year there weren't as many planned festivities since most of the clubs and organization committees had basically become a big mess after the witch invasion and were now beginning come together and become organized.

The hours passed quickly and before she knew it the sun was beginning to set and the mixer was nearing it's end. "Thanks for coming guys," Stella said as she waved to the ship as if took off and blew a kiss over to Brandon who had taken the wheel with Timmy. "Great party!"

"That was fun," Musa said with a contented sigh. Although there really wasn't much time for her to talk to the person she really wanted to talk to, Musa figured that she would have plenty of time later to talk to him.

"Bloom, I sense a strange disturbance," Flora turned just as the girls had turned to go back into the dorm. She looked around suspiciously as if something were approaching.

"Where?" Bloom asked not listening to whatever Stella was going on about.

"It's coming from the east woods,"

Musa automatically began to focus on what Flora was sensing. She began to her the faint sound of footsteps stepping on dead leaves, walking through the woods slowly. "I hear something, someone or something is coming here, slowly,"

"Look!" Bloom said pointing into the woods. Musa looked out into the woods to see a shadowy figure stumbling out of the woods. The girl who finally stepped out from the shadows was just about their height but she didn't look like she was okay. Her eyes were filled with tears and her clothes were torn and her face and body was filled with patches of blood, scratches, and dirt. Whatever happened to her, it wasn't good. Musa immediately walked over to her, following Bloom.

"Hey are you okay?" Bloom asked as she approached the girl slowly. Musa was also very cautious with her approach. While she was sure the witches were locked away for good, her freshman year had taught her to be very wary about who she let into her life. But just as Bloom asked if the girl was okay, her eyes closed slowly and she fell to the ground.

"Is she okay bloom?" Musa stood behind Bloom looking at the fairy with concern no longer unsure if she was a threat or not. This girl needed help right away.

"I upgraded my PBA, I'll have it do a magi-scan," Techna said letting out here ladybug scanner thing and allowing it to scan over the limp body. "She's a princess from the realm of Tides," Techna informed a few seconds later.

"Come on please wake up," Bloom and Flora are knelt down by Layla while Musa continued to look at her, not remembering that there were highly trained medical personal inside the school and they could have easily called one of them before the girl went septic and stopped breathing.

Of coarse, none of the girls thought of that and instead their attention went to something that had fallen out of the princess's hood. Musa looked at the baby pixie that had fallen to the ground although it didn't seem to bother the baby as it was still fast asleep.

"What is that," Stella said with some disgust in her voice, although she didn't look upset.

"Aww, it's a baby pixie," Bloom corrected quickly as she walked over to it and gently picked it up off the ground. The baby pixie was pretty cute. "She's so sleepy,"

For a few seconds, Bloom looked as if she were in deep thought. "This is just like the physic said, a fairy with long flowing hair would have a sleepy baby pixie,"

"What else did she say," Musa said before wondering when Bloom had seen a psychic and where she could have seen one, but not giving it another thought, she continued to listen to what Bloom had to say.

"She said that there's gonna be adventure and darkness like we've never seen before,"

"Of coarse there is," Musa said with a sigh. "Why wouldn't there be?"

"Guys maybe we should get her inside," Flora said with growing concern. The fairy didn't look like she was fairing too well and her face was going very pale.

"Yeah, come on," Musa put on of the fairy's arms around her shoulder while flora did the same and the two then picked her up and quickly got her to Ophelia's office.

The girls didn't get much information as to what was wrong with the princess but Ms. Faragonda and Ophelia looked very concerned when they were examining her. No matter what hey did they couldn't get her to wake up and they had begun a multitude of spell regimens when the girls were told to go back to their rooms and get some sleep before their first day of classes.

"Do you think that girl will be okay," Techna asked right before she went into the shower. Everyone was pretty worried about her considering she had just walked out of the wilderness with a pixie and she looked like she had just been attacked by a pack of wolves and the abominable snow man in a thunderstorm. "She didn't look very good,"

"Hopefully," Musa said as she laid in her bed, ready to get some sleep. "But Ms. Faragonda looked pretty worried, last time we saw that face was right before the witches attacked Alfea. We will find out in the morning so we should just let it be till then,"

"I guess you're right," Techna said realizing that the two had just switched roles. Musa was usually the impatient one that needed to know what was going on and didn't like to wait to find out and Techna was usually telling her that patience was a virtue, something she never liked hearing especially because it happened to be her aunt's favorite thing to say, next to pressing Musa to act more like a princess would act. "I'll be back soon," She finally said as she picked up her towel and her robe and headed off to the shower.

Musa nodded and pulled her blanket over her, turning to her side and closing her eyes. Just as she began to fall asleep she heard the ring to her phone go off. Musa, who couldn't ignore the sound if she tried since she had super sonic hearing, reluctantly turned back over and felt around her nightstand to find her ringing phone. "Hello?" Musa said with some irritation in her voice.

"Sounds like you had a fun day," Daniel's voice came through the phone and she smiled, while she would have loved to hang up, she couldn't do it. He hadn't done anything.

"Oh hey Daniel," Musa said forgetting that she had even seen him that day, it felt like such a long time ago. But of coarse it was a pretty eventful day. "I forgot all about you,"

"What every person wants to hear," Daniel teased. "I've arrived back at the castle, so I don't really think you're allowed to complain about your day,"

"I wasn't going to complain," Musa defended. "It's been eventful,"


"No actually but thanks for reminding me about that," Musa said. "Actually we had a party, I found out that I need to save the dance team in the next two days or I'm totally screwed and we found a girl wandering out of the wood, dazed and confused and looking like she had just been hit by a bus and then left for dead,"

"What the hell is it with Alfea," Daniel asked side stepping the fact that Musa had just told him that they had found some girl that may or may not be dead at the moment. "You really need to come back to Devon Prep, at least here we didn't have any murder mysteries,"

"Yeah well there are a few pluses here too," Musa defended. "I have a lot of good reasons to stay here too,"

"Like your loving cousin," Daniel teased.

"You never know, this could be our chance to get over all the family drama and move forward." Musa admitted. "It might be nice to rebuild the family and you never know maybe this could bring our parents to be civil again,"

"Yeah Muse I know you want this to be something great," Daniel said realistically. "But don't be surprised if it doesn't turn out that way. It's been years since you've seen her, a lot has changed,"

"It could be for the better,"

"Or for the worse," He reminded and didn't hear a quip back. He didn't want to be the barer of bad news but he knew Musa had to hear it since she tended to throw herself into things with high hopes and it would sometime lead to a big let down. "Just don't get too comfortable with that idea,"

"I won't," Musa admitted with a sigh, just as she thought her life was becoming less complicated, this happened. "But what am I supposed to do, ignore her? I'm pretty sure doing that will just make it worse,"

"Well I haven't found anything out yet about her but I'm sure that I will," Daniel assured.

"Look, I will ask around about Galatea, someone in the palace should know something,"

"Thanks," Musa said and continued to talk to the prince for a bit before finally getting back to bed. It had been a long day and a rather interesting start to another year at Alfea.

1. It's true, its' the combination of the Greek words: sophos – wise and moros – foolish; ergo, sophomore means a wise fool.

2. Unless of coarse there are psycho witches attacking

3.Much like the Hamptons, I do love the Hamptons and my family has a home in Lilypond.

4. The actual line was 'Riven will win for shigity' and I don't think any self respecting person would ever say that, and for the life of me, I could not get myself to write it. The dialogue they chose can be really annoying…

So that was chapter one! I know that the show doesn't introduce Galatea until the next season but I thought it might be fun to bring her in now. Besides I have some plans for her.

I am not even close to finished the entire story just yet, I have the skeleton of the plot and everything else made, now I simply have to write it. But, I've got all summer and plane flights seem to be the perfect time to get some writing done.

